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  • Το Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδος – Άρθρο 24 για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος (The Constitution of Greece – Article 24 for the protection of the environment)

    According to Article 24 of the Constitution of Greece, the protection of the natural and cultural environment constitutes a duty of the State and a right of every person. The State is responsible for protecting natural and cultural environments, adopting preventive measures in the context of the principle of sustainable development. The master plan of the country and the development of towns and residential areas are under the State’s control, aiming to serve settlement functionality and ensure living conditions. The provisions apply to the rehabilitation of existing residential areas, with

    Die Verfassung Griechenlands (Constitution of Greece)

    According to Article 24 of the Constitution of Greece, the protection of the natural and cultural environment constitutes a duty of the State and a right of every person. The State is responsible for protecting natural and cultural environments, adopting preventive measures in the context of the principle of sustainable development. The master plan of the country and the development of towns and residential areas are under the State’s control, aiming to serve settlement functionality and ensure living conditions. The provisions apply to the rehabilitation of existing residential areas, with

    Constitution de la Grèce (Constitution of Greece)

    According to Article 24 of the Constitution of Greece, the protection of the natural and cultural environment constitutes a duty of the State and a right of every person. The State is responsible for protecting natural and cultural environments, adopting preventive measures in the context of the principle of sustainable development. The master plan of the country and the development of towns and residential areas are under the State’s control, aiming to serve settlement functionality and ensure living conditions. The provisions apply to the rehabilitation of existing residential areas, with

    Νόμος 4623/1999 (134/Α/9-8-2019 μέρος Β): Διατάξεις για την ψηφιακή πολιτική, την ηλεκτρονική διακυβέρνηση και το υπουργείο ψηφιακής διακυβέρνησης (Law 4623/1999 (134/A/9-8-2019 part B): provisions on digital policy, e-government and the Ministry of Digital Government)

    A Data Protection Officer (DPO) is established at the Ministry of Digital Governance, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, EU L119, hereinafter “GDPR”). Article 59 defines the foundation of the “National Documentation Centre and Electronic Content”, which is responsible for the collection, accumulation, organisation, documentation, dissemination and digital preservation of scientific, technological and cultural knowledge, information, content and data, produced in Greece. Law 4623/1999 (134/Α/9-8-2019 part B): Provisions on digital policy, e-governance, simplification of

    Στρατηγική Ανθεκτικότητας της Αθήνας για το 2030 (Athens Resilience Strategy for 2030)

    The “Resilience Strategy 2030” aims to create a city that is Affordable, Green, Proactive and Vibrant through 65 actions and 53 sub-actions. Each pillar is broken down into specific objectives through which the municipality will assess its progress with specific indicators: – Affordable city: Measures to promote transparency and accountability, simplify municipal procedures, foster cooperation and a sense of responsibility. – Green City: Measures to support environmental infrastructure within the urban fabric and make efficient use of the cities’ waste. The aim is to promote sustainable mobility and co-create public

    Νόμος 4495/2017 (Α 167/03-11-2017) Έλεγχος και προστασία του Δομημένου Περιβάλλοντος και άλλες διατάξεις (Law 4495/2017 (A 167/03-11-2017) Control and protection of the Built Environment and other provisions)

    The law regulates the procedure for issuing and controlling building permits. It also presents measures to prevent unauthorised buildings and constructions, as well as mechanisms to deal with unauthorised buildings that have been built after or after 28/07/2011. Article 117 regulates arbitrary constructions and uses in listed buildings. The law also introduces the Electronic Building Identity which is issued exclusively electronically. It als regulates the Land use Planning Implementation, the design of Public Spaces and issues related to Environmental Balance. Finally, the law also defines the responsibilities of the Local

    Περιφερειακά Χωροταξικά Πλαίσια

    The “Regional Spatial Frameworks (RSF)” are sets of texts, maps and/or diagrams, which provide guidelines for spatial development and organisation at regional level. In particular, RSFs define the general spatial characteristics of each region, the spatial structure of the main productive sectors and industries, the regional transport networks and the urban development of urban space. They also provide guidelines for the enhancement, promotion and protection of the natural and cultural heritage, the landscape, as well as the residential and architectural environment of each Region. Moreover, RSFsinclude detailed spatial and developmental

    N. 4277/2014: Νέο Ρυθμιστικό Σχέδιο Αθήνας-Αττικής (ΦΕΚ Α’ 156/1.8.2014)

    The “New Regulatory Plan of Athens – Attica” outlines critical strategies to protect and enhance the region’s historical, cultural, and natural resources while promoting sustainable spatial development. Its primary goal is to harmonise environmental conservation, cultural preservation, and economic growth to support long-term social cohesion. Key objectives include revitalising urban areas, safeguarding cultural and historical assets, and fostering entrepreneurial opportunities linked to cultural heritage. One of the plan’s central strategies is the protection and revitalisation of Attica’s historical centres, such as Athens, Piraeus, and Eleusis. By promoting studies and initiatives

    Νέο Ειδικό Χωροταξικό Πλαίσιο για τον Τουρισμό (ΕΧΠ Τουρισμού)

    The new “Special Spatial Framework for Tourism,” currently open for public consultation, aims to address the gap in spatial planning left by the annulment of the 2009 and 2013 tourism frameworks by the Council of State. The framework aspires to create a more equitable distribution of tourism benefits across various regions and integrate tourism with other economic sectors. A central focus of the framework is on revitalizing abandoned buildings and villages, linking tourism with agriculture, cultural heritage, and historical sites. By integrating these aspects into tourism planning, the framework highlights

    Nόμος 4067/2012 (79 / 02-04-2012): Νέος Οικοδομικός Κανονισμός (Law 4067/2012 (79 / 02-04-2012): new Building Regulation)

    Article 6 of Law 4067/2012 – the New General Construction Code (NOK) – refers to the definition and protection of architectural heritage. Designation and protection of Listed Buildings: It extends the ‘subject’ of protection, stating that individual buildings or parts of buildings or building complexes, as well as elements of the surrounding environment (e.g. courtyards, gardens, doorways, and fountains) as well as individual elements of urban (urban or rural) equipment (e.g. squares, fountains, walkways, and bridges), may be designated as listed buildings. The law states that it is possible to

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