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  • Loi du 15 juin 2023 modifiant la loi modifiée du 15 mai 2018 relative à l’évaluation des incidences sur l’environnement

    This legislation introduces amendments to the Environmental Impact Assessment Law, specifically focusing on the evaluation of environmental impacts related to transport infrastructure projects. The law emphasises the prioritisation of procedures for projects such as the Brussels-Luxembourg-Strasbourg rail link and other central network corridors with significant costs. It sets a maximum processing time of four years for these projects, aiming to streamline decision-making processes and ensure timely approvals. The key aspect of this legislation is the inclusion of a new article 19bis, which outlines the criteria for granting priority to specific

    Règlement grand-ducal du 9 juin 2023 déterminant les modalités des procédures de sélection prévues par la loi du 8 mars 2023 relative à l’intégration d’œuvres artistiques dans les édifices publics, ainsi que les missions, la composition et le fonctionnement de la commission d’aménagement artistique et du comité artistique instaurés par la même loi

    This legislation outlines the procedures and guidelines for integrating artistic works into public buildings in Luxembourg. It establishes the roles and responsibilities of the artistic development committee and the artistic committee in overseeing the selection and implementation of art projects. The document emphasises the importance of promoting and preserving cultural heritage through the integration of artworks in public spaces. By defining the selection criteria and procedures for artist engagement, the legislation aims to ensure the quality and relevance of artistic projects in public buildings. It highlights the significance of engaging

    Loi du 8 mars 2023 relative à l’intégration d’œuvres artistiques dans les édifices publics

    This legislation focuses on the integration of artistic works into public buildings in Luxembourg, impacting the cultural heritage landscape of the country. It outlines the mandatory allocation of a percentage of construction costs for the acquisition or creation of artworks in public buildings, excluding those with industrial or commercial purposes. The law emphasises the importance of artistic enrichment in public spaces, promoting the creation of a vibrant cultural environment accessible to all. By requiring a minimum investment in art for public constructions, the legislation aims to enhance the aesthetic appeal

    Loi du 16 décembre 2022 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 25 juin 2004 portant réorganisation des instituts culturels de l’État

    In Luxembourg, recent legislation has redefined the roles and responsibilities of key cultural institutions, emphasising the preservation and promotion of national heritage. The law outlines the missions of various institutes, including the National Library, the National Audiovisual Center, and the National Museum of Archaeology, History, and Art. These institutions are tasked with collecting, conserving, and making accessible a wide range of cultural materials, from literature to audiovisual content. The National Library plays a crucial role in safeguarding Luxembourg’s literary heritage through legal deposits and the management of extensive collections. Simultaneously,

    Loi du 16 décembre 2022 portant création d’un établissement public nommé « Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg » et instauration d’un régime d’aides financières

    Discover the legislation that establishes the “Kultur | lx – Arts Council Luxembourg” public establishment, introducing a comprehensive financial aid regime and amending existing cultural laws. It sets criteria for eligibility, project evaluation, and tax exemptions to foster a vibrant cultural landscape in Luxembourg. The legislation emphasises the promotion and development of artists, cultural projects, and organisations, enhancing the cultural sector’s vitality and diversity. It introduces a structured framework for financial aid allocation, ensuring transparency, accountability, and strategic support for cultural initiatives. By creating the “Kultur | lx – Arts

    Règlement grand-ducal du 4 août 2022 portant sur les modalités d’attribution d’un prix national de la langue luxembourgeoise

    This legislation establishes a national prize aimed at promoting the Luxembourgish language and its cultural heritage. The prize, awarded annually, recognizes individuals or organisations for their contributions to the language’s promotion. With a monetary value of €5,000, the prize serves as an incentive to support and preserve the linguistic heritage of Luxembourg. The document outlines the criteria for awarding the prize, emphasising the importance of promoting and preserving the Luxembourgish language. A jury, composed of language officials and educators, is responsible for selecting the recipient based on their significant contributions

    Loi du 29 juin 2022 modifiant la loi modifiée du 15 décembre 2020 relative au climat

    This legislation amends existing climate laws in Luxembourg, introducing crucial changes that impact various sectors, including Agriculture and Transport. The amendments focus on emission allowances, free quotas, and the regulation of installations covered by the law. Specific modifications in the law address the allocation of emissions and the criteria for granting free quotas to installations. One significant aspect of the legislation is the requirement for the establishment of national lists detailing covered installations and their allocated quotas every five years. This periodic review ensures transparency and compliance with European directives.

    Loi du 9 juin 2022

    This legislation focuses on enhancing waste management practices in Luxembourg, emphasising the importance of waste prevention, reuse, and recycling. It introduces specific requirements for waste collection, treatment, and disposal to promote a circular economy and reduce environmental impact. The document outlines obligations for both public and private entities to actively contribute to waste reduction efforts through improved product design, recycling initiatives, and societal behaviour changes. Moreover, the legislation highlights the significance of efficient waste management in preserving natural resources and protecting the environment. It emphasises the need for strategic planning

    Loi du 1er avril 2022 portant modification de la loi modifiée du 18 avril 2001 sur les droits d’auteur, les droits voisins et les bases de données en vue de la transposition de la directive 2019/789 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 17 avril 2019

    This legislation focuses on the modification of copyright laws in Luxembourg to align with the EU Directive 2019/789, specifically addressing rights related to online broadcasting, satellite communication, cable retransmission, and public communication. The amendments introduce new sections and articles to regulate the interaction between broadcasters and signal distributors, emphasising the need for authorization from rights holders for transmission activities. The document clarifies the conditions under which retransmission via internet services can take place, ensuring compliance with EU regulations. The law aims to establish clear guidelines for the exercise of copyright

    Loi du 1er avril 2022

    This legislation introduces significant changes to the utilisation of protected works and objects that are unavailable in the market by cultural heritage institutions. It defines conditions for the non-commercial use of such works by libraries, museums, archives, and institutions preserving cinematic or sound heritage. The law aims to facilitate access to cultural heritage materials for research and scientific purposes, allowing institutions to reproduce and extract content for text and data mining. Moreover, the legislation expands the scope of permissible uses of orphan works by specifying conditions under which libraries, museums,

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