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  • Strategiekonzept zur Bewahrung und Digitalisierung von schriftlichem und audiovisuellem Kulturgut

    Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is dedicated to preserving its rich cultural heritage through sustainable digitisation. The focus is on protecting unique written and audiovisual assets from damage, loss, or destruction, ensuring they remain accessible for future generations. The initiative underscores the state’s commitment to safeguarding these cultural treasures, which are found in archives, libraries, churches, and museums across the region. The strategy emphasises the importance of digitalisation as a key tool for preservation. By converting cultural audiovisual assets into digital formats, not only is the original protected, but broader access to the information

    Kulturpolitische Leitlinien für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

    Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is home to world cultural heritage sites, architectural monuments, and intangible cultural heritage known beyond its borders. Libraries, music and art schools, universities, and public cultural and educational institutions play a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape, alongside the self-organised independent scene. In this diverse and vibrant cultural scene, where art and culture are essential to maintaining an open and democratic society, the cultural policy guidelines underscore the necessity of preserving this diversity while ensuring that access to art and culture is facilitated and future-proofed. In the document,

    Dialog 2020: Kulturpolitik für die Zukunft

    This report explores the vital role of art and culture in society, underscoring their systemic importance beyond just entertainment. It highlights how art and culture foster community, enable meaningful exchanges, and bridge gaps between different demographics. The discussion centres on creating supportive frameworks for cultural institutions in Baden-Württemberg, addressing themes such as digitalisation, new social alliances, and cultural strategies for the future. These three topics, among others, have been discussed in dedicated fora, or dialogue sessions. Key insights from the dialogue sessions reveal that digital transformation poses both challenges and

    Kulturpolitische Leitlinien zum Umgang mit dem Kolonialen Erbe

    This guidelines are structured around ten key points to outline a cultural policy for addressing the colonial legacy in Bremen. It focuses on cooperation, awareness, inclusion, and education to facilitate a holistic approach to dealing with the remnants of colonialism. The policy emphasises the importance of collaboration with communities from formerly colonised countries. Museums, theatres, and cultural centres are encouraged to work closely with these communities to ensure diverse perspectives and promote mutual learning. This cooperation extends to international cultural exchanges and artist-in-residence programmes. Raising awareness about everyday racism and

    Kulturpolitisches Konzept

    The “Cultural Policy Concept” is the Westphalia-Lippe Regional Association’s (Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, or LWL) response to the major challenges of the coming years. This initiative aims to contribute to the sustainable cultural development of Westphalia-Lippe in both national and international contexts. The concept considers not only the LWL museums but also all LWL cultural institutions, including cultural services and scientific commissions. The concept also takes an internal perspective, addressing new challenges for employees, particularly those arising from the digital transformation. It also considers employee needs, such as the desire for mobile

    Bremisches Gesetz zur Pflege und zum Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler, (Bremisches Denkmalschutzgesetz – BremDSchG) – Bremen Law on the Care and Protection of Cultural Monuments (Bremen Monument Protection Act)

    The “Bremisches Gesetz zur Pflege und zum Schutz der Kulturdenkmäler” (Bremisches Denkmalschutzgesetz) is the basic law for the preservation and protection of cultural monuments in the state of Bremen. This law establishes the framework for identifying, documenting, and maintaining cultural heritage sites to ensure their preservation for future generations. The primary objective of this legislation is to safeguard Bremen’s cultural heritage by setting forth criteria for the designation of cultural monuments. It outlines the responsibilities of various stakeholders, including public authorities, property owners, and citizens, in the protection and care

    Saarländisches Denkmalschutzgesetz vom 13. Juni 2018 (Saarland Monument Protection Act)

    The Saarländisches Denkmalschutzgesetz (SDSchG) was established to protect and preserve the cultural heritage within Saarland. This legislation, which came into effect on August 1, 2018 and was amended in 2021, aims to ensure that monuments of art and history are safeguarded and maintained by the state. The SDSchG outlines specific measures and regulations for the conservation of these cultural assets, emphasising their significance as witnesses to human history and local identity. One of the key aspects of the SDSchG is the categorization and documentation of cultural monuments. These monuments are

    Gesetz zum Schutz von Kulturgut (Kulturgutschutzgesetz – KGSG) (Act on the Protection of Cultural Property)

    The Cultural Property Protection Act (KGSG) of the federal republic of Germany, enacted on July 31, 2016, is a comprehensive legislative framework designed to safeguard cultural heritage. This Act aims to protect national cultural property, regulate the import and export of cultural items, and prevent the unlawful movement of such properties. A key feature of the KGSG is the establishment of a national register for cultural property of significant value, which ensures that these items are legally protected from unauthorised removal. The Act defines cultural property broadly, including works of

    Gesetz zum Schutz der Denkmale (Denkmalschutzgesetz) vom 30. Dezember 2014 (Monument Protection Act)

    The Denkmalschutzgesetz is the law regulating preservation and protection of cultural heritage within the state of Schleswig-Holstein. Enacted on January 30, 2015, and amended in 202, this law sets forth comprehensive guidelines and criteria for identifying, documenting, and conserving cultural monuments, ensuring that significant historical, artistic, scientific, and technical landmarks are preserved for future generations. A key theme of the legislation is the establishment of clear criteria for what constitutes a cultural monument. According to the law, a cultural monument can be any object, whether movable or immovable, that holds

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