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  • Landeskulturkonzept Sachen-Anhalt 2025

    Saxony-Anhalt boasts a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant contemporary cultural scene. The state government is dedicated to preserving, maintaining, and further developing this diverse cultural landscape. The report recognizes that art and culture are indispensable for both individuals and society, enhancing the quality of life locally and playing a crucial role in the national and international competition for business locations. Cultural policy in Saxony-Anhalt is seen as a societal task. The state’s cultural development plans, which extend up to 2025, address complex social challenges and provide strategic and conceptual

    Denkmalschutzgesetz Hamburg (DSchG) (Monument Protection Act)

    The “Denkmalschutzgesetz” (DSchG), enacted in 2013 and most recently amended in 2020 (Article 14), serves as the primary legislation for the protection and preservation of cultural monuments in Hamburg. Its core purpose is to ensure that the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage of the city is maintained and safeguarded for future generations. This legislation defines cultural monuments broadly, including buildings, structures, and sites of historical, artistic, scientific, or urban significance. It establishes a comprehensive framework for identifying, documenting, and registering these monuments, ensuring they receive legal protection and necessary maintenance.

    Kultur 2020: Kunstpolitik für Baden-Württemberg

    The report offers an in-depth examination of the cultural landscape in Baden-Württemberg, emphasising the critical role of art and culture in society. It explores cultural diversity, education, and intercultural dialogue, aiming to create an inclusive cultural environment accessible to all citizens. The policy outlines the state’s dedication to financially supporting cultural institutions, preserving cultural heritage, and fostering a dynamic cultural ecosystem. It details the responsibilities of various ministries and the role of the State Art Advisory Board as an independent body of experts, alongside the mechanisms for funding cultural initiatives.

    Weinverordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 21. April 2009 (BGBl. I S. 827), die zuletzt durch Artikel 6 der Verordnung vom 24. Juni 2024 (BGBl. 2024 I Nr. 215) geändert worden ist (Wein Ordinance)

    The 1995 Wine Ordinance (WeinV 1995) provides a detailed regulatory framework for the production, labelling, and marketing of wine in Germany. This legislation aims to ensure the quality and authenticity of German wines, protect consumer interests, and promote fair competition within the wine industry. By setting stringent standards and guidelines, the ordinance helps maintain the high reputation of German wines both domestically and internationally. The primary purpose of the 1995 Wine Ordinance is to regulate various aspects of wine production, including the classification of wine types, production methods, and geographical

    Sächsisches Denkmalschutzgesetz vom 3. März 1993 (SächsGVBl. S. 229) (Saxon Monument Protection Act)

    The Saxon Monument Protection Act (Sächsisches Denkmalschutzgesetz), adopted in 1993 and amended the last time in 2022, is a comprehensive legislative document aimed at preserving and protecting the cultural heritage of Saxony. It outlines the legal framework for the identification, documentation, protection, and conservation of monuments, ensuring their transmission to future generations. The act emphasises the importance of cultural heritage as a fundamental component of regional identity and historical continuity. The legislation defines the criteria for what constitutes a monument, including buildings, archaeological sites, and other cultural artefacts of historical,

    Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 18. März 2021 (BGBl. I S. 540), das zuletzt durch Artikel 13 des Gesetzes vom 8. Mai 2024 (BGBl. 2024 I Nr. 151) geändert worden ist (Environmental Impact Assessment Act)

    The Environmental Impact Assessment Act (UVPG) was adopted for the first time in 1990 and most recently amended in 2024. This law ensures that environmental considerations are integrated into the decision-making process, promoting sustainable development and protecting natural and cultural heritage. The main purpose of the UVPG is to provide a systematic process for assessing the potential environmental impacts of proposed projects. This includes not only direct effects on the natural environment but also indirect effects on human health, biodiversity, cultural heritage, and socio-economic conditions. By requiring thorough environmental assessments,

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