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  • ¿Sobrevivirá el patrimonio cultural? Cambio climático y pandemia

    Explore the intricate intersection of climate change, cultural heritage conservation, and pandemics in this insightful article tailored for professionals and enthusiasts in the European heritage field. It sheds light on the heightened risks faced by historic sites in Europe, such as Venice and Spanish cities like Ronda, due to extreme weather events like floods and storms, exacerbated by climate change. Despite the pressing threats, the response has been hampered by insufficient protocols and resources, accentuating the urgency for concerted action. The article navigates through the multifaceted challenges posed by the

    STEAM, an Engine for UNA Europa Outlining and anchoring relevant STEAM-practices for Una Europa and its cultural and creative ecosystems

    The project aims to establish a university-wide STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) strategy by creating a blueprint or guide for implementing STEAM practices in education and community engagement. It also seeks to develop STEAM indicators for higher education institutions and their ecosystems. Through collaboration with Una Europa partners, the project will evaluate the adoption of STEAM approaches and suggest ways for enhancement. This initiative will support Una Europa universities in enriching their educational offerings and community activities with a unified STEAM framework and metrics, contributing to the Knowledge

    Plano Estratégico Municipal de Cultura de Vila Real (2021-2030)

    This document outlines the strategic orientation for the Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture in Vila Real, emphasising the importance of global and national documents in shaping this plan. Key references include the Portuguese Constitution, the Faro Convention of the Council of Europe, and various agendas such as Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. These documents highlight the integration of culture into sustainable development goals and emphasise the role of cultural heritage in fostering community engagement and societal well-being. The text underscores the evolving definition of heritage, underlining its relevance to present

    Travelling voices: Stories of Rural Regeneration Among RURITAGE Replicators

    Explore the rich tapestry of rural heritage across Europe, where communities are harnessing their unique cultural and natural assets to foster regeneration and resilience. This resource invites readers to discover six diverse locations that exemplify the potential of heritage-led development in overcoming contemporary challenges. The narrative highlights the importance of preserving cultural heritage while addressing pressing issues such as environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and economic revitalisation. Each featured location showcases innovative practices that leverage local traditions, landscapes, and community engagement to create sustainable tourism and enhance quality of life. From

    ILUCI-Dare to Learn Youtube Channel

    The ILUCI-Dare to Learn YouTube channel focuses on heritage-led innovation and international relations, providing a wealth of training resources and exploring key concepts in these fields. The channel includes a trailer summarizing its content, introduces keywords and main contributors, and examines the connection between heritage and innovation, as well as how heritage influences global relations. Viewers are encouraged to explore further through the Innovation Handbook and International Relations Display. The channel defines three categories of heritage-led innovation—Heritage-driven innovation, Assimilation of innovation, and Heritage as a resource—based on an analysis of

    Art Casting in Portuguese 19th Century Industrial Foundries: A Multi-Analytical Study of an Emblematic Copper-Based Alloy Monument

    The article delves into the analysis of a 19th-century bronze sculpture located in Porto, Portugal, depicting King Afonso Henriques. The study aimed to characterise the elemental composition of the sculpture and investigate the corrosion processes affecting it. Various analytical techniques such as XRF, XRD, OM, and SEM-EDS were employed to examine the alloy composition and corrosion products. The results revealed that the sculpture was made of a copper-tin-zinc alloy with trace elements including lead, iron, arsenic, bismuth, and manganese, consistent with other sculptures from the same period. Corrosion analysis identified

    Da Salvaguarda à Valorização: Os Monumentos Nacionais de Portugal e a Abertura ao Público em 2020

    The report presents the findings of the Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities’ third inquiry into National Monuments of Portugal, conducted in 2021. Its primary objectives were to update the series of statistics for 2020 on public use and access, and gather new information on the impacts and activities carried out during the pandemic crisis between March 2020 and April 2021. The report outlines the methodology used, visitor statistics, and activities carried out during the pandemic. It notes a decrease in visitors across all regions, with religious and military monuments being

    A multi-analytical study of Egyptian funerary artifacts from three Portuguese museum collections

    A diachronic, multi-analytical approach combining EDXRF, μFTIR, μRaman, SEM-EDS, and Py-GC/MS has been adopted with the aim to study for the first time the painting materials used to decorate Egyptian funerary masks and sarcophagi ranging from the Late Period to the Roman Period and stored in the Archaeological National Museum (MNA) and the Carmo Archaeological Museum (MAC) of Lisbon and the Natural History Museum of the University in Oporto (MNH- FCUP). Results indicate that yellow and red ochres, realgar, cinnabar, Egyptian blue, and Egyptian green were used as pigments while

    The inhibition of biodegradation on building limestone by plasma etching

    The article discusses the use of low-pressure plasma etching to inhibit biodegradation on building limestone surfaces. The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of plasma etching in removing microbials from bio-deteriorated limestone surfaces in monuments and buildings to provide conservators with a viable preservation solution. The research was conducted at the Batalha Monastery in Portugal, a UNESCO World Heritage site suffering from severe biodeterioration due to lichenous crusts and microorganism biofilms. The plasma etching process involved treating stone tablets with various parameters of coupled-capacitive plasma to assess the cleaning results.

    The value of heritage in sustainable development and spatial planning

    The document explores the significant role of cultural heritage in sustainable development and spatial planning, emphasizing its integration as a fundamental element alongside economic, social, and environmental pillars. It references UNESCO’s Hangzhou Declaration and discusses how cultural heritage’s contributions to sustainability have been historically overlooked. Through a detailed analysis involving literature reviews, surveys, expert collaborations, and case studies, the study highlights how cultural heritage can serve as a multiplier, enhancing outcomes across various domains. The Sustainable Management and Development (SMD) framework is proposed to illustrate how cultural heritage can support

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