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  • Plano Estratégico Municipal Para a Cultura 2030 (2021-2031)

    The Funchal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 (2021-2031) outlines the cultural vision for the city of Funchal in 2031, focusing on strategic planning for the next decade. It aims to establish a multidisciplinary action plan with specific objectives to foster the structured cultural development of the municipality. Collaboration with cultural agents, associations, and entities is emphasised to ensure continuous project development based on research-action principles. The plan serves as a planning tool for cultural policies, emphasising collaboration and consultation processes to shape the city’s cultural landscape. The strategic plan

    ILUCIDARE International Relations Display

    Heritage has always played a significant role in international relations, exemplified by gift exchanges among monarchs and debates over cultural ownership and repatriation post-conflict. Today, heritage serves as a medium for mediation and collaboration on the international stage, increasingly used by nation-states to further their cooperation agendas. Within ILUCIDARE, this concept is referred to as heritage-led international relations, distinct from heritage diplomacy. This approach includes a working definition of heritage-led international relations, an exploration of heritage’s role in diplomacy, and both theoretical and practical insights on heritage in EU international

    European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards 2021

    This annual publication includes descriptions, jury citations and contact details on the winners of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards. In 2021, Europe’s highest honour in the field of cultural heritagehas been awarded to 24 laureates from 18 countries across Europe for their outstanding accomplishments and dedicated service to heritage in areas ranging from conservation and research to education, training and awareness-raising. The awards laureates offer several inspiring examples of how cultural heritage has an important role to play in contributing to sustainability and climate action. For example,

    LOI n° 2021-641 du 21 mai 2021 relative à la protection patrimoniale des langues régionales et à leur promotion

    This legislation focuses on the protection and promotion of regional languages, emphasising their significance in heritage preservation. It introduces amendments to the French Education Code to support the teaching of regional languages alongside French in educational institutions. The law encourages the use of multilingual signage in regional languages in public services, contributing to the visibility and recognition of linguistic diversity. Furthermore, the legislation highlights the importance of regional languages in cultural heritage and aims to ensure their continued transmission and vitality. By allowing for the coexistence of French and regional

    Adopt a monument in Tampere: inclusive cultural heritage for and with the people

    Embark on a journey through Tampere’s vibrant cultural heritage and discover how its pioneering programme empowers communities, associations, and organizations to actively engage in preserving and celebrating Tampere’s rich historical sites. This video introduces viewers to the impact of the “Adopt a Monument” initiative in Tampere, Finland. It encourages voluntary participation in the stewardship of cultural heritage, inviting individuals and groups to take ownership of significant historical sites. The video showcases the diverse range of monuments available for adoption, from ancient hill forts to industrial landmarks. Participants are guided through

    Participatory Process for Regenerating Rural Areas through Heritage-Led Plans: The RURITAGE Community-Based Methodology

    Explore a comprehensive overview of the integration of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CNH) in rural areas across Europe, emphasizing the pivotal role of heritage assets in sustainable development and community engagement. The report delves into the transformative potential of Rural Heritage Hubs (RHH) as catalysts for economic growth, environmental regeneration, and social cohesion in rural landscapes. It highlights the shift towards a value-oriented approach to heritage preservation, advocating for the inclusive participation of stakeholders in decision-making processes. Discover the innovative CHMP methodology, designed to guide rural communities towards sustainable futures

    Green Mitigation Strategy for Cultural Heritage Using Bacterial Biocides

    This chapter of the book “Microorganisms in the Deterioration and Preservation of Cultural Heritage”, edited by Edith Joseph, discusses a green mitigation strategy for cultural heritage using bacterial biocides. It highlights the microbiota present in cultural heritage objects, emphasising the role of bacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi, algae, and lichens in inducing decay through biological mechanisms. Various methods to control microbial growth, such as mechanical, physical, and chemical processes, are explored, with a focus on the limitations and hazards associated with these methods. The identification of biodeterioration agents and the design of

    Ética e Arte Participativa

    This is the first edition of the “Art and Community Notebooks” collection, published by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation aimed at reflecting on the importance and complexity of ethics in arts practise for social transformation. Two interlocutors with decades of experience in the participatory arts share their views: writer, cultural activist and visual artist Arlene Goldbard, who lives in the US, and writer, researcher and community artist François Matarasso, author of the book entitled A Restless Art (published by the Gulbenkian Foundation in 2019). The Notebook begins with an introductory essay by

    Ethics and Participatory Art

    This is the first edition of the “Art and Community Notebooks” collection, published by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation aimed at reflecting on the importance and complexity of ethics in arts practise for social transformation. Two interlocutors with decades of experience in the participatory arts share their views: writer, cultural activist and visual artist Arlene Goldbard, who lives in the US, and writer, researcher and community artist François Matarasso, author of the book entitled A Restless Art (published by the Gulbenkian Foundation in 2019). The Notebook begins with an introductory essay by

    CLIC Pilot Local Action Plans: One Approach, Diverse Outcomes

    Embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of European cultural heritage preservation, where tradition meets innovation in the pursuit of sustainable urban and rural development. This insightful exploration delves into the challenges faced by cities and regions, grappling with abandoned cultural assets, financial constraints, and shifting societal engagement. Amidst these trials, the CLIC project emerges as a beacon of change, proposing collaborative approaches, and innovative governance models, all framed within the transformative lens of circularity. At the heart of this shift is the integration of circular business models, financial

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