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  • A reserva de pintura da FBAUL: visão historiográfica dos diversos prémios pictóricos

    This article delves into the historiographic perspective of the painting collection at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL) and the pictorial awards bestowed by the Lisbon Academy of Fine Arts (ABAL) on students during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The study aims to shed light on the competition rules for various prizes housed at FBAUL, including the Prémio Anunciação, Prémio Lupi, and Prémio Ferreira Chaves. The research focuses on identifying and reconstructing the award-winning works at FBAUL until 1930, with a preliminary list

    Os painéis de Tavira: vicissitudes de quatro pinturas sobre madeira encontradas, em 1945, na ermida de São Pedro

    The article discusses the discovery and analysis of 15th-century paintings in Tavira panels through radiographs taken between 1955 and 1960, revealing hidden artworks. In 1995, further radiographs unveiled unexpected findings, leading to ongoing research on the materials and techniques used in the paintings. Challenges in wood identification and inconclusive results from pigment analysis have been noted. The presence of titanium white pigment and other elements in the original paint has been identified, shedding light on the artistic process. Restoration efforts in 1963 aimed to address the damage caused by indecision

    A ciência ao serviço da arte e da conservação e restauro: três casos de estudo em pinturas murais do projeto Prim’art

    The article underscores the application of science in art history and conservation through three specific case studies. These studies focused on mural paintings dating back to the 16th and early 17th centuries located in significant architectural monuments in southeast and central Portugal. The research methodology involved a combination of on-site examinations using non-invasive techniques and laboratory analysis of micro samples extracted from paint layers, gilding layers, and their supports. By employing a multidisciplinary approach, the researchers were able to identify fresco and secco painting techniques, original pictorial materials, and materials

    Accelerate ageing on building stone materials by simulating daily, seasonal thermo-hygrometric conditions and solar radiation of Csa Mediterranean climate

    The article discusses the significance of accelerated ageing tests in evaluating the response of building materials to weathering, focusing on factors such as solar radiation, temperature, relative humidity, and capillary rising. Researchers aim to simulate realistic environmental conditions in laboratory settings to understand the decay processes of building stones. The study emphasises the use of photogrammetry for morphological characterization and the influence of water salinity on stone decay patterns. It also highlights the need to verify the results of accelerated testing by comparing them with data from natural outdoor weathering

    Implementing The Circular Economy

    This document delves into the concept of circular economy as a tool for revitalising cultural heritage, emphasising the need for ecological considerations in heritage preservation. It highlights the role of heritage assets in shaping urban development and maintaining social stability over time. Through a human-centred approach, the document underscores the importance of community involvement in heritage conservation and adaptive reuse projects. It discusses the significance of emotional connections to heritage sites and the creation of meaningful relationships within communities. The evaluation of heritage assets based on intrinsic value promotes a

    Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse: learning from success and failure stories in the city of Salerno, Italy

    Delve into a comprehensive analysis of success and failure stories in cultural heritage adaptive reuse, focusing on decision-making criteria for public owners of heritage assets in Salerno, Italy. The article explores the methodology used to select heritage assets for analysis, including a detailed examination of a “failure case” involving the adaptive reuse of four heritage buildings in the historic city centre. It discusses financing and management options for public owners, highlighting a set of practical decision-making criteria that influence choices at the municipal level. The study identifies key factors such

    The Image of Soares dos Reis’ Sculpture in Art History, Art Criticism and Literature: Epochs, Models and Representations

    The article delves into the analysis and reception of António Soares dos Reis’s artistic work, focusing on various perspectives and critiques. It discusses the compilation of ASR’s work by Canon Alves Mendes and Manoel Maria Rodrigues, portraying ASR as a tragic figure with a deep sense of pain and despair reflected in his art. Laranjeira’s viewpoint offers a distant acknowledgment of ASR’s work, placing more emphasis on ASR’s pupil Augusto Santo. ASR’s Autobiography provides insights into his artistic learning and methodology, shedding light on his creative process. Arroyo’s analysis challenges

    El patrimonio y la era digital

    Historical centres have experienced significant transformation since the 1960s, yet a notable gap remains between cultural heritage and the general populace. This study explores how the intellectual aura surrounding heritage often alienates citizens, who struggle to feel a part of their cultural wealth. Additionally, the influx of tourists accelerates gentrification, displacing local residents. Addressing this issue involves bringing heritage closer to citizens and raising awareness about the importance of caring for our historic centres. The study incorporates a comprehensive review of literature related to cultural heritage, dissemination, technological advancements, anthropology,

    AI in relation to GLAMs Task Force report

    This document is the final report of the EuropeanaTech AI in relation to GLAMs Task Force, which was established by the EuropeanaTech Community in 2019. The purpose of this Task Force was to do a horizon scanning exercise and investigate the role and impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the cultural heritage sector. The report provides an overview of a survey that received 56 responses from cultural heritage and research institutions. It found that almost all the respondents (91.8%) are interested in at least one AI

    New professionals Task Force report and recommendations

    This report identifies the key challenges facing new professionals in the Europeana Network Association (ENA), its communities, and the wider cultural heritage sector. It is based on the work of a Task Force which, throughout 2020-2021, considered how best to support the growth of the cultural heritage sector in sustainable and inclusive way from the perspective of new and emerging professionals. The recommendations it made were to: 1. Cultivate ENA intergenerational exchange 2. Support inclusivity for new professionals within the ENA 3. Create spaces for new professional visibility, autonomy and

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