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  • ILUCIDARE Policy recommendations to promote heritage as a source for innovation and international relations

    These policy recommendations make use of ILUCIDARE learnings with a view to consider the way policy should be framed to make the most of heritage to support innovation, international relations and contribute to a greener, more inclusive and sustainable future. More specifically, policy recommendations aim: • To show the need to strengthen and improve heritage policy making to further unleash the potential of cultural heritage to contribute to innovation and international relations; • To help policy makers understand the value of heritage investment; • To guide future policy action with

    Implementation of the European agenda for culture and of the EU strategy for international cultural relations

    This publication serves as a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the European agenda for culture and the EU strategy for international cultural relations. It meticulously evaluates the achievements and shortcomings of EU cultural policies, providing invaluable insights to inform and guide policymakers. Through case studies and practical insights, readers are offered a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in sustaining and safeguarding Europe’s rich tangible and intangible heritage for generations to come. With a forward-looking perspective, the document not only scrutinises the current landscape but also lays out

    Digital transformation and curation in GLAM: valorisation of digital humanities research (DigitGLAM)

    DigitGLAM will provide consultancy and expertise to Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) and their networks, focusing on digital curation, digital transformation, and enhancing user engagement through digital technologies. Our goal is to become the preferred partner for Flemish and European GLAM institutions for funding applications and a leading centre of expertise for implementing digital collection-based workflows. The IOF mandate will build upon our existing achievements in valorisation projects for the GLAM sector, boost our participation in European and Belgian/Flemish funding opportunities, and enhance our contributions to KU Leuven’s HERKUL

    The Culture Fix: creative people, places and industries

    Uncover the economic and societal impact of Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) in this insightful exploration tailored for professionals and enthusiasts in European Heritage. Delving into the vibrant landscape of CCS, the report reveals its pivotal role, contributing 7% of enterprises and 2.2% of the total business economy gross value added (GVA) across OECD countries. With employment figures reaching up to 1 in 20 jobs in some nations, the CCS growth outpaces other business sectors. As engines of innovation, CCS propel advancements across industries, introducing novel products, services, and business

    Upotreba nasleđa u spoljnoj politici Republike Srbije: kratak pregled dosadašnje prakse i saveti za dalji razvoj

    Explore the intricate relationship between heritage and Serbia’s foreign policy in this insightful analysis. Delving into the realms of cultural and heritage diplomacy, the document sheds light on how Serbia strategically employs its cultural assets to achieve foreign policy objectives. This article analyses the use of heritage in Serbia’s foreign policy through two case studies, using theoretical frameworks of museology and heritology, such as the fact that cultural artefacts represent a source of information. The article offers an overview of some past practices, e.g. the state using Serbian mediaeval heritage

    ILUCIDARE Webinars

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ILUCIDARE adapted many activities to an online or blended format, enabling a larger global audience to participate and access recorded sessions for later viewing. The webinars cover various topics, including heritage-led innovation in fields like politics, environment, technology, law, economy, and social aspects. Notable sessions include roundtable discussions, workshops, and lectures by experts, all focusing on integrating heritage with contemporary issues and innovations. Additionally, capacity-building activities in Ecuador, Cairo, and Montenegro fostered local heritage conservation skills and community engagement through practical projects and knowledge exchange.

    Proposta de Plano Estratégico de Cooperação Cultural Multilateral da CPLP (2022 – 2026)

    This document outlines the Proposed Strategic Plan for Multilateral Cultural Cooperation within the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) for the period 2022-2026. It emphasises the importance of cultural unity and collaboration among member states, focusing on promoting intercultural exchange, capacity building, and gender equality in the cultural sector. The plan is structured around strategic objectives, including fostering dialogue, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting creative industries. Implementation of the plan will require close coordination between the CPLP Secretariat and relevant stakeholders, with an emphasis on strategic management and monitoring to

    Proposta de Plano de Ação de Cooperação Cultural Multilateral da CPLP (2022 – 2024)

    This plan of action outlines various projects and initiatives within the Cultural sector of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). It highlights the establishment of a community system for the temporary import and export of cultural goods among CPLP countries. Additionally, it projects that support will be provided for the mobility of artists, authors, and cultural agents within the CPLP space. Furthermore, efforts will be made to enhance coordination and information sharing among entities responsible for cultural activities supervision in CPLP countries. A study will be conducted on the

    Cultura no Pós Alentejo-2020

    The report investigates the cultural landscape within Alentejo municipalities from 2017 to 2020, focusing on the effectiveness of cultural policies and practices. The study aims to achieve five primary objectives: first, to identify and characterise the dimensions of municipal cultural activities, including governance structures, management tools, financial and human resources, cultural facilities, and community engagement. Second, it seeks to evaluate the perceptions of cultural entities and active agents regarding the significance of culture in the Alentejo 2020 Operational Program. Third, the study aims to outline strategic visions for culture in

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