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  • Música e arquitetura ao tempo de Nasoni

    This paper delves deeply into the intricate relationship between music and architecture during the era of Nicolau Nasoni. It explores how Baroque architecture, particularly in religious contexts, was intertwined with musical practices, sound production, and scenographic elements. The text sheds light on recent advancements in the study of building acoustics, revealing how the acoustic properties of structures from that period influenced and shaped musical performances and compositions. A significant focus is placed on the architectural contributions of Nicolau Nasoni, with a particular emphasis on the Church and Tower of the

    Novos desafios entre arquitetura e teatros: Niccolò Nasoni e D. Maria Ana de Áustria

    This paper explores the dynamic relationship between architecture and theaters during the period of ‘Johannine effervescence’ in Portugal (1719-1725). It focuses on the significant role played by Queen Maria Ana of Austria in promoting Italian theater and opera, where architecture and music intersect to theatralise space. The text highlights the architectural projects initiated between Mateus and Porto, reevaluating them in the context of the evolving arts and construction techniques of the early 18th century. Furthermore, the article emphasises the connection between the Church of São Pedro dos Clérigos and the

    A Geografia Mágica do Monte de São Silvestre através da Arte Rupestre

    This book delves into the research conducted on eleven engraved sites on the eastern and southeastern slopes of Monte de São Silvestre in Viana do Castelo. It explores the significance of these rock engravings in both spatial and temporal contexts, offering interpretations of the social and symbolic value of the diverse imagery present, including Atlantic Art and Figurative Art within their cultural and chronological framework. The hypothesis is presented that this mountain served as an ancestral place of significance throughout a long duration, starting in the Recent Prehistory. The work

    Circular Models for Systemic Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage and Landscape

    Explore the transformative potential of circular adaptive reuse in European Heritage with this insightful study. Delving into the intersection of cultural preservation and sustainable development, the document presents a comprehensive evaluation of key criteria for circular heritage conservation. By emphasising the principles of the circular economy, the article highlights how innovative approaches can enhance the value and longevity of cultural heritage sites. The research underscores the pivotal role of adaptive reuse in achieving sustainability goals within urban environments. Through a multi-dimensional analysis, the document showcases how heritage values, visual aesthetics,

    Evaluation criteria for a circular adaptive reuse of cultural heritage

    Exploring the intersection of cultural heritage preservation and sustainable urban development, this publication delves into the concept of circular adaptive reuse as a catalyst for positive change in European landscapes. Emphasising the pivotal role of cultural heritage in fostering community engagement and responsible conservation practices, the document advocates for a holistic approach to urban planning that integrates cultural values into the fabric of cities. It highlights the potential of adaptive reuse to not only extend the life of historical sites but also to stimulate civic pride and preserve intangible heritage

    Στρατηγική Ανθεκτικότητας της Αθήνας για το 2030

    The “Resilience Strategy 2030” aims to create a city that is Affordable, Green, Proactive and Vibrant through 65 actions and 53 sub-actions. Each pillar is broken down into specific objectives through which the municipality will assess its progress with specific indicators: Affordable city: Measures to promote transparency and accountability, simplify municipal procedures, foster cooperation and a sense of responsibility. Green City: Measures to support environmental infrastructure within the urban fabric and make efficient use of the cities’ waste. The aim is to promote sustainable mobility and co-create public spaces as

    ENtopia: Our Places Manual

    This manual for small towns and villages offers a rapid evaluation structure to construct a qualitative profile of your community. The manual focuses on physical and intangible heritage, and it is relevant for communities both new and old. The Places Manual was produced as part of Project ENtopia – Our Places in Europe, an initiative designed to celebrate with local communities and local authorities the qualities and heritage, physical and intangible, of those Places we live in. The guide is based on the ENtopia Chart, which provides numbered headings for

    Siting and Designing Wind Farms in the Landscape

    This guidance provides advice on the siting and design of wind farms in Scotland’s landscapes. It helps to guide wind farms towards those landscapes most able to accommodate them, and sets out how they can be designed to best relate to their setting and to minimise landscape and visual impacts. Siting and Designing Wind Farms highlights the importance of assessing the scale, tranquillity, and complexity of landscapes to ensure proposed wind farm developments do not disrupt or undermine their inherent qualities. It also explores the crucial balance between renewable energy

    Circular economy and cultural heritage/landscape regeneration

    Explore the intricate relationship between cultural heritage and the circular economy within the European context. Delve into the challenges and opportunities surrounding the regeneration of cultural heritage and landscapes, aiming to establish a European model of circular territorial development. This article explores the concept of circular economy and how it can be applied to cultural heritage and landscape regeneration, stimulating the experimentation of new circular business, financing and governance models in heritage conservation. Discover how cultural heritage serves as a valuable economic asset intertwined with the economy, attracting investments and

    Avaliação expedita do risco sísmico de bens culturais imóveis

    The article presents a simplified methodology for assessing seismic risk specifically tailored for immovable cultural heritage assets. The methodology aims to allow a quick evaluation of seismic risk for a wide range of cultural properties with predominantly masonry construction, using limited human and financial resources in a short timeframe. The proposed risk analysis framework falls into the category of qualitative methods and is based on a series of structured questionnaires that address the main components of a risk analysis: the likelihood of the hazard, the consequences of the hazard, the

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