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  • Loi du 24 juillet 2001 portant création d’un établissement public nommé «Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster»

    This legislation establishes a public institution aimed at preserving and promoting cultural heritage through the creation of the “Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster.” The institution is tasked with developing a cultural and artistic hub centred around Luxembourg’s cultural identity and its interaction with other cultures. It serves as a platform for cultural exchange, hosting artists, facilitating collaborations, and organising events to engage both local and international audiences. The law grants the institution legal autonomy and financial independence under the supervision of the Minister of Culture. It outlines the

    Loi du 10 juin 1999 relative aux établissements classés

    This legislation outlines comprehensive regulations governing industrial activities with a significant impact on the environment and heritage. It covers a wide range of sectors, including construction, agriculture, and chemical handling, emphasising the importance of environmental protection and safety measures. The document sets strict conditions for authorization, emission limits, and technical standards to ensure compliance and minimise negative effects on heritage sites. One of the key themes addressed in the legislation is the need for responsible management of industrial facilities to safeguard heritage and natural resources. It highlights the importance of

    Loi du 31 mai 1999 portant institution d’un fonds pour la protection de l’environnement

    This legislation outlines crucial measures aimed at protecting and preserving heritage sites and cultural assets. It addresses the establishment of funds dedicated to environmental conservation, emphasising the importance of safeguarding natural resources and managing waste effectively. The document also delves into the regulations governing land use and development within designated areas, highlighting the need for sustainable practices to maintain the integrity of heritage sites. Furthermore, the legislation underscores the significance of international agreements and conventions in upholding cultural heritage protection standards. It emphasises the role of governmental bodies in overseeing

    Loi du 17 février 1997 relative à l’installation d’un Musée de la Forteresse de Luxembourg dans le réduit du Fort Thüngen

    This legislation outlines the establishment of a Museum within the Fort Thüngen stronghold in Luxembourg, aiming to preserve and showcase the historical significance of the fortress. It authorises the government to undertake the rehabilitation of the stronghold for this purpose, with a specified budget allocation and funding from the Historical Monuments Fund. The law emphasises the importance of maintaining and promoting cultural heritage through the creation of this museum, providing a space for the public to engage with Luxembourg’s historical legacy. Furthermore, the document details the regulations governing the organisation

    Loi du 17 janvier 1997 relative à la construction du Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean à Luxembourg-Kirchberg

    This legislation addresses crucial aspects of heritage preservation and public interest in Luxembourg. It focuses on the construction of the Grand-Duc Jean Museum of Modern Art in Luxembourg-Kirchberg, emphasising the government’s authorization and financial limitations for the project. The law outlines the funding mechanisms through existing regulations to ensure the successful completion of the museum while maintaining public financial responsibility. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the government’s commitment to supporting cultural heritage through the allocation of specific budgets and adherence to legal frameworks. It underscores the importance of balancing heritage conservation

    Loi du 2 mai 1996 portant approbation de la Convention européenne sur la coproduction cinématographique, faite à Strasbourg, le 2 octobre 1992

    This legislation underscores the significance of safeguarding and promoting shared ideals and principles within the European cultural landscape. It emphasises the fundamental role of freedom of creation and expression in upholding these principles. Furthermore, it highlights the importance of preserving the diverse cultural heritage of European nations as a key objective of the European Cultural Convention. The document stresses the need to enhance European cinematic co-productions as a means of expressing and celebrating cultural diversity on a continental scale. It aims to strengthen the collaborative efforts in the film industry

    Loi du 13 juin 1955 portant approbation de la Convention Universelle sur le Droit d’Auteur, le Protocole annexe 1 concernant la protection des oeuvres des personnes apatrides et des réfugiés, le Protocole annexe 2 concernant l’application de la Convention à des oeuvres publiées par diverses organisations internationales et le Protocole annexe 3 relatif à la ratification, acceptation ou adhésion conditionnelle, signés à Genève, le 6 septembre 1952

    This legislation approved the Universal Copyright Convention and its annexes, focusing on protecting the rights of authors and works of stateless persons and refugees. It also addresses the application of the Convention to works published by international organisations and the ratification process. The Convention aims to harmonise copyright laws internationally to ensure adequate protection for creative works across borders. One key aspect of the legislation is the establishment of minimum protection periods for copyrighted works, ensuring that authors’ rights are safeguarded for a specified duration after their death. It allows

    Loi du 11 janvier 1990 autorisant le Gouvernement à procéder à la transformation de l’Hospice St. Jean en Musée d’Histoire Naturelle

    The legislation discussed in the document focuses on the transformation of an old hospice into a Museum of Natural History in Luxembourg-Grund. This initiative includes the reconfiguration of the building, the installation of specific scientific equipment, and the provision of furniture to support educational purposes. The allocated budget for this project is set at a maximum of 491,000,000 francs, with provisions for potential price increases during the construction period. The authorization granted by the government underscores the importance of preserving heritage through the adaptive reuse of historical buildings for educational

    Règlement ministériel du 29 mai 1986 portant réorganisation du Conseil National de la Culture

    This legislation addresses the reorganisation of the National Cultural Council, emphasising its role in advising on cultural policies and issues in Luxembourg. The document outlines the composition of the Council, including representatives from various cultural sectors such as music, dance, literature, and visual arts. It highlights the Council’s mission to study and promote cultural development, democratisation, and creativity within the Grand Duchy. Furthermore, the legislation details the Council’s responsibilities, which involve providing recommendations to the Minister of Cultural Affairs, offering insights on cultural matters, and fostering cultural expression and innovation.

    Loi du 28 mars 1986 autorisant le Gouvernement à procéder au réaménagement de l’ancien hospice St Jean à Luxembourg-Grund pour les besoins du musée d’histoire naturelle

    This legislation focuses on the renovation and repurposing of the former St Jean hospice in Luxembourg-Grund to establish a museum of natural history. The law authorises the government to proceed with the transformation of the hospice, including the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the museum. It outlines specific budgetary constraints and funding mechanisms to ensure the project’s financial sustainability. The document emphasises the importance of preserving cultural heritage through the adaptive reuse of historical buildings for educational and public benefit. By repurposing the hospice into a museum, the legislation aims

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