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  • The Power of Combining MA-XRF, Infrared Reflectography and Digital Microscopy to Unveil the Production of the 16th Century Illuminated Charter of Évora: What May Be Hidden under a Painted Surface?

    The article delves into the analysis of the 16th Century Illuminated Charter of Évora, employing advanced techniques such as MA-XRF, Infrared Reflectography, and Digital Microscopy. By combining these methods, the researchers were able to unveil hidden details and gain a deeper understanding of the artistic and historical context of the manuscript. Through the use of Infrared Reflectography, the study revealed unexpected results regarding the chronology of the production of the illumination of the City of Évora, posing new questions for art history. The analysis of materials and painting techniques provided

    Experimental procedure for studying the degradation and alteration of limestone slabs applied on exterior cladding

    This study focuses on the degradation of AV limestone, a dark-coloured limestone commonly used in construction applications. The research highlights the impact of environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and humidity, on the structural integrity of AV limestone when used in exterior settings. The presence of expansive clay minerals and irregular fractures in the rock’s facade are identified as key factors contributing to the degradation and loss of mechanical performance of AV limestone. Experimental results, including macroscopic analysis, clay content evaluation, and X-Ray mineral diffraction analysis, provide insights into the

    Application of Biology to Cultural Heritage

    This study focuses on the application of biology to cultural heritage preservation, encompassing research on biological causes, biocidal treatments, and prevention methods. The work emphasises the practical implications of studies on new techniques and products for conservation and restoration in cultural heritage. Eleven papers, including reviews and research articles, were published in a Special Issue, covering topics such as the degradation of archaeological birch bark, stone biodeterioration, and the inhibitory effects of cinnamaldehyde on destructive microorganisms in the Nanhai No. 1 Shipwreck. Additionally, the text discusses the biodiversity analysis of

    Abandoned or Degraded Areas in Historic Cities: The Importance of Multifunctional Reuse for Development through the Example of the Historic Commercial Triangle (Emporiko Trigono) of Athens

    This article investigates the problem of changing land uses in historical city centers, a problem which often leads to the alteration of their historical, architectural and functional physiognomy, as well as the loss of their inhabitants. It also discusses the importance of land management and proposes a multifunctional reuse model for sustainable development in abandoned or degraded areas in historic cities. This problem is found in historical centers nowadays, especially in the European South, and many theoretical texts and urban studies deal with the issue. Taking under consideration the case

    Narrating codex history: the case study of a psalter-hymnal from Alcobaça Monastery, Portugal

    The article delves into a comprehensive study of a twelfth-century manuscript from the Alcobaça Monastery’s scriptorium. The interdisciplinary team employed a multi-analytical approach, combining methods from human to natural sciences, to examine the manuscript’s historical and technical aspects. Through liturgical text content analysis and codicological studies, the team aimed to characterise the materials of the codex and its repairs. Various techniques such as optical microscopy, fiber-optic reflectance spectroscopy, and energy-dispersive spectroscopy were utilised to analyse the manuscript’s composition and alterations. The study revealed the monks’ meticulous care in preserving the

    Cuidar para valorizar. Estratégias de preservação no âmbito do Mercado da Arte

    The study delves into the intersection of conservation and restoration guidelines with the practicalities of the art market, particularly focusing on contemporary art in Portugal. By analysing professional guidelines against market objectives and gathering insights from art market agents, the research aims to develop balanced diagnostic models for conservators. The personal testimonies collected offer valuable empirical insights, enriching the study’s syntheses and the need for diagnostic guidelines that consider both the artistic and economic dimensions of artworks in the commercial context emerges as a key finding. The study highlights the

    Stärkung der reslienz des kulturerbes gegen den klimawandel

    This report addresses the intersection of European heritage and climate change, presenting key findings and recommendations for policymakers, heritage managers, and society as a whole. It emphasises the European Green Deal’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and the need to integrate cultural heritage into climate change initiatives. The document highlights the vulnerability of cultural heritage to climate change and the potential of heritage preservation as a sustainable solution to the climate crisis. One of the main themes explored is the impact of climate change on European cultural heritage.

    Renforcer la résilience du patrimoine culturel face au changement climatique

    This report addresses the intersection of European heritage and climate change, presenting key findings and recommendations for policymakers, heritage managers, and society as a whole. It emphasises the European Green Deal’s goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and the need to integrate cultural heritage into climate change initiatives. The document highlights the vulnerability of cultural heritage to climate change and the potential of heritage preservation as a sustainable solution to the climate crisis. One of the main themes explored is the impact of climate change on European cultural heritage.

    New data on the Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age metallurgy in Central Portugal. The contribution of Vila do Touro (Sabugal, Guarda)

    The article focuses on new data regarding Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age metallurgy in Central Portugal, specifically at Vila do Touro. Metal artefacts, including a forged sheet, fibula, stem, ring, and belt hook, were excavated and analysed for their elemental composition. The study utilised X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy with X-ray Microanalysis System, and optical microscopy to characterise the metal objects. The results revealed varying compositions, indicating a mix of pure copper, binary bronze (Cu+Sn), leaded bronzes (Cu+Sn+Pb), and gold. The Ossa Morena region in Southwest Iberian Peninsula was

    Analytical characterization of academic nude paintings from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon

    This study focuses on the analytical characterization of 20 academic nude paintings from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, created between 1899 and 1918. The research combines in situ non-invasive methods such as infrared reflectography, radiography, and EDXRF with laboratory microanalytical techniques including micro-Raman, micro-FTIR, and SEM-EDS. By analysing these paintings, insights into the artistic practices of the late 19th and early 20th centuries at the Academy of Fine Arts of Lisbon are provided. The study involved the examination of painting materials and pigments used in

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