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  • Plano Estratégico Municipal da Cultura para o Concelho de Leiria (2020-2030): Volume I • Diagnóstico do Sistema Cultural e Criativo (SCC) de Leiria

    The Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture for the Municipality of Leiria covers the decade between 2020 and 2030 and is the result of a multi-stage process involving the participation of citizens. The plan is structured around five axes of strategic intervention: one community, multiple heritages; artistic and creative Leiria; Leiria, a laboratory of citizenship; openness and global dialogue; and diverse and collaborative territories. This first volume of the strategic Plan presents a diagnosis of the cultural and creative system of Leiria, which was based on documentary and statistical analyses and

    Plano Estratégico Municipal da Cultura para o Concelho de Leiria (2020-2030): Volume II · Estratégia Cultural e Plano de Ação 2021-30

    The Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture for the Municipality of Leiria covers the decade between 2020 and 2030 and is the result of a multi-stage process involving the participation of citizens. The plan is structured around five axes of strategic intervention: one community, multiple heritages; artistic and creative Leiria; Leiria, a laboratory of citizenship; openness and global dialogue; and diverse and collaborative territories. Following a phase of diagnosis and data collection, the second volume of the plan focuses on drawing up the vision and strategic objectives for culture in Leiria,

    Strategia “Cahul –capitala cultural-creativă a Republicii Moldova, 2022-2030”

    This comprehensive report provides a detailed overview of the cultural development strategy for the city of Cahul in Moldova, offering valuable insights into the city’s initiatives and plans for enhancing its cultural landscape. It outlines a strategic vision for modernizing cultural infrastructure, fostering international cultural relations, and promoting creative entrepreneurship. It delves into the city’s efforts to ensure access to cultural activities for all citizens and highlights the significance of international cultural events hosted by Cahul, such as the “Nufărul Alb” Festival and the “Faces of Friends” music festival. Moreover,

    Plano Estratégico Municipal Cultura Torres Novas 2030

    The Torres Vedras Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 is a comprehensive roadmap developed through a participatory process led by the University of Minho that aims to contribute to the development of culture in Torres Novas. Through a comprehensive methodology, 27 objectives were identified and categorised into 9 strategic goals across 3 axes, derived from a SWOT analysis conducted during collaborative sessions. The objectives aim to enhance sustainability in cultural policies, improve communication processes, and diversify funding mechanisms for cultural development. Emphasising the integration of environmental sustainability policies in cultural

    Plano Estratégico Municipal Cultura Guarda 2030

    The Strategic Municipal Plan for Culture Guarda 2030 is a comprehensive roadmap developed through a participatory process led by the University of Minho. It aims to address cultural dynamics, events, and preferences in the Guarda region, emphasising the importance of enhancing cultural participation and communication. The plan identifies key challenges such as low cultural engagement, the significance of popular cultural events, and the necessity for improved cultural communication in rural areas. Gender disparities in cultural activities and the impact of online cultural consumption during the Covid-19 pandemic were also highlighted.

    Strategia Rozwoju Miasta Łodzi 2030+. Miasto tworzone wspólnie

    A comprehensive overview of the strategic initiatives and developmental plans for the city of Łódź, focusing on the expansion of its cultural and tourist offerings. It outlines a series of interconnected projects aimed at enhancing the city’s cultural infrastructure and bolstering its position as a vibrant cultural hub. The document emphasises the restoration and conservation of historical landmarks to preserve their cultural significance and support the growth of cultural institutions. Additionally, it highlights the city’s commitment to aligning with UNESCO’s creative cities strategy, particularly in the realm of film heritage,

    Plano Estratégico Municipal de Cultura de Vila Real (2021-2030)

    This document outlines the strategic orientation for the Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture in Vila Real, emphasising the importance of global and national documents in shaping this plan. Key references include the Portuguese Constitution, the Faro Convention of the Council of Europe, and various agendas such as Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. These documents highlight the integration of culture into sustainable development goals and emphasise the role of cultural heritage in fostering community engagement and societal well-being. The text underscores the evolving definition of heritage, underlining its relevance to present

    Estratégia Cultural de Ponta Delgada (2021-2030)

    The document outlines the Cultural Strategy of Ponta Delgada (2021-2030), focusing on the development of the cultural and creative sector in the region. It involves collaboration with various entities such as the Regional Directorate of Culture and Education to promote local and international cultural engagement. The strategy aims to support sustainable practices, economic development, and enhance the overall cultural landscape of Ponta Delgada. Additionally, the document discusses the community in the Azores, emphasising its transatlantic nature and historical migrations that have contributed to its cultural diversity. It highlights the importance

    Barcelona Interculturality Plan 2021-2030

    Barcelona City Council has developed this Interculturality Plan for 2021-2030 to promote intercultural perspective in all municipal policies. The plan focuses on creating spaces for cooperation, addressing discrimination, and promoting intercultural dialogue and active citizenship. Challenges include acknowledging diversity as a structural element, combating discrimination, and advancing respect for diversity. Strategies include improving municipal services, education, and community empowerment to foster positive interaction. The plan aims to strengthen intercultural dialogue, participation, and representation in decision-making processes to create a fairer and more inclusive city. It explores the diverse cultural landscapes

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