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  • CISOC – Compromisso de Impacto Social das Organizações Culturais: porquê, para quê, como e com quem?

    This Webinar, titled “Human Library, deconstructing prejudice” focuses on the Commitment to the Social Impact of Cultural Organisations”, the reasons for its development, its objectives, methodologies and target audiences. Cultural institutions are not neutral. Because of their mission, because they intervene in the public space, in the way they relate to communities, in the decisions they make, how and what they programme, in the way they work with production, mediation and access… These choices are political and never neutral, even if they may be ill-considered. How can cultural organisations serve

    Ukraine Heritage Spotlight: War in contemporary art

    ‘Ukraine Heritage Spotlight’ is a series of podcasts on saving Ukraine’s cultural heritage from the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Kraków. Hosted by Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska, Head of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Krakow, and John Beauchamp from Free Range Productions. What does the situation of the contemporary artistic world in Ukraine at war look like? Is the war visible in contemporary artistic practice in the public space? Artur Wabik, a visual artist specialising in murals and graffiti, curator, manager of cultural projects based in Krakow, shares his perspective

    Governing the commons on an Aegean island: the management of water resources on Sifnos, Greece

    This paper explores a locally devised system of equitable and sustainable access to scarce water resources in Poulati, an area on the Cycladic island of Sifnos, Greece, drawing on interviews with landowners, notary records and local histories. We showed that the set of rules for rationing water was already present in the early 14th-century, when the island was under Venetian domination. The authors finally traced the resilience of the Poulati system to its close fit with Elinor Ostrom’s ‘design principles of long-surviving, self-organized resource regimes’. The threats to the survival

    The role of communities in preserving, using and remembering heritage: archaeological monuments and dark heritage sites in Estonia

    This article delves into how communities in Estonia relate to their heritage through an analysis of four case studies: two archaeological sites and two dark heritage sites. It aims to understand the dynamics of how heritage communities preserve, use, and remember their heritage. Furthermore, it explores contemporary community-based and participatory heritage management practices in Estonia and their alignment with the ideals described in the Faro Convention. The research highlights the importance of location, the contribution of researchers, and personal connections to historic places in motivating local people, enthusiasts, and the

    Youth participation in cultural heritage management: a conceptual framework

    This paper addresses the evolving landscape of cultural heritage management, emphasizing the imperative of inclusive practices involving diverse stakeholders, notably underrepresented youth. Despite their potential as future decision-makers, youth participation in heritage management remains limited due to perceived lack of capacity and motivation. Existing literature from participatory urban planning, design, governance, and heritage management fields offers insights into defining youth roles, levels of participation, and engagement methods. However, it often overlooks the dynamic nature of youth involvement and lacks youth perspectives on their participatory experiences. To bridge this gap, an

    Holistic Heritage Podcasts: Industrial heritage for post-industrial times

    ‘Holistic Heritage’ brings conversations, opinions and thoughts on heritage from Central and Eastern Europe. Join Dr Katarzyna Jagodzińska, Head of the Europa Nostra Heritage Hub in Krakow, and John Beauchamp from Free Range Productions as they interview heritage leaders and discover the most inspiring projects from across the region. In this episode we take a look at industrial heritage and why we should love old factory buildings instead of tear them down. What is being done to promote industrial heritage, and what has to be done to preserve industrial heritage

    Hilāl: 50 years of Islamic worship in Flanders – 1974 – 2024

    Religious organizations play an important role in the life of faith communities. This also applies to mosques that perform not only religious, but also socio-cultural functions for the various Muslim communities in Flanders and Brussels. Those different functions are reflected in the diverse heritage that reflects mosque life. That material and immaterial mosque heritage offers a lot of potential for cooperation, but it remains underexposed. With this three-year heritage project, KADOC KU Leuven, together with a broad network of local and national heritage players, wants to stimulate cooperation between the

    Festa do Mosaico – da tessela ao pixel, uma abordagem educativa ao Património cultural

    The paper discusses the Mosaic Editor and Sharing Platform, an interactive tool developed as part of a Master’s thesis in Software Engineering at the University of Coimbra. This platform serves as a digital resource for creating and sharing mosaics, catering to individuals without specific artistic training. It offers different modes of use, including PC, tablet, and kiosk, to accommodate various educational and workshop settings. The platform aims to enhance cultural mediation, education, and citizen participation creatively and innovatively within the context of the Mosaic Festival project. Furthermore, the Mosaic Festival,

    Plano Estratégico Municipal de Cultura de Setúbal 2030

    The Setúbal Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture 2030 is a comprehensive framework designed to enhance cultural diversity, promote accessibility, and foster sustainable development. It aims to address various aspects of cultural and community life, including reducing ecological impact, promoting local culture, and improving communication channels. The plan emphasises the importance of community involvement and engagement in cultural activities, aiming to create a more inclusive and vibrant cultural landscape. Initiatives outlined in the plan focus on multicultural programming, job creation in the cultural sector, and the preservation of heritage sites. Additionally,

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