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  • Rundskriv V-17 B/2006 (Circular V-17 B/2006 on Restoration of Church Buildings)

    The legislation brings updates to the Rent Subsidy Scheme for the restoration of Church buildings in Norway. The aim of the scheme is to provide financial support for the renovation of churches that are categorised as valuable cultural heritage. The document lays down the objectives, terms, conditions, and procedures for implementing the subsidy scheme. It also addresses the structures that will govern the application process and allocation of funds to the projects that meet political and technical requirements. The legislation outlines the eligible parameters for the renovation work to be

    Gjennomføring av opphavsrettsdirektivet (Implementation of the Copyright Directive)

    The legislation discussed in this text aims to implement the EU’s directive on copyright law within the Norwegian Copyright Act. The directive, issued as part of the EU’s efforts to protect the interests of copyright owners while also promoting the use of copyrighted works by others, looks to maintain balance between these two groups. The proposed legislation, therefore, also seeks to achieve similar balance between these interests in Norway. The legislation is of particular importance to the heritage sector, as it seeks to address copyright issues that often arise in

    Svalbardmiljøloven (The Svalbard Environmental Protection Act)

    This legislation aims to maintain the unique environment and its elements on Svalbard island, preserving flora, fauna, landscapes, cultural monuments, and wilderness. This act considers all aspects of human intervention in land use, from waste management to motorised transport and tourism. The legislation comprises several regulations, covering topics like environmental pollution and waste control, wildlife reserves, and subsidies for nature conservation. There is also a regulation for mandatory dog restraint while on the island has been enacted. The Environmental Impact Assessment and the delimitation of planning areas also hold a

    Naturoppsynsloven (The Nature Supervision Act)

    This legislative document provides a framework for the state’s nature conservation efforts. It outlines the regulatory and enforcement powers available for safeguarding natural ecosystems and biodiversity. The purpose of this law is to empower the state to control and manage natural resources and ensure sustainable usage, while also securing nature’s values for posterity. Key issues covered include monitoring, management, and enforcement of regulations aimed at preserving and protecting various natural resources. One of the main themes of this legislation is the importance of addressing the conflicting needs of conservation and

    Lov om vederlag for visning av billedkunst og kunsthåndtverk m.v. (Act on remuneration for the display of visual arts and crafts, etc.)

    The legislation is a guide for heritage professionals and enthusiasts regarding the payment of compensation for the public display of art and crafts. The document provides guidelines for the payment of compensation for the public display of artwork, including works of a photographic nature and art and crafts. Compensation is made through annual appropriations from the government budget, and institutions that receive government funding are required to compensate artists for the display of their works. The legislation sets rules for the display of public copies of artwork and crafts, and

    Arkivlov (Archives Act)

    This legislation seeks to establish a framework for preserving archives that have cultural, research, legal, or administrative significance. It aims to ensure that these archives are appropriately cared for and available for future use. This legislation outlines key principles and responsibilities for all those involved in caring for archives, be they public or private entities. The legislation has significant implications for heritage professionals and enthusiasts in ensuring that the archives are well-maintained, with specific emphasis on records of enduring cultural or historical value. The legislation emphasises the importance of good

    Kulturminnevern og planlegging etter plan­ og bygningsloven (Cultural heritage protection and planning according to planning and the Building Act)

    This legislation discusses the planning and safeguarding of cultural heritage in relation to the Norwegian Planning and Building Act. The legislation provides guidelines for local authorities and cultural heritage managers to follow in order to ensure the protection and preservation of historic buildings and sites. One of the key themes of the legislation is the need for a coordinated approach to cultural heritage preservation. This involves collaboration between local authorities and heritage experts to identify and protect buildings and areas of historical significance.Local communities are encouraged to take an active

    Pliktavleveringslova – avlvl. (The Legal Deposit Act – avlvl.)

    This legislation aims to ensure the preservation and accessibility of documents that contain information about Norwegian culture and society, for research and documentation purposes. This law stipulates that public institutions, such as libraries, archives, and museums, must offer their archives to the national collections. The main objective of this legislation is to help future generations understand Norwegian heritage, culture, and societal development, by preserving these documents as a record for those periods of time. This law focuses on ensuring that publicly available documents, such as books, newspapers, magazines, and digital

    Nye forskrifter til kulturminneloven om faglig ansvarsområde mv. delegasjon (New regulations to the Cultural Heritage Act on professional areas of responsibility, etc. delegation)

    This legislation outlines new regulations pertaining to Norway’s Cultural Heritage Act. Its purpose is to delegate responsibility for preserving cultural heritage sites to local authorities and streamline decision-making processes to ensure timely protection. The legislation establishes a comprehensive list of criteria to determine which historic sites should be preserved, including their scientific and cultural significance and any ties to local history. It also mandates that any decisions made about a site’s protection must be publicly registered and announced in local newspapers. Heritage professionals and enthusiasts will find the legislation’s focus

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