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  • Law 3914/2011: Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Greece and China on cooperation in the prevention of theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property.

    The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Greece and China introduces bilateral cooperation to combat the theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property, in accordance with the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970). The MoU outlines strategies and measures to prevent the theft of cultural property and to combat illicit trafficking. This includes cooperation in intelligence sharing, monitoring the art market, and implementing measures to identify and recover stolen cultural items. It also encourages

    Law 3915/2011 (Α/ 20 / 17-02-2011): Ratification of the Agreement between Switzerland and Greece on the import, transit and repatriation of cultural goods.

    The law regulates the import, transit and repatriation of cultural property between the Swiss Federal Council and the Government of the Hellenic Republic, in application of the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970). The agreement aims at regulating the movement of cultural artifacts, ensuring their legal provenance, and facilitating cooperation in the prevention of illicit trafficking. The agreement defines that claims for repatriation by a Party are subject to a statute of limitation of one

    Law 3914/2011 (Α 19 / 16.02.2011): Ratification of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Culture of the Hellenic Republic and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage of the People’s Republic of China on cooperation in the prevention of theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property.

    Bilateral cooperation to combat the theft, illegal excavation, import and export of cultural property, in accordance with the UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property (1970).

    Loi 3827/2010 (30/25-02-2010): Convention Européenne du Paysage (Florence, 2000)

    The European Landscape Convention focuses on the protection, management, and planning of landscapes in Europe. It seeks to promote a balanced and sustainable approach to landscape management, recognizing the cultural, environmental, and social dimensions of landscapes and involving the public in decision-making processes. It underscores the importance of preserving and enhancing the quality of landscapes for the well-being of present and future generations. The convention provides a broad and inclusive definition of landscape. It considers landscape as an area perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action

    Νόμος 3827/2010 (30/25-02-2010): Κύρωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Σύμβασης του Τοπίου (Φλωρεντία, 2000)

    The European Landscape Convention focuses on the protection, management, and planning of landscapes in Europe. It seeks to promote a balanced and sustainable approach to landscape management, recognizing the cultural, environmental, and social dimensions of landscapes and involving the public in decision-making processes. It underscores the importance of preserving and enhancing the quality of landscapes for the well-being of present and future generations. The convention provides a broad and inclusive definition of landscape. It considers landscape as an area perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action

    Law 3827/2010 (30/25-02-2010): Ratification of European Landscape Convention (Florence, 2000)

    The European Landscape Convention focuses on the protection, management, and planning of landscapes in Europe. It seeks to promote a balanced and sustainable approach to landscape management, recognizing the cultural, environmental, and social dimensions of landscapes and involving the public in decision-making processes. It underscores the importance of preserving and enhancing the quality of landscapes for the well-being of present and future generations. The convention provides a broad and inclusive definition of landscape. It considers landscape as an area perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action

    Απόφαση 2516/2009 του Συμβουλίου της Επικρατείας: Παράνομος χαρακτηρισμός διατηρητέου κτιρίου ως επικίνδυνα ετοιμόρροπης οικοδομής

    The decision of the Council of State 2516/2009 clarifies that the act of designation of a building as dangerously dilapidated is issued by a different procedure and has different legal consequences from the act of designation of a building as merely dilapidated. Documentation as to the nature and extent of the deficiencies or damage to the building is required. A listed building may be classified as dangerously dilapidated only where the competent committee has given specific reasons for excluding the possibility of saving the building by less severe means, in

    Νόμος 3658/2008 (Α 70 / 22-04-2008): Μέτρα για την Προστασία των Πολιτιστικών Αγαθών και άλλες διατάξεις.

    The law introduces measures for the protection of cultural property and the fight against antiquities theft, in particular by searching for, documenting the origin and movement of, and claiming movable monuments. Law 3658/2008 established a new national service for the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural goods (Directorate of Documentation and Protection of cultural goods). Law 4761/2020 amends articles 5 and 9 and introduces article 15 regarding transport, packaging and insurance of recovered products and cultural goods. Law 3658/2008 (Α 70 / 22-04-2008): Measures for the Protection of Cultural Goods

    Loi 3520/2006: Ratification de la Convention sur la protection et la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles.

    The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions underscores the importance of cultural diversity in the global context and seeks to create a framework for the protection and promotion of cultural expressions at both the national and international levels. It highlights the connection between culture, development, and human rights. The convention defines cultural expressions as those that result from the creativity of individuals, groups, and societies, and that have cultural content. This includes various forms such as language, literature, music, dance, theater, rituals, customs, and

    Νόμος 3520/2006 (274/Α/22-12-2006): Σύμβαση για την προστασία και την προώθηση της πολυμορφίας των πολιτιστικών εκφράσεων.

    The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions underscores the importance of cultural diversity in the global context and seeks to create a framework for the protection and promotion of cultural expressions at both the national and international levels. It highlights the connection between culture, development, and human rights. The convention defines cultural expressions as those that result from the creativity of individuals, groups, and societies, and that have cultural content. This includes various forms such as language, literature, music, dance, theater, rituals, customs, and

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