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  • Promozione e disciplina degli Ecomusei – Regione Marche

    This law outlines the promotion and regulation of Ecomuseums in the Marche region. It aims to preserve and enhance the cultural, historical, and environmental heritage through community-driven projects. Ecomuseums serve as a bridge between the past and present, fostering a deeper connection to local heritage and promoting sustainable development. The legislation details the criteria for establishing and managing Ecomuseums, emphasising community involvement and the integration of local knowledge. It highlights the importance of preserving intangible cultural heritage, such as traditions, customs, and practices, alongside tangible assets like historical sites and

    Piano per la transizione ecologica (Plan for Ecological Transition)

    The “Piano per la Transizione Ecologica” (PTE) document outlines Italy’s strategic framework for transitioning to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly economy by 2050. The plan is aligned with the European Green Deal and aims to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, promote sustainable mobility, enhance air quality, and protect biodiversity. The PTE is structured to address various critical areas essential for ecological transition. It starts by acknowledging the global and European context, emphasising the urgency of addressing climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. The plan highlights the importance

    Norme di disciplina, tutela e valorizzazione della pastorizia e della transumanza, presidii del territorio lucano (Norms regulating, protecting and valorising sheep farming and transhumance, headmasters of the Lucanian territory)

    Discover the legislative framework aimed at safeguarding and promoting the rich heritage of pastoralism and transhumance in the Basilicata region. This regional law recognises traditional livestock farming practices as a vital regional asset, essential for preserving the environment, cultural heritage, and rural landscapes. The law emphasises the importance of supporting pastoral activities, ensuring the well-being of livestock, and maintaining the natural balance of the region. One of the key objectives of the legislation is to establish a regional registry of pastoralists, highlighting their role as custodians of the land and

    Interventi di valorizzazione delle dimore, ville, castelli, complessi architettonici e del paesaggio, parchi e giardini di valore storico-culturale della regione Marche

    This law outlines a comprehensive strategy for the enhancement and promotion of historic residences, villas, castles, architectural complexes, and landscapes in the Marche region. It aims to preserve these cultural assets while making them accessible and enjoyable for the public. The initiative recognises the importance of these sites for education, tourism, and community engagement. The strategy includes measures to support the restoration and maintenance of historic properties, ensuring their structural integrity and aesthetic value. It also emphasises the need for sustainable tourism practices that respect the cultural and environmental significance

    DECRETO-LEGGE 1 aprile 2021, n. 45 Misure urgenti in materia di trasporti e per la disciplina del traffico crocieristico e del trasporto marittimo delle merci nella laguna di Venezia (Decree-law No. 45 of 1 April 2021 Urgent measures in the field of transport and for the regulation of cruise traffic and maritime transport of goods in the Venice lagoon)

    The document “Marine Traffic in Venice: DECRETO-LEGGE 1 aprile 2021, n. 45”, transformed into law in May 2021, provides an in-depth analysis of urgent measures pertaining to maritime transport, particularly focusing on the regulation of cruise traffic and the transport of goods in the Venetian lagoon. The decree emphasises the need to balance the economic benefits of maritime activities with the protection of Venice’s unique cultural, environmental, and historical heritage. The introduction sets the stage by highlighting the constitutional and legal frameworks underpinning the decree, including references to various European

    LEGGE 13 ottobre 2020, n. 126. Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 14 agosto 2020, n. 104, recante misure urgenti per il sostegno e il rilancio dell’economia ( Law No. 126 of 13 October 2020. Conversion into law, with amendments, of Decree-Law No. 104 of 14 August 2020, containing urgent measures to support and relaunch the economy)

    The LEGGE 13 ottobre 2020, n. 126 is a crucial legislative measure enacted to convert the decree-law of August 14, 2020, No. 104, with modifications, into law. This decree-law introduced urgent measures aimed at supporting and revitalising the Italian economy in the wake of significant challenges. The primary goal of this law is to provide immediate financial relief and support to various sectors impacted by economic downturns. It encompasses a wide range of provisions including subsidies, tax relief, and incentives for businesses to stimulate economic recovery. Additionally, it outlines measures

    DECRETO 3 marzo 2020, n. 61. Regolamento recante la determinazione delle modalità di destinazione alla Corte penale internazionale di somme, beni e utilità confiscati (Decree No. 61 of 3 March 2020. Regulation on the determination of the modalities of destination of confiscated sums, goods and utilities to the International Criminal Court)

    The “DECRETO 3 marzo 2020, n. 61” outlines the procedures for allocating confiscated funds, assets, and benefits to the International Criminal Court (ICC). This regulation, adopted by the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, specifies how Italy will manage and transfer these confiscated assets to support the ICC’s operations. The decree begins by establishing the legal framework, referencing several laws and decrees that govern the administration of justice and international cooperation. It details the processes by which confiscated funds are to be redirected to

    Regulation on Governing The Urban Commons in the City of Turin

    This document provides a comprehensive overview of the governance and evaluation of urban commons in the city of Turin. It outlines the principles, methodologies, and processes involved in the shared governance, care, and management of urban commons, emphasizing the importance of transparency, participation, and collaborative ownership. The regulation delves into the evaluation of activities carried out under civic deals, highlighting the need for clarity, comparability, and independence in the evaluation process. It also addresses the social value and financial aspects of these activities, emphasizing the preparation of transparent financial balance

    Valorizzazione dei dialetti marchigiani

    This law explores the rich cultural heritage of the Marche region, focusing on the preservation and promotion of local dialects. It aims to safeguard these dialects as vital elements of the region’s cultural identity. By supporting educational projects, cultural events, and research initiatives, the text highlights the importance of maintaining linguistic diversity. The legislation delves into various interventions designed to promote the use of local dialects. These include organising seminars, theatrical productions, and creating educational materials for schools. Such initiatives not only preserve the dialects but also foster a deeper

    Salvaguardia e valorizzazione del patrimonio linguistico napoletano

    This legislative text focuses on the preservation and promotion of the Neapolitan linguistic and cultural heritage. It underscores the importance of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage as valuable assets, aligning with UNESCO’s principles. The law aims to safeguard the Neapolitan language through structured initiatives and dedicated funding. The key objectives include supporting historical and linguistic research, organising seminars and conferences, and promoting the production and publication of literary, theatrical, and musical works. Additionally, it encourages literary and musical competitions and educational initiatives targeting schools. These efforts are designed to ensure

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