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  • Estratégia Comum de Desenvolvimento Transfronteiriço

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Estrategia Aragón Turismo Sostenible 2030

    This report outlines the Aragón Sustainable Tourism Strategy 2030, focusing on the key themes and strategies for sustainable tourism development in the region. It provides insights into the challenges and opportunities in the tourism sector, particularly in the context of European heritage. The strategy aims to position tourism as a vital economic sector and a tool for local development, with a specific focus on addressing depopulation and retaining talent in rural areas. One of the main themes of the strategy is the emphasis on sustainable tourism practices and responsible tourism

    V Plan Director de la Cooperación Española

    This document outlines the key objectives and strategies of the V Master Plan, which serves as a comprehensive framework guiding Spain’s cooperation efforts. It focuses on fostering cultural development and promoting institutional strengthening in partner countries, aligning with the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The plan underscores the significance of culture as a driver of development, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural diversity and heritage while fostering intercultural dialogue. Central to the V Master Plan are four overarching goals, corresponding to key dimensions of the 2030 Agenda:

    Real Decreto 385/2017, de 8 de abril, por el que se declara la Trashumancia como Manifestación Representativa del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

    Transhumant livestock activity, deeply rooted in the cultural and historical fabric of Spain, has historically played a significant role in shaping the landscape and fostering social, economic, and ecological interconnections. This traditional practice, known as “transhumant pastoral culture,” has not only sustained livelihoods but also contributed to the cultural identity of various Spanish territories, leaving behind a rich legacy of cultural and ethnographic heritage. The integration of transhumance as a Representative Manifestation of intangible cultural heritage underscores its importance in promoting social cohesion within local communities. Moreover, it serves as

    Ley 10/2015, de 26 de mayo, para la salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

    This legislative document outlines the framework for the protection and promotion of intangible cultural heritage within the jurisdiction of public authorities. It underscores the importance of preserving the cultural authenticity and sustainability of intangible heritage while ensuring that tourism activities do not compromise its essential characteristics. The document emphasises the need for a balanced approach that respects the traditions upheld by the communities managing these cultural manifestations, particularly invoking social awareness about these expressions and manifestations of culture. One of the key principles highlighted in the legislation is the recognition

    Cultural policies – Spain

    Explore the Spanish legislation provided to delve into the intricate realm of heritage preservation and conservation. This legal framework outlines crucial guidelines and regulations aimed at safeguarding Spain’s rich historical heritage. It delves into the significance of heritage groups, emphasizing the identification, inventory, and conservation value assessment. This overview elucidates plans such as the Cathedrals Information Plan, Cultural Landscapes Project, and Defensive Architecture Plan, each playing a pivotal role in heritage preservation strategies. Moreover, the text delves into the Law of Historical Heritage, emphasizing the acquisition of cultural property and

    Real Decreto 1305/2009, de 31 de julio, por el que se crea la Red de Museos de España

    The Royal Decree regulating Network of Spanish Museums outlines its primary objectives, which include promoting a plural museum concept that integrates diverse perspectives and engages various social agents. The aim is to provide visitors with a museum experience that is both attractive and participatory, fostering critical education through scientific popularisation. By embracing inclusivity, the network seeks to ensure accessibility to culture for all citizens, particularly those with disabilities, thereby fulfilling its social commitments and relevance to society. Central to these objectives is the goal of fostering democratic values and citizenship

    Ley 42/2007, de 13 de diciembre, del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad

    This legislative document establishes a comprehensive framework for the preservation, sustainable use, promotion, and restoration of natural heritage and biodiversity. Aligned with constitutional obligations, it aims to ensure an environment conducive to individual development while conserving and enjoying natural resources. The law’s guiding principles include preserving vital ecological processes, conserving biodiversity, and engaging local communities in conservation efforts within protected areas. Key aspects of the law emphasise the integration of conservation and sustainability requirements into sectoral policies. It advocates for the inclusion of environmental considerations in political, economic, and social

    Ley 3/1999, de 10 de marzo, del Patrimonio Cultural Aragonés

    This law outlines the Aragonese Cultural Heritage Regulation, which aims to protect, investigate, and promote the cultural heritage of Aragon, including natural and cultural elements. It establishes procedures for the inclusion of cultural assets in the Aragonese Cultural Heritage Catalog. It also outlines the effects of initiating the declaration process for cultural assets, including the immediate application of provisional protection measures. The law regulates interventions, authorizations, and licenses for the conservation and management of cultural assets. It addresses penalties for violations, including fines and legal consequences for unauthorized actions related

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