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  • How (and when) to talk about disability? A guide for cultural communication professionals and journalists

    Acesso Cultura’s resource “How (and when) to talk about disability?” guides cultural communication professionals and journalists to use less ableist language and practise a more inclusive communication. In two sections, How (and when) to talk about disability covers each person’s responsibility in building an inclusive society and shares strategies for cultural communication professionals and journalists. The guide closes with a summary of recommendations and tips: – Look for information and training on these issues if you want to write and speak about them. – Practice active listening. – Look for

    A atividade cultural do Teatro Diogo Bernardes em Ponte de Lima na primeira metade do século XX

    The dissertation delves into the cultural activity of Teatro Diogo Bernardes in Ponte de Lima during the first half of the 20th century. It aims to understand the theater’s history, evolution, and impact on the municipality. The study explores the construction of the theater, its purpose, and the types of cultural events it hosted, such as theater plays, concerts, and Carnival balls. It also examines the transition from silent to sound films and the introduction of color films at the theater, highlighting its significant role in the cultural life of

    How cultural heritage contributes to the green, digital, and social transition

    Cultural heritage plays a pivotal role in driving positive change across European cities, as highlighted in this article presenting diverse case studies selected by the European Heritage Hub project. From repurposing industrial sites for cultural activities to restoring medieval gardens using traditional techniques, these initiatives showcase how heritage contributes to green, digital, and social transitions. The selected projects not only address local challenges but also offer valuable case studies for policy solutions and inspire other regions to follow suit. The European Heritage Hub received 40 high-quality applications from 33 cities

    Análise da vulnerabilidade sísmica de um edifício pombalino: desafios e soluções

    The article delves into the seismic vulnerability analysis of a Pombalino style building situated in Lisbon, recognized as a heritage site of Municipal interest. The structure, showcasing typical post-1755 earthquake construction features, underwent a detailed assessment using non-linear analysis methods. By employing the 3Muri software for structural modeling and calibration with in-situ dynamic tests, the study revealed the building’s seismic weaknesses and behavior. The research emphasizes the significance of advanced analytical techniques and understanding the unique historical context of the building to accurately evaluate its seismic performance. Furthermore, the study

    Atas do IV Congresso Ibero-Americano Investigações em Conservação do Património, Práticas Sustentáveis no Património

    The Ibero-American Congress ‘Investigations in Heritage Conservation’, organised every two years by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, in partnership with the Pharmacy Museum and the Spanish Group of the IIC (GEIIC), is currently a benchmark event with more than 250 participants. This edition saw the participation of an International Organising Committee, made up of researchers from countries such as Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Spain and IberMuseus, who offered activities in their countries, such as conferences and workshops, which took place before, during and after the congress.

    GAME ON: Direções Futuras para Gamificação em/para Património Cultural

    The potential of gamification for cultural tourism and heritage has been widely recognized, both in academic circles and in communities of practice. Because of this recognition, there have been numerous experiences and reflections on the use of gamified strategies for interpretation, safeguard, and economic development for cultural assets, especially in recent years. As the field slowly grows beyond isolated projects and a more consistent body of work begins to form, it becomes increasingly important to hold space for broader discussions regarding future directions for research within the intersection of gamification

    Living guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research

    The European Research Area Forum (composed of European countries and research and innovation stakeholders) has developed guidelines on the use of generative AI in research for: funding bodies, research organisations and researchers, both in the public and private research ecosystems. These guidelines focus on one particular area of AI used in the research process, namely generative Artificial Intelligence. There is an important step to prevent misuse and ensure that generative AI plays a positive role in improving research practices. One of the goals of these guidelines is that the scientific

    European Heritage Hub: Connecting Heritage Across Europe

    This podcast episode provides a in-depth look at the European Heritage Hub, one of the largest cultural heritage-driven projects across Europe to support the green, social and digital transformation of our society. It features 9 prominent voices across the heritage world, who highlight the intrinsic connection between climate justice and cultural heritage. The episode transports listeners back to Venice, where the Hub held its first public Forum titled ‘Reimagining the Anthropocene: Putting Culture and Heritage at the Heart of Climate Action’. Against the captivating backdrop of water splashing against the

    Cities and regions driving high-quality architecture: A catalogue of 30 good practices

    Discover a comprehensive exploration of European heritage preservation strategies and funding mechanisms in this insightful resource. Delve into the transferable ideas presented, emphasizing the importance of sustainable restoration practices, community engagement, and the integration of heritage sites into contemporary society. The document highlights the significance of balancing preservation with modern requirements to ensure the functionality and authenticity of historical buildings. The built environments of our cities and regions do much more than just providing shelter or infrastructure for our movements and exchanges. They also mirror our European cultural diversity, our

    Learning lessons from the cyber-attack – British Library cyber incident review

    This paper aims to provide an overview of the cyber-attack on the British Library that took place in October 2023 and examines its implications for the Library’s operations, future infrastructure, risk assessment and lessons learned. Its purpose is to ensure a common level of understanding of key factors that may help peer institutions and other organisations learn lessons from the Library’s experience. Structured in six sections, the review outlines the effect of the attack on the delivery of the Library’s mission and its public purposes. The impact on the Library’s

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