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  • Co-developing heritage-led regeneration plans in rural areas

    Discover a comprehensive methodology designed to empower rural communities in Europe and Latin America to regenerate their local territories through heritage-based strategies. The RURITAGE Methodology for Community-based Heritage Management and Planning offers a structured approach to co-create sustainable rural regeneration plans, focusing on the cultural and natural heritage as drivers of inclusive development. By engaging with diverse stakeholders, including local institutions, public bodies, universities, and cultural associations, the methodology aims to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among inhabitants of rural areas. The methodology involves key phases and participatory

    Local Action Guide: Collaborative Approaches to Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Heritage

    This report presents the CLIC trans-disciplinary research project’s findings and recommendations on innovative financing, business, and governance models for the adaptive reuse of European cultural heritage and landscapes. It addresses the challenges faced by European cities and regions in preserving cultural heritage due to limited resources and stakeholder involvement. The urgent need for alternative multi-level and multi-stakeholder governance models to enable individuals to exercise their right to cultural heritage is emphasized. The document delves into the necessity of new financing and business models for the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage,

    Smart specialisation strategies for elevating integration of cultural heritage into circular economy

    Explore the intersection of cultural heritage and circular economy strategies in this insightful research paper. Delving into the integration of cultural heritage within regional policies and smart specialisation frameworks, the document sheds light on the role of heritage in sustainable development. Discover how cultural heritage can drive regional growth and innovation, offering a unique perspective on fostering circularity in European regions. The paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the impact of cultural heritage on economic and scientific domains, as well as policy objectives. Through case studies and data-driven insights, it

    Assessing Cultural Heritage Adaptive Reuse Practices: Multi-Scale Challenges and Solutions in Rijeka

    Explore the challenges and solutions in the adaptive reuse of cultural heritage buildings, focusing on stakeholder engagement and sustainable urban development. This article delves into the complexities of preserving heritage sites while ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all involved. It emphasizes the need for guidance and multidisciplinary approaches to address the diverse range of obstacles faced in heritage conservation and urban regeneration projects. One of the key highlights is the case study of the port city of Rijeka, which serves as a lens to identify challenges through stakeholder engagement and

    Petição pela salvaguarda do património cultural, sustentada na qualidade técnica das intervenções de Conservação e Restauro

    The document is a petition submitted by the Association of Professional Conservators-Restorers of Portugal (ARP) to advocate for the safeguarding of cultural heritage through quality conservation and restoration interventions. It addresses the crucial need for the recognition and formalisation of the profile of conservator-restorers in Portugal to ensure the protection and sustainability of cultural heritage as an undeniable resource for the country’s economic and social development. The petition emphasises the importance of completing the regulation of the Law on Cultural Heritage and the Framework Law of Portuguese Museums to define

    European Cultural Heritage Green Paper

    Explore the crucial role of European cultural heritage in driving sustainable development and climate action in this report, which focuses on its intersection with the European Green Deal— the EU’s strategy for reaching the 2050 climate neutrality goal. Offering insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field, the report emphasises the untapped potential of cultural heritage in supporting the transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient futures outlined by the European Green Deal. It underscores the need for coordination and collaboration across policy areas to fully exploit synergies. The European Cultural Heritage Green

    Livre Vert sur le Patrimoine Culturel Européen

    Explore the crucial role of European cultural heritage in driving sustainable development and climate action in this report, which focuses on its intersection with the European Green Deal— the EU’s strategy for reaching the 2050 climate neutrality goal. Offering insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field, the report emphasises the untapped potential of cultural heritage in supporting the transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient futures outlined by the European Green Deal. It underscores the need for coordination and collaboration across policy areas to fully exploit synergies. The European Cultural Heritage Green

    Libro Verde del Patriomonio Cultural Europeo

    Explore the crucial role of European cultural heritage in driving sustainable development and climate action in this report, which focuses on its intersection with the European Green Deal— the EU’s strategy for reaching the 2050 climate neutrality goal. Offering insights for professionals and enthusiasts in the field, the report emphasises the untapped potential of cultural heritage in supporting the transition to low-carbon, climate-resilient futures outlined by the European Green Deal. It underscores the need for coordination and collaboration across policy areas to fully exploit synergies. The European Cultural Heritage Green

    Evaluation of environmental impacts of historic buildings conservation through Life Cycle Assessment in a circular economy perspective

    This study delves into the environmental impacts of conserving historic buildings, focusing on the assessment of embodied carbon and energy performance. It explores the implications of different conservation approaches, comparing refurbishment with demolition and reconstruction in a decision-making context. The research highlights the importance of considering heritage values in conservation practices, emphasizing the significance of sustainable management in the historic built environment. By analysing case studies and conducting a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the study provides insights into the carbon footprint of conservation alternatives. It addresses the need for a

    La participación de las mujeres en el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial

    Discover groundbreaking insights into gender dynamics within European cultural heritage through the research conducted by Professor María Ángeles Querol Fernández from the Complutense University of Madrid. This study, commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, delves into the integration of women into intangible cultural manifestations traditionally dominated by males. Professor Querol Fernández’s research examines the complexities surrounding the inclusion of women in cultural practices historically dominated by men. By scrutinizing these conflicts through a cultural lens, the study sheds light on the intricate dynamics at play and explores potential pathways towards

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