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  • The digital transformation agenda and GLAMs – Culture24 findings and outcomes

    This report develops a shared understanding of what is happening in the cultural heritage sector to support digital transformation, to consider what terms like ‘digital transformation’ mean in practice for GLAM institutions and to provide a snapshot of digital capacity building initiatives in the sector. It was written by Culture24 and commissioned by the Europeana Foundation, in conjunction with a process that involved 64 participants from 22 countries over three weeks during the month of June 2020. In preparing this report, Culture24 looked into the differences between the terms digital

    Digital transformation in the time of COVID-19 – sense-making workshops findings and outcomes

    This report shares the results of workshops where cultural heritage experts shared their perspective, experience and expertise together to identify new paths through – and beyond – the COVID-19 crisis for digital cultural heritage. It presents findings and outcomes from a sense-making process that involved 64 participants from 22 countries over three weeks during the month of June 2020. The process was part of an ongoing effort by the Europeana Foundation to investigate digital transformation and capacity building across the European cultural heritage sector. The report is designed to be

    Joint Cross-Border Development Strategy

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Stratégie Commune de Développement Transfrontalier

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Estratégia Comum de Desenvolvimento Transfronteiriço

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Estrategia Común de Desarrollo Transfronterizo

    This Strategy represents the fulfilment of the commitment of the Government of the Kingdom of Spain and the Government of the Portuguese Republic, set out in the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 at the XXX Luso-Spanish Summit, to define a Common Cross-Border Development Strategy. The entities responsible and the working group have geared their actions towards achieving the objective defined in the Memorandum, which is to guarantee the future sustainability of the territories, making them more attractive places to live, work and invest. The Strategy is a flexible tool

    Da Salvaguarda à Valorização: Os Monumentos Nacionais de Portugal e a Abertura ao Público em 2019

    This study focuses on immovable cultural heritage assets classified as monuments, with the protection category of National Monument (NM), open to the public. It presents a comprehensive analysis of the National Monuments of Portugal and their accessibility to the public in 2019 and aims to contribute to the knowledge of these monuments in terms of their valorisation through access and enjoyment. The report encompasses a quantitative survey conducted from April 17 to June 17, 2020, providing valuable insights into the trends and characteristics of visitor access and engagement. The findings

    Patrimonio cultural e identidad en las universidades

    The article explores the dynamic evolution of theories concerning cultural heritage within academia, emphasizing their integration into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula. It posits universities not only as educational institutions but also as vital centres for scholarly inquiry and societal progress. Amidst the challenges posed by globalization, which threatens the preservation of heritage and identity, the article advocates for a collective approach to ownership and mobilization as essential strategies for safeguarding cultural heritage. Within the globalized context, universities serve as significant platforms for understanding the historical significance of heritage and its

    Estratégia Regional de Cultura 2030: Cultura, Criatividade e Resiliência dos Territórios

    The Regional Cultural Strategy 2030 aims to align with the “Strategic Vision for the Centro Region 2030” and its intervention instruments within the new programming cycle. The strategy focuses on three key pillars: Culture, Creativity, and Resources, emphasising the role of culture in community development and capacity building. Analysing the proposed strategy in conjunction with various documents and the results of the “Culture in Post-Centro 2020” study, the document seeks to bridge conceptual perspectives with the ambitions of the Centro region. It identifies the need to enhance cultural resources and

    Estratégia Cultural de Braga (2020-2030)

    This document outlines the cultural strategy for Braga from 2020 to 2030, emphasising the city’s commitment to cultural development as a pillar of sustainable growth. It highlights the importance of community engagement, economic stimulation, and knowledge dissemination within the cultural and creative sectors. The strategy is not only a response to the city’s bid for European Capital of Culture in 2027 but also a guiding compass for the future, reflecting the aspirations and concerns of Braga’s residents and stakeholders. The Strategy involves a series of four Implementation Plans spanning the

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