Heritage Library

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  • Portuguese archives and libraries: a century of preservation and conservation practices for the control of biodeterioration

    The article discusses the persistent challenges in managing biodeterioration in Portuguese institutions, particularly in archives and libraries. Despite historic efforts towards preventive conservation, the use of chemical products for pest control remained prevalent until the late 20th century. Concerns over human health and environmental impact led to the discontinuation of harmful fumigation gases like methyl bromide. Challenges such as pest infestations by termites and silverfish underscore the necessity for effective preservation strategies. Oxygen displacement and nitrogen treatment are recognized methods for eradicating pests in cultural heritage objects. The focus on

    Nieuwe Tidings: national program for the preservation of the Flemish newspaper heritage

    The Flemish Heritage Libraries and meemoo, in collaboration with collection management organizations, are creating a comprehensive Flemish initiative for the digitization, accessibility, and preservation of at-risk Flemish newspaper archives. This initiative aims to enhance and widen the access to existing digital newspaper collections for audiences both within Flanders and internationally, facilitated through a central, high-performance access point. By 2024, the project anticipates establishing a robust infrastructure capable of supporting large-scale newspaper digitization efforts, ensuring the long-term preservation and accessibility of this valuable cultural heritage.

    Estratégia de Longo Prazo para a Renovação dos Edifícios (ELPRE)

    The document outlines a Long-Term Strategy for Building Renovation (ELPRE) in alignment with the EU Directive 2010/31/UE, focusing on energy performance and decarbonization goals. The strategy requires Member States to establish a long-term plan to support the renovation of residential and non-residential buildings by 2050, aiming for a decarbonized and highly energy-efficient building stock. This transformation includes converting existing buildings into Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEB) and setting indicative targets for 2030, 2040, and 2050 to meet EU energy efficiency objectives. To develop and implement the ELPRE, an analysis of energy

    Breve introdução às boas práticas ambientais para a comunidade cultural

    Associação Zero and Gerador have put together a set of suggestions and good practices in this document to help artists and writers become more aware of their ecological footprint and reduce the environmental impact of their work. The document covers various aspects such as transportation, materials, food, energy, and reflection/communication with the purpose of supporting the cultural community in transitioning towards sustainability. It emphasises the importance of incorporating sustainable thinking into creative work, such as attributing eco-friendly behaviours to characters in stories or scripts. The use of digital tools, such

    First insights into the archaeometric analysis of the Los Amores Mosaic in Cástulo (Linares, Spain): the Judgement of Paris

    The article delves into the comprehensive study of the Los Amores Mosaic at the Baelo Claudia archaeological site, focusing on the archaeometric analysis of tesserae to identify raw materials, colourants, and opacifiers. By utilising portable MRS and hXRF techniques for in situ analysis, the research uncovered the presence of Cu-based chromophore agents in the tesserae, shedding light on the materials used in the mosaic’s creation. The study not only contributes to the understanding of ancient technology and trade of raw materials but also reveals the existence of a mosaic workshop

    Shops with a history and public policy

    The article discusses the Historical Shops Program in Lisbon, initiated in 2017 under mayoral pressure and later extended to other cities in Portugal. The program aims to recognise and protect establishments with local historical, cultural, or social significance. A study analysed 145 retail units in Lisbon, with most established before WWI, using legislation, regulations, and interviews as information sources. The evolution of public policy in the retail sector has shifted from regulatory to competitive policies, focusing on strengthening city competitiveness and supporting retail modernisation. The importance of community embeddedness is

    Um retrato marítimo de Ílhavo: Ler a história de uma paisagem através do seu património marítimo, militar e industrial

    This essay presents a unique perspective on the urban history of Ílhavo, a municipality on the Portuguese Atlantic coast, by examining it through the lens of its maritime heritage. It aims to counter traditional narratives that view the ocean as a frontier and the coastline as a limit towards the unknown. Instead, the document delves into the maritime, military, and industrial heritage of Ílhavo, shedding light on its historical development and territorial articulation. The essay discusses the municipality’s adoption of the slogan ‘The Sea as Tradition’ in the late twentieth

    From Pandemic To A New Economy

    Discover the transformative potential of adaptive reuse in European heritage through this insightful exploration. From Pandemic To A New Economy: Towards A Circular Economy And Circular City delves into the intricate relationship between cultural heritage, community engagement, and sustainable urban development. By promoting synergies and stimulating entrepreneurial activities, the re-use of heritage sites fosters a sense of belonging and attachment within communities. This approach not only enhances the social infrastructure of cities but also contributes to the creation of micro-communities centred around shared heritage values. The text highlights the pressing

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