Decreto-Lei n.º 46/2023, de 19 de junho: Direito de autor e direitos conexos na transmissão de programas de televisão e rádio (Decree-Law no. 46/2023, of June 19: Copyright and related rights in the broadcasting of television and radio programmes)
This Decree-law establishes regulations concerning copyright and related rights applicable to specific online transmissions of broadcasting organisations and the retransmission of television and radio programs. It introduces amendments to the Directive 93/83/EEC of the Council and the Decree-Law n.º 333/97. The decree introduces new provisions to accommodate technological advancements in the audiovisual market, such as direct injection of TV program signals. As such, it defines terms such as “direct injection,” “ancillary online service,” and “country of origin principle.” It outlines the types of programs covered and not covered by the