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  • Estudo de Públicos de Museus Nacionais – Públicos do Museu Nacional da Música

    This report is part of a study that produces up-to-date and reliable information on audiences for DGPC museums, including social profiles and cultural practices, the relationship with museums, expectations, evaluations and suggestions arising from the visit. It aims to promote knowledge and the search for new responses to the challenges that audiences are posing to many museum institutions as a result of the strong impact of tourism. This is a pioneering study in Portugal from several points of view: the number of participating museums, the comparative perspective adopted and the

    Plano Estratégico Para a Cultura de Aveiro (2019-2030)

    The document outlines the strategic cultural plan for Aveiro, focusing on enhancing the city’s cultural offerings and positioning within the national and European context. The plan spans from 2019 to 2030 and aims to promote cultural consumption, attract new artistic talents, and strengthen the city’s cultural identity. It involves a comprehensive analysis involving 34 individual interviews and 45 focus group sessions with key cultural stakeholders to develop a strategic proposal for Aveiro’s cultural policies. The plan includes 12 strategic objectives aligned with the city’s vision for the cultural and creative

    Heritage in Action 2019: Europe Special

    Discover the rich heritage of Europe and its significance with Europa Nostra’s annual magazine, Heritage in Action. This special edition, created for the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, extensively covers the discussions and insights of several European politicians, leaders, and civil society organisations at the European Cultural Heritage Summit in Berlin in June 2018. Featuring speeches delivered by Dr. Frank Walter Steinmeier, Federal President of Germany, and Emmanuel Macron, President of France, at the European Heritage Awards Ceremony in 2018, the content emphasises the role of cultural heritage in

    O Hospital de Todos os Santos: história, memória e património arquivístico (secs.XVI-XVIII)

    Established in 1479 by D. João II and inaugurated by D. Manuel I in 1501, the Todos os Santos Hospital was the biggest and most important Portuguese Hospital of the early modern period. It is around its history, memory and archival heritage that this doctorate dissertation is built. The research, globally framed between the foundation of the Hospital at Rossio and its change to the Santo Antão College, in 1775, already as São José Hospital, focuses on three crucial phases of the institution’s life: its establishment; transfer to the Lisbon

    Learning from disabled people about qualities and obstacles in historic cities. The case of Liège.

    The initiative promotes inclusivity in historic European city centres, which are often not accessible to people with disabilities. It emphasizes the challenges faced by individuals with different abilities, highlighting their exclusion from the cultural and historical richness of these areas. By focusing on Liège as a case study, the initiative aims to improve understanding of disabled individuals’ interactions with historic environments. Collaborating with ‘user/experts’ who offer unique perspectives on navigating such spaces, the goal is to identify and overcome barriers to inclusivity, enriching the historic urban experience for everyone.

    Cultural heritage essentials

    In this publication for policy makers, urban practitioners and cultural heritage lovers, Eurocities gathered insights, lessons and experiences from the ROCK project. From 2017 to 2020, ROCK demonstrated how, in European cities, cultural and historic city centres can become laboratories for testing new models of urban regeneration, sustainable development and economic and social growth, and thus lead the urban transition. You will discover how cities have designed new approaches to bridge the gap between conservation and preservation of cultural heritage and contemporary urban issues. From sustainable adaptive reuse of cultural

    New governance models for creative, sustainable and circular cities

    Citizens’ needs are changing, and so must cities adapt and assess priorities for the greater goods. In this booklet of case studies published as part of ROCK project, you can learn five ways cities invent new governance models to turn into more creative and sustainable places to live. City administrations take on new roles as brokers or advisors, using their connections to help create new cultural partnerships: in Lyon, the Urban Heritage Observatory works with focus groups to assess the changes in the way of living and working in the

    Estudo de Públicos de Museus Nacionais – Públicos do Museu Nacional de Etnologia

    This report is part of a study that produces up-to-date and reliable information on audiences for DGPC museums, including social profiles and cultural practices, the relationship with museums, expectations, evaluations and suggestions arising from the visit. It aims to promote knowledge and the search for new responses to the challenges that audiences are posing to many museum institutions as a result of the strong impact of tourism. This is a pioneering study in Portugal from several points of view: the number of participating museums, the comparative perspective adopted and the

    Portugal National Report: UNESCO Man & the Biosphere Programme (2018)

    The Portuguese annual MaB report 2018 focused on the management and development of Biosphere Reserves, with a particular emphasis on cross-border initiatives. The report highlighted Portugal’s adaptation of the Lima Action Plan 2016-2025, showcasing various actions aimed at promoting environmental sustainability, rural fire prevention, and biodiversity conservation. Efforts were made to secure funding from different sources, such as Regional Funds and Interreg European Union regional funding, to support sustainable development activities within Biosphere Reserves territories. Communication and dissemination activities included meetings, workshops, and participation in seminars to promote the MaB

    Biodeterioration of majolica glazed tiles by the fungus Devriesia imbrexigena

    The article investigates the fungal bioreceptivity and biodeterioration of historical glazed tiles, focusing on the influence of ageing on these processes. Two sets of tile models, pristine and artificially aged, were subjected to a 12-month laboratory colonization experiment with fungal inoculation. The study revealed the formation of biogenic calcium oxalate compounds as a result of fungal biodeterioration, with no correlation found between bioreceptivity and ageing degree. The research employed digital image analysis to quantify fungal growth on the glazed tiles, showing slow colonization by Devriesia imbrexigena over the 12-month period.

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