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  • DE-BIAS – Detecting and cur(at)ing harmful language in cultural heritage collections

    Cultural heritage institutions in Europe and beyond have been undertaking work to describe and catalogue the historical objects in their collections for decades. However, once created, catalogue data are rarely updated to reflect changes in language and society. As a result, many object and collection descriptions that once fit into popular social narratives now convey outdated views that not only ignore and therefore alienate a wide range of people, but in some cases use language that is offensive, inappropriate or even harmful. The DE-BIAS project aims to promote a more

    Plano Estratégico Municipal Cultura Guimarães 2032

    The Guimarães Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2032 focuses on enhancing cultural integration and participation within the community. Through initiatives like the Annual Cultural Mediation Program, the aim is to strengthen communication between cultural agents and educational communities. This strategy also includes measures to monitor the impact of cultural and educational collaborations on the participation of school and academic communities in the cultural life of the region. Additionally, the plan emphasises the importance of democratising cultural governance by increasing transparency and citizen participation in decision-making processes. By engaging citizens in

    Viva Portugal, Somos Caretos! Das Festas de Rapazes aos Emblemas da Nação. Itinerários Patrimoniais Mediáticos e nas Redes Sociais

    This chapter, titled “Long Live Portugal! We are Caretos! From boy’s rituals to the emblems of the nation. Heritage itineraries in the media and social netwroks,” delves into the integration of the 2003 Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage by various nations into their political agendas. It sheds light on the evolution of festivals influenced by economic shifts, resulting in cultural reconfigurations. Specifically focusing on the Carnival of Podence, it illustrates a reimagining of rural identities in contemporary contexts. The document underscores the impact of commercialization and media portrayal on

    Greening the Creative Europe Programme – Final Report

    This report, commissioned by the European Commission, explores the initiative ‘Greening the Creative Europe Programme.’ Developed by Ecorys, it aims to integrate climate actions into the Creative Europe Programme without altering its core objectives. Aligned with the European Parliament’s call for greening Erasmus+, Creative Europe, and the European Solidarity Corps, the report spans the previous Creative Europe Programme (2014-2020) and the initial two years of the current one (2021-2022). The study outlines objectives, including research on guidance for project applicants, monitoring green aspects, collecting green practices, and documenting progress. Beyond

    Heritage Conversations: Learning from Heritage Opportunities/threats within Mega-Events in Europe (HOMEE)

    Heritage Opportunities/threats within Mega-Events in Europe (HOMEE) project realised jointly by partners from Italy, Cyprus, Poland and the United Kingdom, was awarded with the European Heritage Awards | Europa Nostra Awards 2022 in the category of Research. Our conversation gives a closer insight into this project, asking the major question: What can we learn from HOMEE? Participants of the discussion: Davide Ponzini Dr Franco Bianchini Dr Joanna Sanetra-Szeliga ‘Heritage Conversations’ is a series of discussions led by the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub team in Kraków. Their goal is to promote

    Soft Power and Cultural Relations Approaches in International Heritage Protection

    This report analyses how, and to what extent, international heritage protection approaches can be understood from soft power and cultural relations perspectives. It compares the United Kingdom’s cultural heritage protection approaches globally to those of the United States, the Netherlands, and Norway. The quantitative analysis in the report demonstrates that although some aspects of cultural relations and soft power are mutually exclusive, there is also a significant overlap between the two approaches. The overlap between cultural relations and various forms of diplomacy can both strengthen and challenge foreign policy establishments

    Get inspired! Culture: a driver for health and wellbeing in the EU

    Explore the transformative power of culture in enhancing health and well-being across the European Union through a comprehensive examination of various initiatives and projects. Delve into the intersection of art, psychology, music, and care for Alzheimer’s patients, showcasing how these diverse fields converge to benefit citizens’ lives. Discover the profound impact of culture on mental health and the initiatives driving policy changes at EU, national, regional, and local levels. Uncover the insights from the CultureForHealth report, shedding light on the connections between culture and health, subjective well-being, community well-being, and

    WEAVE: Widen European access to cultural communities via Europeana

    The action will develop and provide a framework for linking and presenting the connections between tangible and intangible heritage of cultural communities, guarding the rich and invaluable cultural heritage (CH) which they represent and bringing them to the center of attention by making them accessible in Europeana platform.

    Cultural policies support the ecological transition

    Explore the pivotal role of culture in driving sustainable development. This article delves into the intersection of cultural initiatives and environmental sustainability, shedding light on the imperative need for integrating cultural dimensions into overarching sustainability frameworks. By ratifying key conventions and aligning with Sustainable Development Goals, the EU underscores the significance of cultural policies in achieving a harmonious balance between heritage preservation and ecological responsibility. The text brings examples of cities like Lille, adopting sustainable practices within their cultural sectors, demonstrated by initiatives such as eco-friendly exhibitions and innovative emission-reducing

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