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  • Estratégia Nacional do Saber Fazer Português 2019-2024

    The National Strategy for Portuguese Know-How is a government initiative aimed at safeguarding and promoting traditional craftsmanship in Portugal. This strategy is a collaborative effort between the cultural, economic, and labor sectors, focusing on sustainable development and the preservation of unique cultural heritage. It addresses contemporary challenges while emphasising the importance of traditional crafts in the modern economy. The strategy is built upon four fundamental pillars: preservation, education, capacity building, and promotion. Preservation involves maintaining and protecting traditional crafts and techniques, ensuring they are passed down through generations. Education focuses

    Planning the circular city: focus on buildings’ environmental impact

    Explore the pivotal role of existing and cultural heritage buildings in advancing Circular City initiatives across Europe. This insightful piece underscores the significance of integrating sustainable practices in urban development by focusing on buildings, particularly those with historical and cultural value. By advocating for a circular economy approach, the paper highlights the potential for reducing environmental impacts and enhancing resource efficiency within city landscapes. The narrative delves into the interconnectedness of circular economy principles, urban development, and the environmental footprint of buildings. It emphasises the necessity of prioritising buildings, especially

    Integrated urban regeneration, cultural heritage safeguard and environmental efficiency as diverging objectives in urban policies in Portugal (2000 – 2020)

    This article presents an analysis of some policies concerning the intervention in the existing city, from 2000 Lisbon Strategy until 2020 Europe strategy. It considers urban policies and policy instruments that have led interventions in urban built heritage. It also considers cultural heritage policies or environment and energy policies with effects on the intervention in the existing city, in the urban building stock. These policies were analysed from the point of view of the contribution for the general objective of integrated urban regeneration and for two specific objectives: safeguarding cultural

    Estudo de Públicos de Museus Nacionais – Públicos do Museu Monográfico de Conimbriga – Museu Nacional

    This report is part of a study that produces up-to-date and reliable information on audiences for DGPC museums, including social profiles and cultural practices, the relationship with museums, expectations, evaluations and suggestions arising from the visit. It aims to promote knowledge and the search for new responses to the challenges that audiences are posing to many museum institutions as a result of the strong impact of tourism. This is a pioneering study in Portugal from several points of view: the number of participating museums, the comparative perspective adopted and the

    Morphological innovation of the loggia for urban resilience to climate change

    Temporary occurrences of extreme intensities of ultra-violet radiation and increasing periods of heat waves, due to climate change, present public health risks. Remaining in the shadow during midday hours in such conditions is a public health promotion strategy. Following this premise, this research explores morphological innovation of the urban loggia, i.e., public shaded walkways and sitting areas integrated in the ground level of buildings. These spaces have the potential to generate microclimates through passive cooling, reducing energy consumption of indoor temperature regulation in building entrances and contributing to the sustainability

    Estratégia do Plano Nacional das Artes 2019-2024

    The National Arts Plan was established by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Education, for the 2019-29 timeframe, through the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 42/2019. Focusing on three axes of action – cultural policies, qualification, and education and access – the Plan proposes particular measures that contribute to the valorization of the arts and education in the lives of communities and citizens. It aims to strengthen cultural policies and arts development in various territories, holding organisations accountable for their cultural commitments. The plan includes measures to quantify

    Gendered Landscapes: Women, Materiality, and Historical Memory in Deerfield, Massachusetts

    Many historical elements visible on landscapes today, such as structures, vegetation, waterways, and landforms, sometimes give the impression of having survived substantially unchanged since their beginnings centuries ago. Moreover, this aura of “timelessness” is often deliberately encouraged by various means, for multiple and complex reasons. The movement for historic preservation (of aged buildings and, more recently, their surroundings), that grew in the United States from around the mid-19th century, has been a participant. Manifestations of this important historical trend are explored here through the lens of gender by looking at

    Characterization of Microbial Communities Associated with Ceramic Raw Materials as Potential Contributors for the Improvement of Ceramic Rheological Properties

    The study delves into the microbial communities associated with ceramic raw materials and slips to investigate their potential role in enhancing the rheological properties of ceramics. By employing both culture-dependent and -independent techniques, the research identified a diverse array of bacteria and fungi in the clay raw materials and ceramic suspensions. Notably, the presence of potential exopolysaccharide (EPS) producers such as Sphingomonas sp., Pseudomonas xanthomarina, and Acinetobacter lwoffii was observed, indicating the capacity for these microorganisms to influence ceramic properties through EPS production. The findings underscore the significance of microbial

    Estudo Perfis sociais e práticas profissionais dos membros do ICOM Portugal: uma apresentação inicial

    This article presents an initial overview of a study conducted on the social profiles and professional practices of members of ICOM Portugal. The study aims to provide insights into the diverse activities, careers, qualifications, and professional affiliations of museum professionals, shedding light on their roles and contributions within the national and international contexts. Additionally, it seeks to address relevant issues such as the characterisation of social profiles, the existing professional framework, and the emergence of new professional competencies in the digital era. The study is a collaborative effort between ICOM

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