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  • LOI n° 2021-1382 du 25 octobre 2021 relative à la régulation et à la protection de l’accès aux œuvres culturelles à l’ère numérique (LAW No. 2021-1382 of 25 October 2021 on the regulation and protection of access to cultural works in the digital age)

    This legislative document aims to regulate and protect access to cultural works in the digital era. It modifies existing laws and creates new codes to address the challenges faced by the cultural sector due to the digitisation of information. It establishes the rules for sending recommendations to copyright infringers, outlines the definition and characteristics of infringing sites, and introduces measures to tackle mirror sites. The document also strengthens the authority of the regulatory body in charge of supervising the communication sector and their competencies and organisation. Moreover, it introduces provisions

    LOI n° 2021-710 du 4 juin 2021 visant à moderniser les outils et la gouvernance de la Fondation du patrimoine (LAW No. 2021-710 of 4 June 2021 on modernising the tools and governance of the Heritage Foundation)

    This legislation, enacted to modernise the tools and governance of the Fondation du patrimoine, introduces significant changes to the management and protection of heritage sites. The law focuses on amending codes related to heritage, including adjustments to the representation and administration of the Fondation du patrimoine. It emphasises the importance of annual reporting and strategic planning to relevant cultural bodies, ensuring transparency and accountability in heritage preservation efforts. One key aspect of the legislation is the restructuring of the Fondation du patrimoine’s council, now composed of diverse representatives, including founders,

    Le plan de relance pour la culture en Nouvelle-Aquitaine (The recovery plan for culture in Nouvelle-Aquitaine)

    This resource provides a comprehensive overview of the cultural recovery efforts in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, focusing on heritage preservation, ecological transition, and digital modernisation. It outlines significant funding and strategic actions aimed at revitalising the cultural sector, which has been heavily impacted by recent crises. Key priorities include restoring historic monuments, modernising museums, and supporting the performing arts sector. A central theme is the preservation of regional heritage, with detailed plans for the restoration of significant historical sites. The initiative allocates substantial financial resources to the conservation of monuments and the renovation

    LOI n° 2021-85 du 29 janvier 2021 visant à définir et protéger le patrimoine sensoriel des campagnes françaises (LAW No. 2021-85 of 29 January 2021 to define and protect the sensory heritage of the French countryside)

    This legislation focuses on defining and safeguarding the sensory heritage of rural areas in France. It introduces measures to recognize and protect the unique sounds and smells that characterise these regions, emphasising their cultural significance. The law highlights the role of regional heritage inventory services in studying and preserving the cultural identity and agricultural practices of rural territories. Furthermore, it underscores the importance of understanding and valuing the diverse heritage, including both tangible and intangible aspects, within rural landscapes. The legislation aims to enhance knowledge and appreciation of cultural heritage,

    LOI n° 2020-1673 du 24 décembre 2020 relative à la restitution de biens culturels à la République du Bénin et à la République du Sénégal (LAW No. 2020-1673 of 24 December 2020 on the restitution of cultural property to the Republic of Benin and the Republic of Senegal)

    This legislation addresses the restitution of cultural assets to the Republic of Benin and the Republic of Senegal. It allows for the transfer of specific cultural items from French national collections to the respective countries. The law focuses on the return of twenty-six artworks from Abomey to Benin and a sabre with a sheath linked to El Hadj Omar Tall to Senegal. The legislation marks a significant step towards rectifying historical injustices and promoting cultural heritage preservation. By returning these artefacts, it acknowledges the importance of cultural heritage in fostering

    Identité & Transitions: Schéma Régional de Développement du Tourisme et des Loisirs 2020/2025 – Bretagne (Identity & Transitions: Regional Tourism and Leisure Development Plan 2020/2025 – Brittany)

    In the face of complex regulatory frameworks and diverse local authority roles, Brittany aims to redefine its approach to tourism, ensuring both public efficiency and meaningful development. The region seeks to address these challenges by constructing a pragmatic and coherent model for tourism that aligns with its unique identity and values. The current legislative environment, characterised by fragmented responsibilities among various public and private actors, has complicated the coordination of tourism efforts. This has led to a lack of clarity and a need for a more unified strategy. To overcome

    Synthèse du schéma territorial de développement culturel 2020-2024 – Guyane (Summary of the 2020-2024 territorial cultural development plan – French Guiana)

    The proposed cultural policy adopts a dual approach: enhancing heritage knowledge and cultural practices while boosting local attractiveness through regional development. This strategy proposes a renewed and dynamic partnership involving the State, local public cooperation institutions (EPCI), municipalities, and cultural associations. Guyane, with its rich history, youthful population, diverse cultural expressions, and unique identity, aims to position culture as a central pillar of its economic, social, and identity-building development. This plan serves as a management tool for implementing cultural policy and focuses on supporting artistic creation and dissemination, heritage knowledge

    Droits culturels des personnes Préconisations pour la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine (Cultural rights of individuals Recommendations for the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region)

    Delving into the multifaceted realm of cultural rights, this comprehensive report offers valuable insights and recommendations for policymakers, professionals, and enthusiasts in the field of European Heritage. The document primarily focuses on the themes of Inclusion & Accessibility and Heritage Preservation, advocating for the recognition of cultural rights as distinct from addressing needs. It emphasizes the importance of fostering autonomy, dignity, and freedom in individuals’ cultural experiences, while avoiding categorizing people based on age or social status. The report underscores the need for policy adjustments to better support cultural rights

    Paysages et patrimoine: les atouts d’un territoire – Centre-Val de Loire (Landscapes and heritage: the assets of a territory – Centre-Val de Loire)

    The Centre-Val de Loire region is renowned for its emblematic landscapes such as the Loire Valley, the Beauce plains, and the Brenne and Sologne wetlands. These landscapes result from a combination of natural phenomena, such as topography, geology, and vegetation, as well as human actions throughout history. They are therefore a crucial element of our living environment: maintaining or even restoring high-quality landscapes is vital for the well-being of communities. Beyond this aspect related to quality of life, landscapes are an integral part of regional heritage, alongside urban centres, historic

    La stratégie 2018 -2021 culture et patrimoine ~ Région Occitanie (The 2018 -2021 culture and heritage strategy ~ Occitanie Region)

    Delve into a comprehensive overview of cultural policy initiatives in the Occitanie region with a focus on heritage preservation and digital transition. This detailed report outlines specific plans, strategies, and objectives related to artistic creation, heritage restoration, and the digitalization of cultural information. The document provides valuable insights into the region’s efforts to restore, enrich, and promote heritage, while also addressing the digital transition in the cultural sector. The report emphasizes the significance of heritage preservation and the promotion of diverse artistic expressions. It highlights initiatives aimed at opening up

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