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  • Region Värmlands kulturplan 2022-2026 (Region Värmland’s cultural plan 2022-2026)

    The “Värmlands kulturplan 2022–2026” emphasises a holistic approach to culture as a driver of social inclusion, regional development, and individual well-being. It focuses on making culture accessible to all, fostering creativity, and ensuring the artistic freedom and sustainability of cultural practices. The plan integrates cultural activities into broader policies like public health, education, and regional planning, advocating for cross-sectoral collaboration. Heritage plays a prominent role, celebrated as a source of identity, learning, and community cohesion. Initiatives include supporting museums, preserving cultural landscapes, and incorporating heritage in education and tourism. The

    Kulturpolitik för ett rikare land (Cultural policy for a richer country)

    The document outlines a comprehensive vision for Sweden’s cultural landscape. The primary aim is to ensure that cultural policies are founded on the principles of freedom, diversity, and quality, and that these policies effectively support the intellectual infrastructure of society. The document proposes broadening the scope of cultural funding to diversify and enhance financial support for the arts. It emphasizes the need for both public and private funding to ensure the independence and sustainability of cultural activities. Recommendations include making cultural donations tax-deductible and establishing new foundations to support cultural

    Strategi för fördelning av kulturmiljöstöd i Norrbottens län (Strategy for Distribution of Cultural Heritage Grants in Norrbotten)

    The document outlines Norrbotten’s approach to distributing government funds aimed at preserving valuable cultural environments. It provides a structured framework for supporting conservation, public accessibility, and knowledge-building within the region’s unique cultural landscapes. Established as a response to national guidelines, this strategy ensures effective management of grants, prioritizing areas that align with cultural heritage objectives set by Sweden’s National Heritage Board. Key focuses of the strategy include preserving significant heritage sites, fostering sustainable practices, and enhancing public engagement. The plan also emphasizes supporting the Sami cultural heritage, maintaining agricultural and

    Culture strategy for Vastra Götaland_Short English version

    This presentation outlines the Culture Strategy for Västra Götaland and the Regional Culture Plan for 2020-2023, providing a comprehensive overview of the cultural priorities and initiatives in the region. It describes the megatrends influencing cultural development and presents strategic areas for the implementation of cultural policy. The strategy emphasizes the importance of widening participation, promoting innovation, and strengthening digital competence in the cultural sector. It also highlights the significance of internationalization and the role of culture in addressing societal challenges. One of the key themes addressed is the impact of

    Kulturstrategi Västra Götaland och regional kulturplan 2020–2023 (Västra Götaland cultural strategy and regional cultural plan 2020-2023)

    This presentation outlines the Culture Strategy for Västra Götaland and the Regional Culture Plan for 2020-2023, providing a comprehensive overview of the cultural priorities and initiatives in the region. It describes the megatrends influencing cultural development and presents strategic areas for the implementation of cultural policy. The strategy emphasizes the importance of widening participation, promoting innovation, and strengthening digital competence in the cultural sector. It also highlights the significance of internationalization and the role of culture in addressing societal challenges. One of the key themes addressed is the impact of

    Kulturstrategi för Stockholmsregionen (Cultural strategy for the Stockholm region)

    The Stockholm Region’s Cultural Strategy focuses on enhancing cultural experiences, promoting democratic values, and supporting regional growth. Its four main objectives are increasing accessibility to culture, fostering artistic development, leveraging digital opportunities, and integrating cultural assets into urban planning. Heritage is integrated into urban development, ensuring that cultural and historical sites contribute to the region’s growth and attractiveness. The strategy promotes collaboration to preserve and reinterpret heritage in contemporary contexts, emphasizing its educational and inspirational potential. These efforts align with broader sustainability goals and aim to make heritage accessible and

    En sammanhållen politik för Sveriges landsbygder – för ett Sverige som håller ihop (Proposition 2017/18:179 A cohesive policy for Sweden’s rural areas – for a Sweden that holds together)

    In the bill, the Government proposes a coherent policy for Sweden’s rural areas. The bill proposes that the overall goal of the cohesive rural policy be a viable rural area with equal opportunities for entrepreneurship, work, housing and welfare that leads to long-term sustainable development throughout the country. A cohesive rural policy is by its nature cross-sectoral and covers many sectors of society and thus touches on many different areas, including culture and cultural heritage. With this bill, the Government is establishing the long-term direction for rural policy. The focus

    Motion 2016/17:3643 med anledning av prop. 2016/17:116 Kulturarvspolitik (Motion 2016/17:3643 in connection with Bill 2016/17:116 Cultural Heritage Policy)

    This document addresses the Swedish government’s cultural heritage policy as proposed in the 2016/17 session. It aims to foster a rich and innovative cultural life accessible to all while preserving and making cultural heritage available. Despite the government’s efforts to build on the previous administration’s policies, the authors argue that the current approach lacks clarity and inclusivity, especially regarding centralist perspectives and definitions of key concepts like education, democracy, and growth. A significant focus of the document is on the inclusivity and accessibility of cultural heritage. The authors emphasize the

    Proposition 2016/17:116 Kulturarvspolitik (Proposition 2016/17:116 Cultural heritage policy)

    The Bill describes the Government’s cultural heritage policy priorities and discusses the emergence of the cultural heritage area as a separate policy area. The Bill sets out the general starting points for the museums’ work with collection management, knowledge building and public activities. international issues, the structure of the museum sector, collections and cultural objects, cultural environment policy and ecclesiastical cultural heritage, the state’s management of culturally and historically valuable properties, and digitisation, archives and libraries.

    Proposition 2016/17:109 Förstärkt skydd av kulturegendom vid väpnad konflikt och under ockupation (Strengthening the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict and occupation)

    The bill proposes that Sweden ratify the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 14 May 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (the 1954 Hague Convention). Sweden signed it on 26 March 1999 and the protocol creates enhanced protection of cultural property in the event of an armed conflict and occupation. The Second Protocol entered into force on 9 March 2004. The bill contains proposals for the legislative measures required for Sweden to fulfil its obligations under the protocol. A new provision is

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