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  • Lojas com História e a Preservação do Património Identitário de Lisboa

    The dissertation focuses on the preservation of Lisbon’s identity heritage through the “Lojas com História” program. It aims to analyse how this program patrimonialises and safeguards the city’s historical identity, particularly in its historic area. The research is part of the Lisbon City Council’s strategy for urban development, emphasising the preservation of cultural and historical identity, urban rehabilitation, and traditional commerce revitalisation. The study employs an exploratory approach supported by interpretive and explanatory methods, utilising documented sources like repositories, databases, and newspapers. The document delves into the significance of historical

    Por uma História das “Lojas com História”: O caso da Farmácia Barreto

    The dissertation titled “Por uma História das Lojas com História – O caso da Farmácia Barreto” by Luís Miguel Correia Freitas explores the “Lojas com História” project initiated by the Lisbon city council in 2015 to safeguard traditional commerce. The study focuses on Farmácia Barreto as a case study, delving into the project’s inception, development, and outcomes. Through meticulous research and analysis, the author traces the chronological evolution of the project, highlighting its significance in preserving historical commercial spaces in Lisbon. The dissertation sheds light on the challenges faced in

    A Painter in the Shadow: Unveiling Conservation, Materials and Techniques of the Unknown Luso-Flemish Master of Lourinhã

    The article focuses on the conservation, materials, and techniques of the unknown Luso-Flemish Master of Lourinhã, analyzing the painting collection of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Lourinhã in Portugal. The deteriorated state of some paintings and the poor conditions of the building housing the collection prompted the study. Thermo-hygrometric measurements were conducted, and a multianalytical methodology was employed, including micro-XRD, EDXRF, SEM-EDS, µ-Raman, and µ-FTIR analyses. Infrared photography and reflectography were also used to study the underdrawing technique. The results were compared with previous studies of the painter’s workshop,

    Aspectos Quimicos na investigação de alguns tipos de florescências em bens culturais

    The article focuses on the importance of chemical analysis in the preservation of cultural assets. It highlights the significance of evaluating the chemical composition of objects and their interaction with the environment to understand decay signs and establish effective conservation strategies. The study investigates efflorescences observed in two paintings, demonstrating challenges in identifying degradation processes of different origins. Through vibrational spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and microbiological analysis, the migration of substances and microbial colonisation in paintings is examined. The research emphasises the role of chemical analysis in minimising degradation processes

    Circular economy strategies

    Circular economy strategies for adaptive reuse of cultural heritage buildings to reduce environmental impacts delves into the significance of cultural heritage in urban development, particularly focusing on the adaptive reuse of historic buildings. The document highlights the importance of preserving the unique historic and cultural characteristics of buildings, which play a crucial role in sustainable urban development. Cultural heritage buildings hold a unique niche in the urban landscape. In addition to shelter, they embody the local cultural and historic characteristics that define communities. Therefore, extending their useful lifespan has multiple

    A conservação e restauro na reabilitação. As funções do conservador-restaurador em projecto e execução de obra

    This text delves into the significance of conservation and restoration within urban rehabilitation projects, stressing the pivotal role of conservator-restorers in these endeavours. It advocates for a more proactive involvement of conservator-restorers in the planning and execution phases to ensure the safeguarding of authentic heritage values. The Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers of Portugal was present at the 2019 AR&PA – Iberian Biennial of Cultural Heritage in Loulé, where it took on the responsibility of organising the Conservation & Restoration Talks seminar, on the theme of “Rehabilitating: an unavoidable dimension of

    A Guide To Climate Change Impacts

    This guide on adapting Scotland’s historic places to the impacts of climate change was commissioned and developed by the Our Place in Time Climate Change Working Group of Historic Environment Scotland. Our Place in Time is Scotland’s strategy for the historic environment. It sets out a vision of how the country’s historic environment can be understood, valued, cared for and enjoyed. To develop this guide, the Climate Change Working Group operated with partners from across the historic environment sector and beyond.The aim of this guide is to open up conversations.

    Ghidul meu de patrimoniu

    “Heritage for the Future” Cultural Association (www.patrimoniu-viitor.ro) launched a heritage guide dedicated to students (grades VII – XII), named ‘My Heritage Guide’ – “Ghidul meu de Patrimoniu” in Romanian. This publication is aimed at preparing young people to discover cultural heritage and to help them accurately convey their impressions when trying to promote, document or raise awareness around it. The guide is structured in seven chapters, each of which ends with time for reflection and a few exercises: “I. Introduction: Why a guide about heritage?,” “II. History and heritage,” “III.

    Fruição do património cultural da cidade Lisboa: Condicionantes e limitações

    This dissertation presents a comprehensive analysis of the accessibility and enjoyment of cultural heritage sites in Lisbon, focusing on the potential limitations and the broader implications for cultural heritage in Portugal. The study employs a methodological approach that includes direct observation, analysis grid utilisation, and a conceptual review of the topic under analysis. By examining the legislative framework at the European, national, and local levels, the document provides a contextual understanding of the issues surrounding the enjoyment of cultural heritage. The study delves into the concept of “Fruição” (enjoyment) of

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