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  • Legge sugli Ecomusei della Regione Basilicata (Law on Ecomuseums of the Basilicata Region)

    This Italian law outlines the recognition, promotion, and regulation of ecomuseums in the Basilicata region of Italy. Ecomuseums are viewed as a form of shared participation for local governance and sustainable development, emphasizing the involvement of local communities, cultural institutions, and schools in the preservation and promotion of the region’s cultural and environmental heritage. It also establishes the creation of a Regional Ecomuseum Consultation with responsibilities for promoting and implementing the law. The main themes revolve around the preservation and promotion of cultural and environmental heritage, with a focus on

    Riconoscimento degli ecomusei del Piemonte.

    This law outlines comprehensive measures for the reuse, redevelopment, and urban regeneration of buildings in Piemonte, Italy. It aims to promote sustainable development while preserving cultural heritage. The primary focus is on integrating green transition principles with heritage preservation to create a balanced approach to urban planning. The text details various strategies for repurposing existing structures, emphasising the importance of maintaining historical integrity while adapting to modern needs. Key points include incentives for property owners to engage in redevelopment projects, guidelines for sustainable construction practices, and the role of public-private

    Disposizioni coordinate in materia di cultura

    This law outlines comprehensive measures for the reuse, requalification of buildings, and urban regeneration in Piemonte, Italy. It aims to limit soil consumption and enhance environmental, landscape, and architectural quality. The initiative promotes sustainable development while preserving the region’s heritage. The text details various interventions, including the restructuring and expansion of existing buildings, recovery of attics and rural structures, and urban regeneration projects. These measures are designed to improve energy efficiency, structural safety, and overall aesthetic appeal. The emphasis on reusing existing structures helps reduce the need for new construction,

    LEGGE 29 dicembre 2017, n. 226. Istituzione dell’anno ovidiano e celebrazione della ricorrenza dei duemila anni dalla morte di Ovidio (Law No 226 of 29 December 2017. Establishment of the Ovidian Year and celebration of the two thousandth anniversary of the death of Ovid)

    The “LEGGE 29 dicembre 2017, n. 226” establishes the “Ovidian Year” in honour of the 2000th anniversary of the death of the Roman poet Publius Ovidius Naso. This legislation aims to celebrate and promote Ovid’s literary works both nationally and internationally. The decree underscores Italy’s commitment to safeguarding and enhancing its cultural heritage. It calls for a series of events, educational programs, and scholarly activities to honour Ovid’s contributions to literature and culture. These initiatives are designed to increase public awareness and appreciation of Ovid’s work and its historical significance.

    DECRETO LEGISLATIVO 13 aprile 2017, n. 60. Norme sulla promozione della cultura umanistica, sulla valorizzazione del patrimonio e delle produzioni culturali e sul sostegno della creatività, a norma dell’articolo 1, commi 180 e 181, lettera g), della legge 13 luglio 2015, n. 107 (Legislative decree No. 60 of 13 April 2017. Rules on the promotion of humanistic culture, the valorisation of cultural heritage and production and the support of creativity, pursuant to Article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181(g) of Law No 107 of 13 July 2015)

    This document, a legislative decree issued on April 13, 2017, outlines the promotion of humanistic culture, the enhancement of cultural heritage and productions, and the support of creativity. It aims at integrating cultural education into the national education system, emphasising the importance of arts and humanities for students’ comprehensive development. The decree is a direct application of provisions from the July 13, 2015, law on national education reform. The legislation underscores the centrality of humanistic culture and artistic knowledge in recognizing human dignity and values. It mandates that the national

    DECRETO-LEGGE 20 luglio 2021, n. 103. Misure urgenti per la tutela delle vie d’acqua di interesse culturale e per la salvaguardia di Venezia, nonché disposizioni urgenti per la tutela del lavoro (Decree law No. 103 of 20 July 2021. Urgent measures for the protection of waterways of cultural interest and for the safeguard of Venice, as well as urgent provisions for the protection of labour)

    The decree-law issued on April 13, 2017, addresses urgent measures for the protection of culturally significant waterways and the preservation of Venice, alongside provisions for labour protection. This legislation underscores the necessity of maintaining the integrity, dignity, and safety of Venice’s waterways, recognizing them as national monuments. A significant component of this law is the restriction of large vessels in Venice’s urban waterways, aiming to prevent environmental and structural damage. The decree specifically prohibits the passage of ships exceeding 25,000 gross tonnage, 180 metres in length, or 35 metres in

    DECRETO-LEGGE 24 aprile 2017, n. 50. Disposizioni urgenti in materia finanziaria, iniziative a favore degli enti territoriali, ulteriori interventi per le zone colpite da eventi sismici e misure per lo sviluppo (Decree-law No. 50 of 24 April 2017. Urgent provisions on financial matters, initiatives in favour of territorial entities, further interventions for areas affected by seismic events and measures for development)

    The “DECRETO-LEGGE 24 aprile 2017, n. 50” is a legislative decree addressing urgent financial matters, initiatives for local authorities, additional interventions for areas affected by seismic events, and measures for economic development. It is designed to provide immediate solutions for pressing fiscal issues, enhance resource allocation for local entities, and stimulate economic growth in Italy. The decree’s multifaceted approach aims to address tax evasion, support regions impacted by natural disasters, and introduce economic growth measures. One of the key themes of the decree is the implementation of measures to combat

    Decreto ministeriale 12 gennaio 2017 n. 15, “Adeguamento delle soprintendenze speciali agli standard internazionali in materia di musei e luoghi della cultura” (Ministerial Decree No. 15 of 12 January 2017, ‘Adaptation of special superintendencies to international standards for museums and places of culture’)

    The decree issued on January 12, 2017, focuses on upgrading the special superintendencies to international standards for museums and cultural sites in Italy. This legislative effort aligns with articles from previous laws passed in December 2016 and 2015, respectively. The main objective is to enhance the management and operational standards of cultural heritage institutions, ensuring they meet global best practices. One of the primary themes of the decree is the restructuring of administrative processes within cultural institutions. This includes modernising organisational frameworks to improve efficiency, accountability, and service quality. The

    DECRETO-LEGGE 20 febbraio 2017, n. 14. Disposizioni urgenti in materia di sicurezza delle città (Decree-law No. 14 of 20 February 2017. Urgent provisions on city security)

    The “DECRETO-LEGGE 20 febbraio 2017, n. 14” is a legislative act focusing on urgent measures for city security and urban decorum in Italy. This decree aims to enhance public safety and improve the quality of urban life through coordinated actions among various levels of government and other institutional bodies. Key themes include integrated security and urban security. Integrated security refers to collective efforts by the State, Regions, autonomous Provinces, and local entities to maintain a unified safety system. Urban security focuses on protecting public spaces, preventing crime, and addressing issues

    Cinema Campania. Norme per il sostegno, la produzione, la valorizzazione e la fruizione della cultura cinematografica ed audiovisiva

    This text outlines the strategic framework for promoting and supporting the film and audiovisual sector in the Campania region. It recognises the importance of these activities as vital for economic development, social cohesion, and cultural innovation. The framework aims to foster collaboration between public and private entities to enhance the production, promotion, and preservation of audiovisual works. The text details various objectives, including the support for local film production, the promotion of cultural festivals, and the preservation of the region’s audiovisual heritage. It highlights the creation of a regional media

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