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  • O pintor-restaurador Albino Moreira da Cunha. Contextualização da sua atividade no panorama cultural português do século XX

    The article delves into the exploration of Albino Moreira da Cunha’s professional background, aiming to contextualise his activities within the broader Portuguese artistic and cultural context of the mid-20th century. By shedding light on the work of painter-restorers during this period, the article seeks to uncover new insights and data that can enrich our understanding of this specialised field in Portugal. Albino Moreira da Cunha, a prominent painter-restorer, was born in Porto in 1897 and later established himself in Lisbon, where he gained recognition for his exceptional reintegration work during

    Building pathology and environment: Weathering and decay of stone construction materials subjected to a Csa mediterranean climate laboratory simulation

    The article presents a comprehensive study on the weathering of building stones under a Csa Mediterranean climate simulation. The research focuses on predicting decay in construction materials, which is essential for assessing their long-term performance. It emphasises the significant impact of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, on the decay processes of building stones. Efflorescences were observed on the stones after 6 months of accelerated ageing, predominantly located above water films in the rising dump fronts. The presence of halite (NaCl) on sandstone subjected to seawater capillary rising highlights the effects of

    Sobre a importância da criação de redes interinstitucionais e da cooperação internacional em ciências do património: a experiência do Laboratório HERCULES (Portugal)

    The article discusses the significant role of Laboratório HERCULES in fostering scientific collaboration and cultural heritage preservation. Established in 2009 with financial support, the laboratory focuses on producing great science, preserving cultural heritage, and inspiring young generations. It actively engages in international cooperation and transdisciplinary networks to enhance research impact and social awareness. Through initiatives like the ERIHS.pt infrastructure, the laboratory offers access to analytical facilities and scientific expertise to partners, supporting projects in heritage valorisation and social consciousness. The article highlights the laboratory’s involvement in the European Research Infrastructure

    A extensão universitária no processo de formação do conservador-restaurador e de desenvolvimento regional no âmbito da preservação do Patrimônio Cultural

    The document highlights the importance of the Conservator-Restorer training program, focusing on developing skills for preventive conservation, conservation, and restoration. It emphasises the need for comprehensive training due to the diverse materials of objects and the time and resource constraints involved in conservation and restoration processes. The Extension University plays a crucial role in training Conservator-Restorers and contributes to regional development in cultural heritage preservation through various projects and actions. Professor Thiago Puglieri’s project “Preservation of cultural heritage through chemistry in high school and teaching chemistry through heritage” is discussed,

    Reflexão sobre o papel da cultura e do património para o desenvolvimento sustentável e proposta de uma estratégia para a sua valorização

    The article reflects on the role of culture and heritage in sustainable development and proposes a strategy for their valorization. It originated from a joint reflection during the revision process of the Regional Strategy for Smart Specialization in the Alentejo Region, Portugal. The authors pondered on the significance of culture and heritage for sustainable development, addressing the challenges and opportunities they face today. They suggest five action axes: promoting creative entrepreneurship, enhancing cultural accessibility, supporting artistic and cultural production, human capital training, and research and innovation. The focus is on

    Patrimonio cultural y redes de cooperación entre Europa y el mundo árabe: el programa Med-O-Med de paisajes culturales

    The article discusses the Med-O-Med program, which aims to preserve cultural heritage and biodiversity in the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. The program focuses on promoting cultural landscapes and fostering cooperation between Europe and the Arab world. It involves multiple countries such as Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey. The initiative includes initiatives like establishing botanical gardens, conserving heritage sites, and encouraging cultural exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and appreciation. Collaboration with UNESCO is a crucial aspect of the program, ensuring adherence to landscape conservation

    Os desafios actuais do museu: problemas e algumas respostas

    The article delves into the evolving landscape of museums and their impact on sociopolitical and cultural contexts, particularly focusing on the challenges of creating cultural spaces that resonate with both global and digital contexts while honouring Chinese cultural heritage. It discusses the publication “How collections end: objects, meaning and loss in laboratories and museums” by the British Society for the History of Science, which explores the reasons behind the decline, loss, or repatriation of collections in laboratories and museums. The document emphasises the role of universities in accumulating artistic and

    Redes de Ciência do Patrimônio: contribuição à Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

    The article discusses the importance of preserving natural and cultural heritage on a global scale, emphasising the need for institutions to collaborate in networks for effective cooperation. It highlights the role of various national, regional, and international networks such as E-RIHS, ANTECIPA, PHI, and ISUF in connecting researchers in the interdisciplinary field of Heritage Science. These networks facilitate the exchange of knowledge, data, information, and access to laboratory infrastructure, supporting research and conservation efforts in cultural heritage. The article also addresses the significance of Heritage Science in specifying data deposition

    Perspectivas e desafios para a gestão do patrimônio museológico

    The article discusses the aftermath of the fire in Brazil’s National Museum, emphasising the shift needed from bureaucratic to results-oriented management in the public sector. It highlights the urgent need to address the structural inefficiencies in public administration and societal neglect that contributed to the museum’s tragic loss. Rather than assigning blame, the focus is on society’s collective responsibility to confront the outdated status quo and address the public crisis at hand. Furthermore, the challenges and perspectives for managing museological heritage are explored, with a call for a more proactive

    O acervo fotográfico do Instituto Moreira Salles: desafios conceituais associados à preservação e difusão do amplo legado da produção artística, autoral e documental referente à fotografia brasileira e seus autores reunidos no acervo da instituição

    The text discusses the significance of photographic archives at IMS, highlighting the diverse range of collections spanning from the 19th century to contemporary times, showcasing Brazilian photography. It emphasises the challenges faced in preserving and disseminating these collections, particularly in understanding the intricate narratives and creative processes of the photographers. The archives contain works by notable photographers like Marc Ferrez and Marcel Gautherot, shedding light on hidden aspects of their artistry and contributing to a deeper understanding of Brazilian photography’s evolution. Furthermore, the text delves into the transformative role of

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