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  • Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Kärntner Kulturförderungsgesetz 2001 (Carinthian Cultural Promotion Act)

    The “K-KFördG 2001, Fassung vom 18.04.2018” outlines the legislative framework for cultural promotion in the Austrian state of Carinthia. The Act establishes the Kärntner Kulturgremium (Cultural Commission of Carinthia), an advisory body to support the government in matters related to cultural policies and strategies. It envisages to integrate cultural heritage protection and safeguard of traditional cultural expressions into cultural policies, in order to ensure their transmission to future generations. Besides protection and safeguard, the Carinthian law aims at incentivising outstanding initiatives and actions for cultural heritage protection and meaningful contributions

    Kulturentwicklungsplan KEP Land Salzburg. Visionen Ziele Maßnahmen (Cultural Development Plan of Salzburg. Visions Goals Measures)

    The “Kulturentwicklungsplan” is a comprehensive strategy for the development of the cultural sector in Salzburg and it addresses cultural heritage through a multifaceted approach. First of all, it advocates for the importance of preserving built cultural heritage and architectural traditions in Salzburg. Emphasis is placed on safeguarding cultural monuments and ensembles that shape Salzburg’s cultural identity. This includes historical buildings as well as those from the recent past​​. The strategy aims at increasing awareness and appreciation of local cultural heritage from a young age by promoting architectural and cultural education.

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Steiermärkisches Kultur- und Kunstförderungsgesetz 2005 – KuKuFöG 2005 (Art and Cultural Promotion Act of Styria)

    The Steiermärkisches Kultur- und Kunstförderungsgesetz 2005 is the basic law for art and culture promotion in Styria as amended the last time in 2017. The document identifies cultural activities as essential intellectual and creative endeavours that produce and reproduce works, emphasising their indispensability for societal development. It highlights that such activities offer significant innovative potential and drive societal progress. The amended act explicitly mentions the support for diverse artistic fields, including visual arts, new media, architecture, performing arts, film, literature, music, music theatre, sound art, general folk culture, museums, monument

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Burgenländisches Kulturförderungsgesetz (Cultural Promotion Act of Burgenland)

    The federal State of Burgenland has adopted for the first time a law on cultural promotion in 1980, still in force as amended in January 2017. The Burgenländisches Kulturförderungsgesetz (Cultural Promotion Act of Burgenland) is therefore the legal basis for all initiatives for cultural heritage protection, promotion and safeguard. It establishes Culture Advisory Councils (Kulturbeiräte) of experts in several cultural-related fields, including cultural heritage. It provides funding and support mechanisms for culture and cultural heritage promotion. For the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, the Cultural Promotion Act of Burgenland

    Bundesgesetz über die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz bei Haushalten, Unternehmen und dem Bund sowie Energieverbrauchserfassung und Monitoring (Bundes-Energieeffizienzgesetz – EEffG) (Federal Act on Energy Efficiency)

    In 2023, the 2014 Bundes-Energieeffizienzgesetz (EEffG) was amended in order to adapt national legislation to the EU law requirements. The National Energy and Climate Plan therefore provides for the EEffG 2023 for the period 2021 to 2030 as an important building block for the fulfilment of these targets. In the 2023 Federal Energy Efficiency Act was also included a clause on monument protection (Denkmalschutz). This is to be found in paragraph 47 “Energy experts of the Federation”. According to paragraph 47, the Confederation shall appoint a qualified energy expert for

    Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Oö. Kulturförderungsgesetz (Cultural Promotion Act of Upper Austria)

    The Upper Austrian Cultural Promotion Act (Oö. Kulturförderungsgesetz) adopted in 2011, is the comprehensive legal framework for culture promotion and protection of cultural heritage. The law recognises the importance that culture plays for the quality of life and deems it essential for a “menschenwürdiges Dasein” (dignified existence). The independence and freedom of the individual on the one hand, and the necessity of interrelationships and dialogue on the other, are considered the basic conditions for culture to strive. The Act gives special priority to contemporary creation and new forms of cultural

    Gesetz vom 11. Dezember 1997 über die Förderung der Kultur im Land Salzburg (Salzburger Kulturförderungsgesetz) StF: LGBl Nr 14/1998 (Cultural Promotion Act of Salzburg)

    The Salzburg Cultural Promotion Act is built on defined principles and goals: 1) cultural life is considered essential for the personal development of people; 2) the action of the Salzburger Kulturförderungsgesetz must not undermine the independence and variety of cultural activities; 3) the Act intends to make cultural life accessible to all and to enact a strategy able to reduce inequalities through culture. According to the Salzburg Cultural Promotion Act both the state and municipalities of Salzburg are mandated to support cultural activities financially and otherwise, ensuring a balanced distribution

    NÖ Kulturförderungsgesetz 1996 (Cultural Promotion Act of Lower Austria)

    The “Niederösterreichisches Kulturförderungsgesetz 1996” regulates promotion and preservation of cultural activities and heritage within Lower Austria. It establishes various Kulturbeiräte (Cultural Councils) addressing several cultural sectors, among them also one for “Volkskultur und kulturelles Erbe” (folk culture and cultural heritage). The strategy for cultural heritage protection encompasses a strong attention for intangible heritage, as the name of the council suggests. In order to promote cultural heritage and traditions, the law establishes financing mechanisms and opportunities for cultural activities such as festivals, projects and initiatives for awareness raising. Moreover, it provides

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