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  • Loi du 24 février 1984 sur le régime des langues

    This legislation outlines the language regulations in Luxembourg, emphasising Luxembourgish as the national language and French as the language for legislative texts. It also addresses administrative and judicial language usage, allowing for French, German, and Luxembourgish in various contexts. The document specifies the procedures for administrative requests and repeals incompatible language-related provisions from previous laws. Furthermore, the legislation delves into the duties of inspectors in registration and revenue offices, detailing their responsibilities and procedures. It also touches upon the language requirements for psychiatric nursing education, highlighting the importance of communication

    Loi du 9 juillet 1983 portant approbation de la Convention pour la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel, faite à Paris, le 23 novembre 1972

    This legislation focuses on the protection and conservation of cultural and natural heritage, emphasising the importance of international cooperation and assistance. It highlights the need for detailed scientific, economic, and technical studies before providing significant international aid for heritage projects. The document stresses the responsibility of each participating state to identify, protect, conserve, and transmit heritage to future generations, both through national efforts and international collaboration. Furthermore, the legislation promotes the exchange of information and experiences in areas such as museum management, conservation of historical monuments, adult education, and community

    Loi du 4 mars 1982

    This legislation establishes a National Cultural Fund aimed at promoting heritage preservation through philanthropic contributions. It outlines the tax benefits for donors of cultural artefacts, books, and historical items of significant value. The Fund operates under the authority of the Minister of Cultural Affairs and is managed by a committee overseeing the acceptance and allocation of donations. Furthermore, the law introduces provisions for the remission of registration, inheritance, and succession taxes for individuals donating culturally significant assets to the Fund or approved third parties. The value of donated items is

    Loi du 19 novembre 1974 portant approbation de l’Acte de Paris du 24 juillet 1971 de la Convention de Berne pour la protection des oeuvres littéraires et artistiques

    This legislation focuses on the protection of literary and artistic works within the Union, emphasising the importance of safeguarding cultural heritage. It outlines measures that member countries must adopt to ensure the application of the Convention, highlighting the need for compliance with internal legislation to uphold copyright protections. The document stresses the significance of granting authors exclusive rights over their works and the responsibility of countries to facilitate the protection of intellectual property. Furthermore, the legislation establishes the role of the Bureau international in providing information and services to support

    Loi du 30 novembre 1971 portant approbation de la Convention Européenne pour la protection du patrimoine archéologique, signée à Londres le 6 mai 1969

    This legislation focuses on the protection of archaeological heritage within the European context. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding archaeological sites, artefacts, and historical knowledge for future generations. The document highlights the responsibilities of member states in preventing illicit excavations, promoting cooperation, and facilitating the exchange of archaeological information. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the establishment of measures to delineate and protect archaeological sites, ensuring their scientific significance is preserved. It also emphasises the need to combat clandestine excavations and take proactive steps to safeguard archaeological treasures.

    Loi du 13 juillet 1961 portant approbation de la Convention pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé, signée à La Haye, le 14 mai 1954

    This legislation aims to protect cultural heritage during armed conflicts by defining cultural property and outlining measures for its safeguarding. It establishes the criteria for identifying cultural assets, including monuments, artworks, manuscripts, and collections, regardless of ownership. The document emphasises the importance of preparing for the protection of cultural property in times of peace to mitigate potential damage during wartime. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the need for special protection for cultural property through international registration. It addresses the procedures for requesting the removal of cultural assets from the protection list

    Arrêté ministériel du 31 mars 1960 portant création d’un prix de théâtre en langue luxembourgeoise

    This legislation introduces significant measures aimed at promoting and preserving Luxembourg’s cultural heritage. It includes provisions for the establishment of a theatre prize specifically for plays written in Luxembourgish, highlighting the importance of nurturing and celebrating the local theatrical arts. Additionally, the document extends the trout fishing season for the year 1960, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable fishing practices and the conservation of natural resources. Furthermore, the legislation outlines the creation of apprenticeship indemnities, setting hourly rates for apprentices in various trades. This initiative not only supports skill development and

    Loi du 16 juin 1956 portant approbation de la Convention culturelle européenne, signée à Paris, le 19 décembre 1954

    This legislation aims to protect and promote European cultural heritage by fostering a closer union among Council of Europe members. It emphasises the importance of safeguarding and developing the shared cultural heritage of Europe through language, history, and civilization studies. The Convention encourages member states to take measures to preserve their cultural contributions and facilitate access to cultural objects of European significance under their control. One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of a framework for regular meetings of cultural experts to discuss the implementation and interpretation of

    Loi du 25 juillet 1947 ayant pour objet l’approbation de la Convention créant une organisation des Nations Unies pour l’Education, la Science et la Culture

    This legislation focuses on the approval of the Convention establishing an organisation for Education, Science, and Culture within the United Nations framework. It highlights the importance of safeguarding and promoting cultural heritage, emphasising the need for international cooperation in preserving historical and scientific artefacts. The document underscores the role of education, science, and culture in fostering peace and understanding among nations, recognizing the pivotal role of intellectual exchange and knowledge dissemination in global progress. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the conservation and protection of universal heritage, including

    Arrêté ministériel du 5 juin 1946 portant fixation d’un système officiel d’orthographe luxembourgeoise

    This legislation introduces an official orthography for the Luxembourgish language, aiming to provide clear and precise rules for writing words in the language. It addresses the need for a uniform orthography to support Luxembourgish as a subject of education. The document emphasises the importance of establishing consistent spelling guidelines to facilitate language learning and usage. The orthography guidelines outlined in the legislation are crucial for standardising the written form of the Luxembourgish language. By setting clear rules for spelling, the document ensures that students have a structured framework for writing

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