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  • European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2017

    This annual publication includes descriptions, jury citations, and contact details on the winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards. In 2017, 29 laureates were awarded, including remarkable heritage projects from two European countries participating in the EU Creative Europe programme, Switzerland and Turkey. Among the outstanding accomplishments awarded in 2017, we find the renovation of a road stretching across 100km of Norwegian mountains that has made an area of breathtaking natural beauty accessible to visitors. Additionally, the awards magazine features a pioneering research project on the paintings

    Portugal National Report: UNESCO Man & the Biosphere Programme (2016)

    The Portuguese annual MaB report for 2017 highlights the country’s active involvement in the UNESCO Man & Biosphere Programme, with a particular focus on the conservation and sustainable development of its biosphere reserves. The report outlines various initiatives undertaken throughout the year to promote environmental awareness, conservation activities, and engagement with stakeholders. In terms of communication and information dissemination, efforts were made to evaluate the significance of the “Biosphere Reserve” brand and its potential for national and international promotion. Meetings with key stakeholders, such as the Portuguese Tourism Institute, aimed

    Ser ou não ser Metsys: o desenho subjacente do Tríptico da Vida de Cristo, de Tomar, e a sua atribuição autoral

    The article discusses the detailed underdrawing in the Triptych, emphasizing its importance in the painting process. It mentions how the initial drawing was meticulously done by a patient collaborator and then further developed by more experienced hands. The characteristics of the underdrawing in the Triptych are compared to works by Metsys and his workshop, highlighting differences in visibility and line quality. The study utilized infrared reflectography to analyze the underdrawing, revealing extensive details not previously observed in Metsys’ works. The underdrawing of the Triptych is described as extensive and crucial

    The use of technological innovation for increasing the museum heritage accessibility and attractiveness

    This report highlights the importance of digitizing heritage objects for museums, emphasizing the benefits of conservation, collection management, and public access. By converting physical artifacts into digital formats, museums can better preserve their collections and make them more accessible to the public. The document discusses various methods of digitization, such as photography, scanning, and 3D imaging, and how these techniques can improve the overall management of museum collections. One key aspect addressed in the legislation is the impact of digitization on the conservation and research of heritage objects. By creating

    Culture and Resilience

    The report, produced by the Joint Research Centre of the European commission, explores the intricate relationship between culture and resilience in the context of European heritage. Under the basic assumption that national climate change risk and vulnerability are closely linked with a country’s resilience to climate change, it analysed how some aspects of culture are related to risk and vulnerability. In particular, iIndividualism/collectivism, religiousness and cultural heterogeneity are the cultural aspects analysed. The report stresses how these aspects, together with historical contingencies, institutions, and social norms influence consistently correlated with

    Simulation of structural behavior of masonry using discrete element modeling

    The structural simulation of masonry elements has been traditionally conducted with Finite Element Models (FEM). Studies from the literature show that these models are capable of accurately reproducing the structural behaviour at a micro and macro-scale levels. Despite the good results obtained, the application of FEM implies simplifications regarding the failure modes and the constitutive laws used to represent the behaviour of bricks and mortar, as well as the interface between them. Alternative methods are available nowadays for the same purpose. An example is the Discrete Element Model (DEM) that

    O Património e a sua sobrevivência: imagem, memória, arquétipo

    Over the last few years, we have been witnessing countless disaster situations (i.e. fires, floods, earthquakes…) and the consequent degradation, disappearance and irreparable damage to heritage assets that bear fundamental witness to history, memory and identity. The article delves into the critical significance of safeguarding cultural heritage amidst these various threats and dangers and argues for our Heritage’s capacity to resist time and history’s hazards, against all difficulties. The document underscores the urgent need for conservation efforts in light of past calamities that have led to irreparable damage to historical

    European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2016

    This annual publication includes descriptions, jury citations, and contact details on the winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards. In 2016, 28 laureates were selected. In 2016, 28 laureates were selected. Among these outstanding initiatives, the Awards magazine includes the renovation of a suspended walkway built on the steep sides of a gorge, opening up an area of phenomenal natural beauty to all visitors, thus attracting a new wave of tourism to the region (Spain). It also showcases the development of an industrial-style digitisation which resulted in

    Upgrading Public Space as a Tool for the Promotion and Sustainable Development of the Historic Urban Landscape

    Today public space is often degraded and depreciated so as to its function as well as to its image, as a consequence of financial and functional transformation and social change in the city. This paper highlights the challenges of implementing interventions in the public space in order to recover hidden or lost functional and aesthetic qualities. Several cases of interventions for the public space are mentioned, such as the old city of Nafplion, Plaka in Athens, Amphicleia and Kasteli at Poros. The study proposals included legislative measures, circulation regulations, the

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