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  • Portugal National Report: UNESCO Man & the Biosphere Programme (2021)

    The year 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Berlengas Biosphere Reserve, prompting the compilation of a comprehensive 10-year Periodic Review Report. This report serves as a reflection on the past decade’s successes and failures, outlining a strategic 10-year plan for the Biosphere Reserve’s future. Stakeholders from the local population, authorities, and academia were actively engaged in providing feedback, which was incorporated into the report and future plans. In terms of conservation efforts, a key priority for 2021 was the eradication of the invasive hottentot fig plant, although some patches

    The ESACH Quarterly No. 2

    The ESACH Quarterly stands as the premier international, peer-reviewed magazine of the European Students’ Association for Cultural Heritage (ESACH), offering an Open Access platform for the dissemination of scholarly discourse and professional insights. It serves as a vibrant space for the exchange of university-led and independently conducted research, as well as professional activities, spanning diverse formats that encapsulate personal engagement with all facets of Cultural Heritage. As a beacon of academic rigour and intellectual curiosity, The ESACH Quarterly fosters a dynamic environment where heritage professionals and enthusiasts alike can delve

    Plano Estratégico Municipal da Cultura para o Concelho de Leiria (2020-2030): Volume I • Diagnóstico do Sistema Cultural e Criativo (SCC) de Leiria

    The Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture for the Municipality of Leiria covers the decade between 2020 and 2030 and is the result of a multi-stage process involving the participation of citizens. The plan is structured around five axes of strategic intervention: one community, multiple heritages; artistic and creative Leiria; Leiria, a laboratory of citizenship; openness and global dialogue; and diverse and collaborative territories. This first volume of the strategic Plan presents a diagnosis of the cultural and creative system of Leiria, which was based on documentary and statistical analyses and

    Plano Estratégico Municipal da Cultura para o Concelho de Leiria (2020-2030): Volume II · Estratégia Cultural e Plano de Ação 2021-30

    The Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture for the Municipality of Leiria covers the decade between 2020 and 2030 and is the result of a multi-stage process involving the participation of citizens. The plan is structured around five axes of strategic intervention: one community, multiple heritages; artistic and creative Leiria; Leiria, a laboratory of citizenship; openness and global dialogue; and diverse and collaborative territories. Following a phase of diagnosis and data collection, the second volume of the plan focuses on drawing up the vision and strategic objectives for culture in Leiria,

    Millets and Cereal Meals from the Early Iron Age Underwater Settlement of “Gran Carro” (Bolsena Lake, Central Italy)

    The study delves into the analysis of vegetal contents within ceramic vessels retrieved from an underwater archaeological site situated in Central Italy. By employing a combination of archaeobotanical and chemical analyses, the research aims to unravel the food preparation practices of an ancient community that inhabited the region. The vessels, discovered in remarkably well-preserved waterlogged conditions, offer a unique glimpse into the local food consumption habits and agricultural techniques prevalent during a historical period characterised by environmental conditions distinct from the present era. Through meticulous examination, the study identifies millet

    A empregabilidade no sector da Conservação e Restauro em Portugal

    This report presents findings from a survey conducted by the Associação Profissional de Conservadores-restauradores de Portugal, aiming to assess the employability and employment status of conservation and restoration professionals. Authored by Luís Pereira, Rui Camara Borges, Mariana Cardoso, David Reis, and Elis Marçal, the report reveals that the majority of individuals trained in conservation and restoration have been successfully integrated into the job market, with only 5% being unemployed. The data indicates a high level of education among respondents, with 14.2% holding a doctoral degree. Furthermore, it highlights the recent

    Design and Experimental Evaluation of a New RNA-FISH Probe to Detect and Identify Paenibacillus sp.

    The article discusses the use of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) as a powerful tool for studying biodeterioration in cultural heritage (CH). Specifically, it highlights the importance of detecting and identifying biodeteriogenic microorganisms, such as Paenibacillus spp., which pose a threat to the preservation of CH objects. The FISH technique allows for in situ analysis, enabling the rapid and specific identification of individual microbial cells without the need for culture isolation. By utilising probes like Pab489 designed for Paenibacillus sp., researchers can efficiently detect and identify target microorganisms associated with

    Charcoal or black stone? Reconstructions as a tool to study the behaviour of dry underdrawing materials within the paint structure of sixteenth century panel paintings

    This research delves into the investigation of underdrawing materials, specifically charcoal and black stone, in sixteenth century panel paintings attributed to Francisco João. By examining a group of paintings from this period, the study aims to understand the behaviour of these materials within the paint structure. Historical references spanning from 1550 to 1724 on drawing media and binders in panel paintings are meticulously analysed to provide context for the study. The research methodology involves the analysis of original underdrawing materials in cross-sections using microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Reconstructions are utilised

    Estratégia de Promoção da Acessibilidade e da Inclusão dos Museus, Monumentos e Palácios na dependência da Direção-Geral do Património Cultural e das Direções Regionais de Cultura

    The Strategy for Promoting Accessibility and Inclusion in Museums, Monuments, and Palaces (EPAI 2021-2025) aims to enhance cultural participation for individuals with disabilities, aligning with the priorities set by the XXII Constitutional Government regarding cultural heritage and inclusion. The strategy outlines five strategic intervention axes, each with specific general and specific objectives, necessary actions, responsible entities, and budgetary considerations. Key objectives include the establishment of national and international partnerships with organizations such as UNESCO and the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) to facilitate professional exchanges and promote international volunteer

    Promoting Social Inclusion around Cultural Heritage through Collaborative Digital Storytelling

    This paper presents a case study to understand how migrant communities embrace and connect with their host city’s heritage. It discusses the MEMEX project, which seeks to give migrant communities a voice through an advanced ICT tool on a smartphone, aiming to capture and mobilize migrants’ intangible heritage to foster social integration. The research question addressed is how migrant communities connect with their host city’s heritage and how they talk about it. The study utilized photo-elicitation and short textual descriptions to prompt participants to connect their stories and memories to

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