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  • Holistic Heritage Podcasts: Hub for heritage from Central and Eastern Europe

    ‘Holistic Heritage’ brings conversations, opinions and thoughts on heritage from Central and Eastern Europe. Join Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska, Head of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Krakow, and John Beauchamp from Free Range Productions as they interview heritage leaders and discover the most inspiring projects from across the region. The Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Kraków is a newly established outpost of international organisation Europa Nostra, the voice of civil society in the area of heritage, a pan-European federation of organisations involved in the protection, management, and promotion of cultural

    Prague Manifesto: For a Value-based and Culture-driven Europe

    This manifesto strongly urges leaders at all levels of European governance and heritage actors to fully recognise and harness the immense potential of cultural heritage. The Prague Manifesto proposes seven actionable initiatives for culture and heritage to contribute significantly to building a value-based and culture-driven Europe. It underscores the critical need to invest in training and employing the next generation of heritage professionals and custodians. Additionally, it highlights the intrinsic relationship between promoting culture, protecting cultural heritage, and addressing the environmental challenges posed by climate change. Moreover, the manifesto stresses

    Breakfast@Sustainability’s: Cultural Heritage as a driver of Circular Tourism

    What is ‘circular cultural tourism’ and how can it contribute to sustainable regional development in Europe? The 42nd edition of ICLEI’s flagship Breakfast at Sustainability’s series took place on 5 October 2023, bringing together representatives of EU institutions, cultural experts, regional officers, and tourism stakeholders to discuss the unexplored potential of cultural heritage as a driver of circular tourism. As Europe’s regions are recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the tourism sector, and as global trends are transforming the travel industry, it was a timely moment to

    Contested Heritage. A multilevel analysis of the securitization of heritage and its challenges for EU and UN actorness (COHERE)

    In recent times, Eastern Europe has faced emerging heritage policy forms. Both European and international entities have explored heritage diplomacy’s benefits within the European Neighbourhood area. However, the concept of heritage securitization, highlighted by researchers, involves states and organizations framing cultural heritage as a security issue amidst conflicts. This phenomenon is notable in Central and Eastern Europe, where entities from Ukraine, Estonia, the Czech Republic, and Russia engage in security-based heritage disputes. This study aims to assess how the European Union and the United Nations, as heritage diplomacy participants, respond

    Green paper on the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Heritage Conversations: Heritage and Society. The Experience of Central Europe

    Cultural heritage is not simply the collective stock of a given culture’s material assets. It also includes our memory and identity, making it vitally important for society. Heritage is people: its creators, interpreters, and users. Herein lies the key to discussing the dynamic process of creating and reinterpreting heritage, as well as of protecting and valorising it. People are the owners of cultural heritage and it is up to us, and not to a narrowly defined group of experts, to define its meaning and value. In this sense, as well

    Relatório do Grupo de Trabalho sobre a Rede Portuguesa de Museus

    The report discusses the future strategy of the Portuguese Museum Network (RPM) and emphasises the importance of not altering the network’s nature but rather addressing key challenges to fulfil its mission. The Working Group on the Portuguese Museum Network (WG/RPM) was given the task of presenting a “proposal for a new strategic positioning of the RPM, taking into account the current national context of the development of geographical and thematic networks of museums and national networks of other cultural facilities, as well as the necessary increase of articulations with international

    Cultural Deal EU Statement: A Central Place for Culture in Europe’s Future

    This statement calls on the European Union to place culture at the heart of its political vision and ambition. Launched in 2020 by Culture Action Europe, European Cultural Foundation, Europa Nostra, the campaign puts forward specific suggestions for the European Union to mainstream culture in its key policies. Endorsed by thousands of organisations, individuals, and 110 European cultural networks, the Cultural Deal for Europe (CDEU) initiative became instrumental for setting the symbolic goal of 2% for culture in national recovery and resilience plans and, in turn, mobilising and securing an

    Património cultural e turismo: reflexões a propósito de paz, respeito, tolerância e inclusão

    Based on the assumption that tourism and museums should be seen as vehicles for privileged access to different types of heritage representations, this article aims to reflect on how, in these two contexts, scenarios can be found and experienced that contribute to, among other things, promoting good practices of coexistence between different groups and respect for human rights. Can the enjoyment of heritage, which takes place in the context of tourism and the activities offered by museums, be a supporting element in the implementation of a new humanism that re-centres

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