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  • Strategia “Cahul –capitala cultural-creativă a Republicii Moldova, 2022-2030” (Strategy “Cahul – the cultural-creative capital of the Republic of Moldova, 2022-2030”)

    This comprehensive report provides a detailed overview of the cultural development strategy for the city of Cahul in Moldova, offering valuable insights into the city’s initiatives and plans for enhancing its cultural landscape. It outlines a strategic vision for modernizing cultural infrastructure, fostering international cultural relations, and promoting creative entrepreneurship. It delves into the city’s efforts to ensure access to cultural activities for all citizens and highlights the significance of international cultural events hosted by Cahul, such as the “Nufărul Alb” Festival and the “Faces of Friends” music festival. Moreover,

    Guvernul Hotărâre Nr. 1129 din 20-12-2017 pentru aprobarea Acordului dintre Guvernul Republicii Moldova și Guvernul Republicii Letonia privind cooperarea în domeniile educației, culturii, științei, tineretului și sportului, întocmit la Chişinău la 6 noiembrie 2017 (Government Decision No. 470 of 05-07-2023 for the implementation of the provisions of Law no. 280/2011 on the protection of the movable national cultural heritage)

    This partnership agreement between Moldova and Latvia regarding cooperation in the fields of education, culture, science, youth and sports, lays out the framework for cultural collaboration between the governments of Moldova and Latvia. Spanning across various fields, the agreement aims to encourage the exchange of knowledge and ideas surrounding art, culture, and heritage. Both countries have strong traditions of cultural heritage and strive to preserve and promote their rich and diverse cultural expressions. The agreement emphasizes cooperation in areas such as the promotion of cultural industries, the protection and exchange

    Lege Nr. 262 din 07-12-2017 muzeelor (Law No. 262 of 07-12-2017 on Museums)

    Museums play a vital role in enriching society by conserving, researching, and presenting tangible aspects of culture. The Museum Law of the Republic of Moldova outlines the legal framework for the organisation and operation of museums in Moldova. The legislation was enacted to create a legal framework and promote the preservation, study, and presentation of museum collections, the safeguarding of cultural heritage, and public education through museum exhibits and programs. The law defines a museum as a cultural institution that acquires, conserves, researches, and exhibits material and immaterial cultural heritage

    Guvernul Hotărâre Nr. 662 din 27-05-2016 dintre Moldova Franceze (Government Decision No. 662 of 27-05-2016 on cultural cooperation between France and Moldova)

    This agreement outlines the cooperation between the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Culture and Communication of France in managing, preserving, and promoting cultural heritage. The collaboration aims to exchange experiences and information on the conservation, protection, and management of movable, architectural, and urban heritage. The partnership highlights the importance of reinforcing the skills of heritage professionals in Moldova by providing training in France or in Moldova by French experts. They also developed a program of actions to achieve their objectives, which they periodically


    This paper provides an insightful analysis of the cultural sector in Moldova, focusing on the challenges and initiatives related to the protection and promotion of cultural heritage. It highlights the lack of institutions educating experts for the protection of cultural heritage, the absence of a regulatory system for historical monuments, and the exclusion of private and legal persons owning immovable cultural heritage from the protection of historical monuments. The report delves into the participation in cultural life, measuring the number of consumers of cultural events and average monthly expenditure per

    Lege Nr. LP58/2012 din 29.03.2012 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial (Law No. LP58/2012 of 29.03.2012 on the protection of the intangible cultural heritage)

    This law establishes a legal framework to identify, document, research, preserve, transmit, and promote the intangible cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the law is to safeguard intangible cultural heritage against the threats of globalisation, modernization, and cultural homogenization. The law comprises several sections that define the scope of intangible cultural heritage and enumerate the responsibilities of various stakeholders in preserving it. The law enjoins individuals, communities, and institutions to undertake inventory, documentation, and research of intangible cultural heritage, using both traditional and modern methods. The

    Lege Nr. 58 din 29-03-2012 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural imaterial (Law No. 58 of 29-03-2012 on the protection of the intangible cultural heritage)

    The legal framework for identifying, documenting, researching, conserving, transmitting, promoting, revitalising, and valuing intangible cultural heritage in the Republic of Moldova is established by Law Nr. LP58/2012. The law aims to protect intangible cultural heritage as part of the national cultural heritage, cultivate respect for the intangible cultural heritage of communities, groups, and, as applicable, individuals to ensure recognition of heritage values at the local and national levels. The law recognizes the role of local public administration authorities in protecting the intangible cultural heritage of their communities. It requires them

    Lege Nr. 280 din 27-12-2011 privind protejarea patrimoniului cultural naţional mobil (Law No. 280 of 27-12-2011 on the protection of the movable national cultural heritage)

    This document provides a comprehensive overview of the legal framework for the protection and preservation of Moldova’s national mobile cultural heritage. With a focus on the management and conservation of movable heritage in the country, the analysis is based on national legislation and aligns with the standards and policies of the European Union. The document aims to provide practitioners and enthusiasts in the field of Heritage with a detailed understanding of the legal framework governing movable cultural heritage, including the regulations for its identification, classification, and conservation. The document outlines

    Lege Nr. LP218/2010 din 17.09.2010 privind protejarea patrimoniului arheologic (Law No. LP218/2010 of 17.09.2010 on the protection of the archaeological heritage)

    The law outlined in these pages details the regulations surrounding the protection, preservation, and restoration of archeological heritage in Moldova. The law lays out requirements for carrying out research and conservation work through interdisciplinary studies and technical documentation. It also mandates the coordination of all underground and underwater construction projects with the National Archeological Agency and the inclusion of measures for the protection of archeological sites in project budgets. The law also provides guidelines for the certification of individuals and entities authorized to undertake research, conservation and restoration work. It

    Lege Nr. 413 din 27-05-1999 Culturii (Law No. 413 of 27-05-1999 on Culture)

    The Moldovan parliament enacted a law in 1999 that aimed to protect and promote cultural heritage, including tangible and intangible cultural expressions. The law impacts heritage in several ways and still does, covering issues such as the technical and material support of cultural programs, cultural tourism, cultural education, international cultural relations, and the rights and obligations of cultural organisations. The law also restricts the sale and transfer of buildings, constructions and lands used for cultural purposes, and defines the responsibilities and penalties for violating the provisions of the law. The

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