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  • Regulation on amending the Union Civil Protection Mechanism

    This law outlines decisions made in the European Union (EU) with regards to the Union Mechanism to deal with natural and man-made disasters. The focus of these decisions is to ensure protection and promote solidarity between Member States through practical cooperation and coordination. While individual Member States maintain the primary responsibility for protecting people, the environment, property, and cultural heritage against disasters, the Union Mechanism will provide support and cover a wide range of disasters. This includes environmental disasters, radiological disasters, marine pollution, hydrogeological instability, acute health emergencies, and the

    Carta do Porto Santo: A cultura e a promoção da democracia: para uma cidadania cultural europeia

    The Porto Santo Conference, an initiative under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, introduces the Porto Santo Charter as a guiding framework for cultural democracy in Europe. Addressed to policymakers at various levels, cultural and educational organisations, and European citizens, the Charter aims to emphasise the cultural sector’s impact on strengthening democracy, aligning with the goals outlined in the Action Plan for European Democracy. In response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Charter recognises the transformative power of culture in achieving common objectives

    Porto Santo Charter: Culture and the Promotion of Democracy: Towards a European Cultural Citizenship

    The Porto Santo Conference, an initiative under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, introduces the Porto Santo Charter as a guiding framework for cultural democracy in Europe. Addressed to policymakers at various levels, cultural and educational organisations, and European citizens, the Charter aims to emphasise the cultural sector’s impact on strengthening democracy, aligning with the goals outlined in the Action Plan for European Democracy. In response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Charter recognises the transformative power of culture in achieving common objectives

    Carta do Porto Santo: La cultura y la promoción de la democracia: por una ciudadanía cultural europea

    The Porto Santo Conference, an initiative under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, introduces the Porto Santo Charter as a guiding framework for cultural democracy in Europe. Addressed to policymakers at various levels, cultural and educational organisations, and European citizens, the Charter aims to emphasise the cultural sector’s impact on strengthening democracy, aligning with the goals outlined in the Action Plan for European Democracy. In response to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Charter recognises the transformative power of culture in achieving common objectives

    Report on Artificial intelligence in education, culture and the audiovisual sector (2020/2017(INI))

    The Report stresses the need for a human-centred and value-based development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, culture and the audiovisual sector, and outlines particular considerations for cultural heritage. It calls for ethical principles to be upheld while using AI in these sectors, fully respecting fundamental rights, values, privacy, the protection of personal data, non-discrimination and freedom of expression and information, as well as cultural diversity and intellectual property rights. It stresses the supporting role that AI can play in our sector – from supporting protection and accessibility

    2030 Digital Compass: the European way for the Digital Decade

    As the world evolves, so does our heritage. With the rapid advancement in technology, it has become crucial to harmonize our cultural heritage with the digital world. This legislation is aimed at addressing the challenges and opportunities that come with digitizing cultural heritage. The document emphasizes the significance of incorporating digital technology in the preservation, accessibility, and promotion of heritage. It enumerates key areas where digital technology can be employed to enhance cultural heritage, such as through the creation of virtual tours, digitization of manuscripts, and online education resources. The

    Policy Recommendations for the Integration of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CNH) within Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3/4)

    This resource explores the vital role of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CNH) in fostering sustainable development and innovation within European regions. It aims to bridge the knowledge and implementation gap regarding the potential of heritage, advocating for its integration into Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3). The text highlights the complex nature of heritage, encompassing both tangible and intangible elements, and underscores the intertwined relationship between anthropic and natural features. It stresses the importance of recognising heritage as a strategic resource that can drive growth and development, particularly

    The future of circular environmental impact indicators for cultural heritage buildings in Europe

    The study showcases best practices in environmental impact assessment at the project level. The European building and construction sector is resource-intensive, making the renovation of existing buildings, including cultural heritage buildings, important for reducing the sector’s environmental impact. However, there is a misalignment between macro-level European Circular Economy (CE) policies and the micro-level renovation and management of existing buildings and cultural heritage buildings. ​ The article proposes a new framework for Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage (ARCH) to bridge this gap: a Circular Environmental Impact Indicator Framework. The framework includes

    Technical study on the possible introduction of optional building renovation passports

    This report focuses on the technical study conducted on the potential implementation of optional building renovation passports within the European Union. The document was prepared for the European Commission and highlights the recommendations of the authors on the relevance, feasibility, and possible scope of measures at EU level. The study conducted a review of existing building renovation passport schemes and initiatives, analyzing their potential impact and efficiency at an EU level. Part 1 of the report provides an overview of the building renovation passports and their implications for the EU,

    A new Circular Economy Action Plan: For a cleaner and more competitive Europe

    The European Commission’s recently published Action Plan for the Circular Economy represents a significant shift towards greater sustainability policy. The Plan outlines a series of measures geared towards promoting a circular economy, in which goods and services are designed to be reused rather than discarded, resulting in a more sustainable and environmentally responsible approach to production and consumption. The Plan’s purpose is to address the issue of the EU’s unsustainable resource consumption and waste production, which are rapidly contributing to climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. One of the

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