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  • საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება 411 ქ. მცხეთის კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის დამცავ ზონებში ქალაქთმშენებლობის რეგულირების განსაკუთრებული რეჟიმის ამოქმედების შესახებ

    The government of Georgia’s Resolution No. 411 is focused on the introduction of a special regime for the regulation of urban development in the cultural heritage protection zones of Mtskheta Municipality. Its purpose is to preserve and protect the special public importance of the world heritage monuments of Mtskheta municipality, to harmonize urban processes with historical-cultural values and to promote development compatible with the historically formed cultural landscape. The resolution emphasizes that, until the approval of the complete urban planning documentation of Mtskheta Municipality in accordance with the law, a

    The law defines the jurisdictions of the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, concerning archaeological and cultural heritage works. Specifically, the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia is entrusted with the authority to: -Issue permits for work and archaeological activities on cultural heritage monuments. -Enter into agreements for the issuance of building permits. -Receive interim and final reports. -Supervise the execution of the work. Similarly, the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

    კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის ძეგლზე სამუშაოებისა და არქეოლოგიური სამუშაოების ნებართვის გაცემასთან დაკავშირებული ღონისძიებების შესახებ #137

    The law defines the jurisdictions of the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage and the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, concerning archaeological and cultural heritage works. Specifically, the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia is entrusted with the authority to: -Issue permits for work and archaeological activities on cultural heritage monuments. -Enter into agreements for the issuance of building permits. -Receive interim and final reports. -Supervise the execution of the work. Similarly, the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia

    Resolution #137 About measures related to the issuance of permission for works and archeological works on the cultural heritage monument

    The Resolution No. 137 of the Government of Georgia, outlines measures concerning the issuance of permission for works and archaeological work on cultural heritage monuments in the country. The document references a number of relevant laws, including “On Licenses and Permits,” “Local Self-Government Code,” and “On Normative Acts,” among others. The resolution grants the National Agency for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Georgia the right to carry out works and archaeological work on cultural heritage monuments, issue permits, agree to receive interim and final reports based on the issued

    საქართველოს ტურიზმის სტრატეგია 2025

    This document presents a concise overview of Georgia’s Tourism Strategy, offering a roadmap for enhancing Georgia’s tourist industry, preserving and highlighting its cultural heritage, and promoting sustainable development. The strategy, developed by the Georgian National Tourism Administration, identifies eight strategic objectives for the development of Georgian Tourism sector, encompassing over 50 priority actions. The first objective is to respect, preserve, and enrich Georgia’s natural and cultural heritage, which includes designing tourism product strategies, offering technical assistance programs and community development grants to entrepreneurs and local communities, creating unique visitor experiences

    Ministerial Order on the approval of the regulation of the legal entity under public law – the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia

    The Order approves the Statue of the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia. The first article of the document defines the legal form, guiding documents and requisites of the Agency. The second article of the document outlines its goals and functions. The core goals of the entity which along with other sectors are important for the field of cultural heritage are: a) coordination of the process of creation and development of the innovative ecosystem in Georgia; b) promotion and coordination of the implementation process of the unified policy and strategy

    საჯარო სამართლის იურიდიული პირის – საქართველოს ინოვაციების და ტექნოლოგიების სააგენტოს დებულების დამტკიცების შესახებ # 1-1/66

    The Order approves the Statue of the Innovation and Technology Agency of Georgia. The first article of the document defines the legal form, guiding documents and requisites of the Agency. The second article of the document outlines its goals and functions. The core goals of the entity which along with other sectors are important for the field of cultural heritage are: a) coordination of the process of creation and development of the innovative ecosystem in Georgia; b) promotion and coordination of the implementation process of the unified policy and strategy

    Resolution of the Government of Georgia #181 On the rules for the development of cultural heritage protection zones

    This European Heritage document is a comprehensive guide to the process of creating and implementing protection zones for cultural heritage and historical landscapes in Georgia. The document sets out the legal framework, requirements, and procedures for the development of protection zone projects, providing detailed explanations and examples for each step of the process. The document focuses on the importance of identifying and protecting cultural heritage and historical landscapes in order to preserve and promote Georgia’s rich history and unique identity. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between various stakeholders, including

    საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება #181 კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის დამცავი ზონების შემუშავების წესების შესახებ

    This European Heritage document is a comprehensive guide to the process of creating and implementing protection zones for cultural heritage and historical landscapes in Georgia. The document sets out the legal framework, requirements, and procedures for the development of protection zone projects, providing detailed explanations and examples for each step of the process. The document focuses on the importance of identifying and protecting cultural heritage and historical landscapes in order to preserve and promote Georgia’s rich history and unique identity. It emphasizes the need for collaboration between various stakeholders, including

    Resolution 1604 on Ratification of the Second Protocol to the Hague Convention “for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict”, signed at The Hague on 26 March 1999

    The document contains the provisions and protocols for the protection of cultural property during armed conflicts. The document outlines the application of these protocols in various situations and defines the relationship between Chapter 3 and other provisions of the Convention and this Protocol. It includes general provisions regarding the safeguarding of cultural property and the respect for cultural property. One key point is that the provisions of this Protocol apply when one party to an armed conflict is not bound by it, as long as the other Party accepts the

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