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  • ECHO III: For Memory’s Sake Research Paper

    The present paper deals with the “ECHO III: For Memory’s Sake,” a Creative Europe project implemented by Inter Alia NGO, which explored tradition and culture of arranged marriages in four Balkan countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Greece and Romania) through research and artistic creation in the fields of theatre, music, visual arts, and literature. The ECHO III project attempted to explore gender roles and norms in the Balkans throughout history and how they affect the lives of people. Contemporary research shows that Balkan identities are full of ambiguities, similarities and differences, in

    Holistic Heritage Podcasts: Industrial heritage for post-industrial times

    ‘Holistic Heritage’ brings conversations, opinions and thoughts on heritage from Central and Eastern Europe. Join Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska, Head of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Krakow, and John Beauchamp from Free Range Productions as they interview heritage leaders and discover the most inspiring projects from across the region. In this episode we take a look at industrial heritage and why we should love old factory buildings instead of tear them down. What is being done to promote industrial heritage, and what has to be done to preserve industrial heritage

    Hilāl: 50 years of Islamic worship in Flanders – 1974 – 2024

    Religious organizations play an important role in the life of faith communities. This also applies to mosques that perform not only religious, but also socio-cultural functions for the various Muslim communities in Flanders and Brussels. Those different functions are reflected in the diverse heritage that reflects mosque life. That material and immaterial mosque heritage offers a lot of potential for cooperation, but it remains underexposed. With this three-year heritage project, KADOC KU Leuven, together with a broad network of local and national heritage players, wants to stimulate cooperation between the

    Supporting Ukraine’s arts and culture

    Explore a comprehensive overview of initiatives and collaborations aimed at preserving and restoring European heritage, particularly focusing on Ukraine’s cultural recovery post-conflict. The document delves into the significance of architectural heritage evaluation, damage assessment due to war, and regeneration strategies for sustainable recovery. This publication highlights the role of interdisciplinary teams in sharing knowledge and expertise to empower local communities and rebuild a democratic and culturally rich Ukraine. The project emphasises participatory processes, architectural design competitions, and innovative technologies to enhance heritage protection and urban regeneration. It offers insights into

    Be.CULTOUR Guidebook: beyond cultural tourism

    Step into the world of circular cultural tourism with this engaging guidebook. Designed for professionals and enthusiasts passionate about European heritage, it offers a fresh perspective on sustainable tourism practices. Through captivating stories, practical examples, and insightful recommendations, this guidebook showcases the transformative potential of circular and innovative approaches in tourism. From theoretical frameworks to real-life case studies, it provides a concise but comprehensive overview of circular cultural tourism, inspiring stakeholders to rethink traditional tourism models. Discover how the Be.CULTOUR project is pioneering innovative strategies for heritage-led and culture-led regional

    Última e derradeira vontade: o património feminino e o ato de sepultar nos testamentos de mulheres do quotidiano bracarense (séculos XVIII e XIX)

    This chapter explores the testamentary practices of women in Braga during the 18th and 19th centuries. The research focuses on the distribution of assets in women’s wills, shedding light on their economic roles and contributions to family economies in urban Braga. Barbosa emphasizes the central position women held in city economies during the Early Modern period, challenging the notion that women were confined to domestic spheres. Through the analysis of wills, the study reveals the interconnectedness of women in supporting and guiding each other through life, illness, and old age,

    Quantas mulheres? Os “perdões de honra e virgindade” do fundo notarial bracarense (século XVIII)

    This chapter delves into the “Perdões de Honra e Virgindade” from the Bracarense notarial fund in the 18th century. It explores the dual nature of these pardons, highlighting the patriarchal and sexist societal norms surrounding virginity and female honor. These pardons served as a means for victims, particularly in cases of sexual abuse, to seek redress and potentially re-enter the marriage market for support. The legal distinctions based on gender during the Early Modern period reflected women’s inferior status, with their decisions regulated and controlled. Despite limited presence in the

    Memórias, vivências e quotidianos de Armindo Alves Correia de Araújo através do seu álbum de fotografias

    The article explores the memories, experiences, and daily life of Armindo Alves Correia de Araújo through his photo album. It emphasizes the importance of photography as a historical record and a source of credible information about society. The album contains a rich collection of photographs from Armindo’s time in Coimbra, showcasing moments of leisure and camaraderie with friends from his university days. Through these images, the reader gains insight into Armindo’s life as a land registrar during the Estado Novo regime, shedding light on his family background and social connections.

    Festa do Mosaico – da tessela ao pixel, uma abordagem educativa ao Património cultural

    The paper discusses the Mosaic Editor and Sharing Platform, an interactive tool developed as part of a Master’s thesis in Software Engineering at the University of Coimbra. This platform serves as a digital resource for creating and sharing mosaics, catering to individuals without specific artistic training. It offers different modes of use, including PC, tablet, and kiosk, to accommodate various educational and workshop settings. The platform aims to enhance cultural mediation, education, and citizen participation creatively and innovatively within the context of the Mosaic Festival project. Furthermore, the Mosaic Festival,

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