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  • European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018: International Perspectives

    This recommendations paper delves into the significance of cultural heritage within the European context, exploring its role in fostering creativity, innovation, and economic growth. It highlights the European Commission’s recognition of cultural and creative industries, including heritage, as vital for driving competitiveness and job creation. This document emphasises the importance of maximising the intrinsic, economic, and societal value of cultural heritage to promote diversity and intercultural dialogue. It discusses the EU’s engagement in multilateral forums and bilateral dialogues to address cultural heritage policies, emphasising the benefits of sustainable development and

    A New European Agenda for Culture

    This document focuses on enhancing cultural heritage preservation and accessibility across Europe. It aims to engage policy makers, heritage professionals, organisations, and civil society in promoting sustainable practices and inclusive approaches to heritage conservation. The initiative builds on the influential “Venice Charter” to establish updated quality principles for cultural heritage interventions, ensuring decisions align with the values of historical environments. Key components of the initiative include research, sharing of good practices, and consultation with stakeholders like UNESCO and Europa Nostra. Efforts are directed towards encouraging people-centred approaches, making heritage more

    Estudo de Públicos de Museus Nacionais – Públicos do Museu Nacional do Azulejo

    This report is part of a study that produces up-to-date and reliable information on audiences for DGPC museums, including social profiles and cultural practices, the relationship with museums, expectations, evaluations and suggestions arising from the visit. It aims to promote knowledge and the search for new responses to the challenges that audiences are posing to many museum institutions as a result of the strong impact of tourism. This is a pioneering study in Portugal from several points of view: the number of participating museums, the comparative perspective adopted and the

    Conservação, salvaguarda e valorização do Património Arquitetónico: opções, fases e suas vicissitudes

    The article “Conservação, salvaguarda e valorização do Património Arquitetónico: opções, fases e suas vicissitudes” delves into the conservation, protection, and valorization of architectural heritage. It emphasises the importance of following methodological and doctrinal guidelines outlined in international charters and Portuguese legislation. Additionally, it discusses the application of these principles in the context of complex buildings, stressing the need to consider the entire structure and its intangible historical significance. The article highlights the challenges and considerations involved in interventions on architectural heritage, emphasising the need for a scientific and contemporary approach

    Protection of Cultural Heritage Latvia

    The document discusses Latvia’s efforts in cultural heritage protection, highlighting the evolution of heritage protection laws and practices since 1940. The overview explores the evolving landscape of cultural heritage protection, highlighting the significance of preserving diverse heritage values. It addresses the need for a shift from bureaucratic control to a more inclusive and participatory approach that engages society in heritage preservation efforts. The text emphasises the importance of modern technologies in enhancing the understanding and documentation of cultural heritage. By moving beyond traditional methods, it advocates for the integration of

    Portugal National Report: UNESCO Man & the Biosphere Programme (2017)

    The Portuguese annual MaB report 2018 provides a comprehensive overview of the initiatives and activities undertaken in the eleven Biosphere Reserves in Portugal during the year. The report emphasises the importance of raising awareness and promoting environmental education within these reserves. Various projects and activities were implemented to engage local communities and stakeholders in sustainable practices. These initiatives included visitor monitoring programs, volunteer activities, and awareness campaigns focused on environmental sustainability. Additionally, the report highlights the management efforts within the Biosphere Reserves, which involved active participation in meetings and working

    Paysages et patrimoine: les atouts d’un territoire – Centre-Val de Loire

    The Centre-Val de Loire region is renowned for its emblematic landscapes such as the Loire Valley, the Beauce plains, and the Brenne and Sologne wetlands. These landscapes result from a combination of natural phenomena, such as topography, geology, and vegetation, as well as human actions throughout history. They are therefore a crucial element of our living environment: maintaining or even restoring high-quality landscapes is vital for the well-being of communities. Beyond this aspect related to quality of life, landscapes are an integral part of regional heritage, alongside urban centres, historic

    Heritage is Ours: Citizens Participating in Decision Making

    This publication showcases inspiring practices and cases related to heritage participation. In these examples, citizens have succeeded in having a lasting influence on decision-making processes that affect cultural heritage. Heritage is Ours can be seen as a dialogue between European heritage activists and specialists. The articles address questions such as: How can citizens influence decision-making in a smart way? When is the right time to listen to people and how should this be done? Who should get involved? How should the identities and assets connected with a particular place be

    Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth

    Through this report, the British Council shares its findings in order to inform thinking, suggest an approach to put theory into practice, and contribute to thought leadership in the field of cultural heritage for inclusive growth. The key findings of this report suggest that investing in a people-centred approach to heritage, that benefits all levels of society, will bring social cohesion and economic growth to emerging economies and developing countries. This report explores the notion of inclusive growth, and the role that heritage can play in contributing to social inclusion

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