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  • Dog Policy at Historic Scotland Properties

    Exploring the regulations governing dog policies at Historic Scotland properties, this legislation outlines the guidelines and restrictions concerning visitors’ canine companions. The document details the permissibility of dogs at various sites, emphasising the importance of responsible ownership and adherence to specific rules to maintain the heritage integrity of these locations. Visitors are informed that dogs are generally welcome at Historic Scotland properties, with the requirement that they remain on a lead and under supervision at all times. Additionally, a strict no-fouling rule is in place, necessitating owners to clean up

    Valuing Volunteers – Our Volunteer Policy

    This policy outlines the principles governing the relationship between volunteers and Historic Environment Scotland (HES), emphasising the significant role volunteers play in understanding, caring for, and promoting Scotland’s historic environment. It highlights the value of volunteering as an inclusive act that promotes equality and diversity within the historic environment. The policy stresses the importance of volunteers in protecting and enhancing the unique properties, collections, and archives under HES’ care through practical involvement. Volunteers are expected to adhere to guidelines on social media usage to safeguard HES’ reputation and avoid conflicts

    Cultural Property (Armed Conflicts) Act 2017

    This legislation focuses on the protection of cultural heritage during armed conflicts, emphasising the importance of safeguarding cultural property for future generations. It outlines provisions for the implementation of the Hague Convention and its Protocols, aiming to prevent the destruction and damage of significant cultural artefacts. The Act establishes guidelines for the protection of movable and immovable cultural property, including monuments, archaeological sites, and works of art, irrespective of ownership. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the granting of special protection to refugees and centres containing cultural property

    The Asset Transfer Request (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2016

    This legislation outlines the procedures and regulations governing asset transfer requests related to heritage sites in Scotland. It provides a structured framework for community empowerment and involvement in the management and use of heritage assets. The document emphasises the importance of community input and engagement in decisions regarding the transfer of ownership or rights in heritage lands. One key aspect highlighted in the legislation is the requirement for asset transfer requests to be made in writing, clearly stating the intentions and proposals of the community transfer body regarding the use

    Deddf yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru) 2016

    Discover the legislation that shapes heritage preservation in Wales, emphasising the protection of ancient monuments and listed buildings. This comprehensive legal framework outlines the responsibilities of owners and relevant local planning authorities in safeguarding these culturally significant structures. The legislation establishes the concept of heritage partnership agreements, formalising written agreements that allow for the review, termination, and variation of terms related to heritage conservation efforts. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for consultation before entering into or amending heritage partnership agreements. This ensures that all involved parties

    Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2016

    Discover the legislation that shapes heritage preservation in Wales, emphasising the protection of ancient monuments and listed buildings. This comprehensive legal framework outlines the responsibilities of owners and relevant local planning authorities in safeguarding these culturally significant structures. The legislation establishes the concept of heritage partnership agreements, formalising written agreements that allow for the review, termination, and variation of terms related to heritage conservation efforts. One key aspect of the legislation is the requirement for consultation before entering into or amending heritage partnership agreements. This ensures that all involved parties

    Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015

    This legislation seeks to empower communities in Scotland to participate meaningfully in the development and improvement of public services. With provisions that took effect from 2015 onwards, the Community Empowerment Act has significant implications for the heritage sector in Scotland. One key feature of the legislation is the requirement for local authorities and other public service providers to consider how they can involve community groups in the planning and delivery of local services. This may include heritage-related activities such as the management of historic buildings or sites, as well as

    Historic Environment Scotland Act 2014

    Explore the legislation that empowers Historic Environment Scotland to safeguard and preserve Scotland’s rich heritage. This comprehensive legal framework outlines the functions and responsibilities of Historic Environment Scotland in managing scheduled monuments, listing and conservation, and marine environments. The Act establishes guidelines for restoring monuments to their former state and provides compensation mechanisms for damages caused during preservation efforts. It also grants Historic Environment Scotland the authority to enter agreements concerning ancient monuments and adjacent lands, ensuring their protection and conservation. One of the key aspects of this legislation is

    The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Heritage Partnership Agreements) Regulations 2014

    This legislation outlines the procedures and requirements for heritage partnership agreements concerning listed buildings in England. It establishes a framework for local planning authorities to engage in partnerships with listed building owners to facilitate alterations or extensions while preserving the historical and architectural significance of these structures. The regulations mandate public consultation and notification processes to ensure transparency and accountability in the decision-making regarding listed building consent. One key aspect of the legislation is the emphasis on public access to information related to proposed works on listed buildings. Local planning

    The Cultural Test (Television Programmes) Regulations 2013

    This legislation sets out the criteria and requirements for certifying British television programmes under the Cultural Test regulations. It establishes the cultural test that dramas and documentaries must pass to be considered British programmes. The test includes factors such as points awarded for language, characters, story depiction, and production details. Additionally, it outlines the conditions for qualifying co-productions made in accordance with international agreements specified in Schedule 1. The legislation emphasises the importance of showcasing British creativity, heritage, and diversity in television content. It highlights the significance of factors like

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