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  • Portuguese archives and libraries: a century of preservation and conservation practices for the control of biodeterioration

    This article delves into the challenges and strategies related to the conservation of European heritage, focusing on the management of biodeterioration in cultural institutions. It highlights the historical concerns surrounding pest control in archives and libraries, emphasising the evolution of intervention principles and methods over the centuries. The text discusses the use of chemical products for pest control, the shift towards sustainable conservation methods, and the importance of preventive conservation strategies. Throughout the document, the significance of preventive measures in maintaining the integrity of graphic cultural heritage is underscored. It

    Towards a shared culture of architecture: Investing in a high-quality living environment for everyone

    This publication is a major contribution feeding into the design and implementation of the New European Bauhaus. With its inclusive and holistic approach this report will provide various stakeholders with new ideas and approaches, in particular decision-makers in the fields of architecture and the built environment, the culture and heritage sector as well as those tasked with spatial planning and sustainable development at local, regional, national and European levels. Under the priority ‘Cohesion and well-being’ the Council of the European Union’s 2019-2022 work plan for culture established the creation of

    Provenance study of the limestone used in the construction and restoration of the Batalha Monastery (Portugal)

    The study focuses on the provenance of limestone utilised in the construction and restoration of the Batalha Monastery in Portugal. A novel multi-analytical approach was employed, combining sample collection, field survey, and various analyses including thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The research aimed to obtain petro-geochemical data from the stones to aid in conservation strategies for the monastery. Twelve stone fragments were collected from different parts of the monastery with permission from relevant authorities. Additionally, ancient quarries mentioned in literature were located and sampled. Petrographic and geochemical analyses

    Double-looped palstaves from the late bronze age / early iron age of the western iberian peninsula: New technological insights from Santa Justa (north of Portugal)

    The article focuses on the analysis of palstaves from the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age in Western Iberia, specifically from Santa Justa in North Portugal. The study aims to provide new technological insights into these artefacts. Two palstaves were examined, revealing that one was made of leaded bronze and the other of binary bronze, each produced using different methods. The analysis involved X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersed X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and Optical Microscopy (OM) techniques. The results showed that the palstaves had distinct compositions and microstructures,

    Unveiling the mural painting art of Almada Negreiros at the maritime stations of Alcântara (Lisbon): Diagnosis research of paint layers as a guide for its future conservation

    The research delved into the meticulous diagnosis of deteriorated paint layers adorning the mural panels created by Almada Negreiros at the Alcântara Maritime Station in Lisbon. The study revealed that salts, particularly alkali sulphates, were the culprits behind the observed flaking, lack of cohesion, erosion, and lacunae in the paint layers. To unravel the intricate composition and condition of the artwork, a comprehensive array of analytical techniques was employed. In-situ analyses, optical microscopy, SEM-EDS, μ-XRD, μ-Raman, µ-FT-IR, and Py-GC/MS were utilised to scrutinise the paint layers and identify the underlying

    O pintor-restaurador Albino Moreira da Cunha. Contextualização da sua atividade no panorama cultural português do século XX

    The article delves into the exploration of Albino Moreira da Cunha’s professional background, aiming to contextualise his activities within the broader Portuguese artistic and cultural context of the mid-20th century. By shedding light on the work of painter-restorers during this period, the article seeks to uncover new insights and data that can enrich our understanding of this specialised field in Portugal. Albino Moreira da Cunha, a prominent painter-restorer, was born in Porto in 1897 and later established himself in Lisbon, where he gained recognition for his exceptional reintegration work during

    Building pathology and environment: Weathering and decay of stone construction materials subjected to a Csa mediterranean climate laboratory simulation

    The article presents a comprehensive study on the weathering of building stones under a Csa Mediterranean climate simulation. The research focuses on predicting decay in construction materials, which is essential for assessing their long-term performance. It emphasises the significant impact of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, on the decay processes of building stones. Efflorescences were observed on the stones after 6 months of accelerated ageing, predominantly located above water films in the rising dump fronts. The presence of halite (NaCl) on sandstone subjected to seawater capillary rising highlights the effects of

    Sobre a importância da criação de redes interinstitucionais e da cooperação internacional em ciências do património: a experiência do Laboratório HERCULES (Portugal)

    The article discusses the significant role of Laboratório HERCULES in fostering scientific collaboration and cultural heritage preservation. Established in 2009 with financial support, the laboratory focuses on producing great science, preserving cultural heritage, and inspiring young generations. It actively engages in international cooperation and transdisciplinary networks to enhance research impact and social awareness. Through initiatives like the ERIHS.pt infrastructure, the laboratory offers access to analytical facilities and scientific expertise to partners, supporting projects in heritage valorisation and social consciousness. The article highlights the laboratory’s involvement in the European Research Infrastructure

    El Programa de Formación en Conservación de Patrimonio Fotográfico: esfuerzos y colaboración en América Latina

    The text discusses a course on preventive conservation and damage identification methodology at the Museu de Arte Sacra da Universidade Federal da Bahia. The course curriculum includes theoretical and practical classes focusing on the manipulation of measurement instruments, data collection, and technical visits to relevant buildings to illustrate procedures. Students are trained to analyse and create architectural designs through exercises centred on multi-family housing projects. The program emphasises the requalification and rehabilitation of constructed spaces in Salvador, particularly historic buildings, aiming to address architectural challenges and residential needs. Furthermore, the

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