საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება 411 ქ. მცხეთის კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის დამცავ ზონებში ქალაქთმშენებლობის რეგულირების განსაკუთრებული რეჟიმის ამოქმედების შესახებ (Ordinance of the Government of Georgia 411 on the Entry into force of a special regime for the regulation of urban construction in Mtskheta Cultural Heritage Protective Zones)
The government of Georgia’s Resolution No. 411 is focused on the introduction of a special regime for the regulation of urban development in the cultural heritage protection zones of Mtskheta Municipality. Its purpose is to preserve and protect the special public importance of the world heritage monuments of Mtskheta municipality, to harmonize urban processes with historical-cultural values and to promote development compatible with the historically formed cultural landscape. The resolution emphasizes that, until the approval of the complete urban planning documentation of Mtskheta Municipality in accordance with the law, a