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  • Communia Policy Recommendations

    Communia’s policy recommendations identify possibilities for reshaping copyright in ways that expand the public domain and strengthen the rights of users and all types of cultural creators. They envision a copyright framework that maximises societal benefits by embracing the possibilities for wider access to knowledge and culture in an increasingly digitised environment. The policy recommendations focus on four areas: measures to defend and expand the public domain, measures that protect and promote usage rights, measures to empower creators and their audiences and measures that create safeguards against copyright abuse. Together

    Guide to Digital Transformation in Cultural Heritage

    This guide provides valuable insights and recommendations for digital transformation within the European cultural heritage sector. It offers a comprehensive framework for individuals and organizations involved in museums, galleries, archives, libraries, and other heritage sites to navigate the complexities of digital evolution. Emphasizing the importance of a values-led approach, the guide acknowledges the diverse contexts and needs within the sector, highlighting that digital transformation is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The guide focuses on key definitions related to digital, digital transformation, digital maturity, and capacity building, establishing a shared understanding of

    iCANDID 3.0 – SSH FAIR Data Hub

    Over the last decade, data-intensive research has revolutionised scientific discovery methods. Social sciences and humanities researchers face challenges in finding, accessing, and reusing data in a compatible manner. The new infrastructure aims to address these challenges by building upon the successes of iCANDID (2018-2022), offering easy access to extensive textual data from news and political sources. iCANDID 3.0 will facilitate interdisciplinary research by integrating data from galleries, libraries, archives, museums (GLAM), and online sources, using advanced AI for text and image analysis to ensure data is findable, accessible, interoperable, and

    Cultura no Pós Alentejo-2020

    The report investigates the cultural landscape within Alentejo municipalities from 2017 to 2020, focusing on the effectiveness of cultural policies and practices. The study aims to achieve five primary objectives: first, to identify and characterise the dimensions of municipal cultural activities, including governance structures, management tools, financial and human resources, cultural facilities, and community engagement. Second, it seeks to evaluate the perceptions of cultural entities and active agents regarding the significance of culture in the Alentejo 2020 Operational Program. Third, the study aims to outline strategic visions for culture in

    A multidisciplinary approach to characterise the Early-Middle Holocene palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Sado Valley of Portugal: Implications for late Mesolithic human communities

    Costa et al. (2020) conducted a study to characterise the environmental context of the Sado late Mesolithic shell middens in southwest Portugal. The researchers employed a multiproxy approach, combining sediment core analysis, organic chemistry, palaeoecology, radiocarbon dating, and palynological analyses to reconstruct the sedimentary environments of the area. The results of the study revealed significant changes in organic matter sources over time within the late Mesolithic shell middens. The analysis indicated varying contributions from terrestrial plants, freshwater phytoplankton, and marine influences, reflecting shifts in environmental conditions and resource exploitation practices

    Monasterio de Santa María de Rioseco. Patrimonio y mundo rural

    The Cistercian monastery of Santa María de Rioseco, nestled in the picturesque Manzanedo Valley in the northern reaches of Burgos province, stood as a poignant symbol of neglect and abandonment well into the first decade of the 21st century. Despite its historical significance, this heritage site languished, reflecting a broader trend of disregard for the cultural treasures of Las Merindades. However, thanks to the tireless efforts of the Salvemos Rioseco collective, comprised of volunteers spanning various ages and backgrounds, a remarkable transformation took place. In 2018, their dedicated work bore

    The Cable Factory City of Helsinki: A sustainable governance model for historical buildings

    This article discusses the transformation of the Cable Factory in Helsinki into a vibrant cultural centre through the innovative approach of KAAPELI, a real-estate company owned by the City of Helsinki. The renovation of the old cable factory building was carefully executed, with a focus on listening to tenants’ wishes and providing them with complete artistic freedom. This approach fostered a sense of community among the tenants, who shared intellectual ownership of the factory. Key to the sustainability of the Cable Factory is the unique organisational model implemented by KAAPELI.

    Feel Florence experience app: Florence off the beaten track

    This resource provides an overview of the development and implementation of the Feel Florence Experience App, focusing on its role in managing tourist flows and promoting sustainable tourism in the city of Florence, Italy. The management of crowds of tourists is a key challenge in Florence. The FeelFlorence app, developed by the city and extended to 41 local municipalities, aims to address the challenge of managing crowds of tourists in Florence, particularly in the historic centre, by suggesting unusual itineraries and providing real-time detection of crowded areas to help tourists

    Shops with a History. Traditional shops and commerce as a distinctive feature of cultural heritage cities

    Discover how Lisbon’s innovative “Shops with a History” programme is revitalising the city’s cultural and economic landscape. The analysis presents the challenges faced by traditional shops and heritage buildings in Lisbon due to population decline and increased tourism. It highlights the programme’s key objectives of preserving unique retail stores, preventing bankruptcy, and revitalising the urban fabric. Through the programme, awarded shops benefit from lease renewals, tax exemptions, and support for rehabilitation, ensuring their sustainability and contribution to the city’s unique character. The involvement of local authorities, associations, and a dedicated

    Adaptive reuse of (industrial) buildings with a history

    Explore Europe’s industrial heritage through this recorded webinar, delving deep into the art of repurposing historic industrial structures while preserving their intrinsic character and significance. The webinar elucidates the multifaceted nature of adaptive reuse, showcasing how these architectural marvels can seamlessly transition from relics of the past to catalysts for future innovation. Through examination of sustainability, community engagement, and architectural prowess, participants are invited to witness the convergence of tradition and modernity. Navigate through a landscape of sustainability, community engagement, and architectural ingenuity as the webinar unpacks the essential elements

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