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  • Οδηγός Εκπαιδευτικών και Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό για την Προσαρμογή στην Κλιματική Αλλαγή

    This educational toolkit, on the subject of adaptation to Climate Change, can be used as additional material in classes or in environmental education programmes. The material is addressed to primary and secondary school teachers and aims to provide them with the necessary knowledge and tools to integrate this important topic into the school curriculum. The first part of the book is intended for teachers of primary and secondary schools. It provides the theoretical framework around the concepts of climate change, mitigation and adaptation. After presenting the drivers and consequences of

    Copyright management guidelines for cultural heritage institutions

    The Copyright management guidelines for cultural heritage institutions highlight the steps an organisation can take towards the ultimate goal of developing a harmonised approach to copyright management. They focus on establishing adequate workflows to deal with copyright in collection management, providing sufficient copyright support or knowledge and integrating copyright needs in activities and projects. The guidelines are designed to aid everyone who works in cultural heritage organisations to help their institutions to develop robust and harmonised approaches to copyright management. They can be your aid in project planning, in strategy

    An Overview of Germanic Grisailles through the Stained-Glass Collection at Pena Palace

    The article explores the composition and characteristics of Germanic grisailles in stained glass from the 14th to 19th centuries. Through a detailed analysis of panels from different regions and time periods, the study reveals a shift in materials used, with copper-rich pigments dominating in the 18th century. The research addresses the lack of studies on the characterization of Germanic grisailles and provides valuable insights into the technology and production of these glass paints. By utilising techniques such as micro-particle-induced X-ray emission analysis, the study differentiates between glass types and colourants

    Heritage in Action 2022: South East Europe Special

    Discover the rich heritage of Europe and its significance with Europa Nostra’s annual magazine, Heritage in Action. The 2022 edition focuses on the heritage field in South East Europe. Many sites and monuments in this region are under threat of uncontrolled development, bad decisions, lack of regulations, and even corruption. Thousands of professionals and volunteers work tirelessly to safeguard heritage with very little official support. This edition gathers many surprising stories of dedication and perseverance under difficult circumstances. It allows readers to travel from prehistoric times to the modern era,

    A reutilização do património industrial de Marvila. Os usos atuais e a preservação da memória do trabalho fabril

    Lisbon’s buildings reveal the history of the city’s development, composing an urban landscape that includes different architectural styles and significant examples of heritages. In the neighborhood of Marvila, located in the eastern part of the capital, several buildings announce the memory of a period recognized for its profound social and urban changes: Portuguese industrialization and its consolidation in the 19th century. Society and its way of life became more accelerated, mechanical and architecture turned to functionality, recognized by factories and their sober volumes built with resistant materials. Today, the heritage

    Proposta de Plano Estratégico de Cooperação Cultural Multilateral da CPLP (2022 – 2026)

    This document outlines the Proposed Strategic Plan for Multilateral Cultural Cooperation within the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) for the period 2022-2026. It emphasises the importance of cultural unity and collaboration among member states, focusing on promoting intercultural exchange, capacity building, and gender equality in the cultural sector. The plan is structured around strategic objectives, including fostering dialogue, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting creative industries. Implementation of the plan will require close coordination between the CPLP Secretariat and relevant stakeholders, with an emphasis on strategic management and monitoring to

    Proposta de Plano de Ação de Cooperação Cultural Multilateral da CPLP (2022 – 2024)

    This plan of action outlines various projects and initiatives within the Cultural sector of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP). It highlights the establishment of a community system for the temporary import and export of cultural goods among CPLP countries. Additionally, it projects that support will be provided for the mobility of artists, authors, and cultural agents within the CPLP space. Furthermore, efforts will be made to enhance coordination and information sharing among entities responsible for cultural activities supervision in CPLP countries. A study will be conducted on the

    Πέντε Νησιά του Νοτίου Αιγαίου. Η ένταξή τους στα 7 υπό απειλή της Europa Nostra. Πρακτικά και Συμπεράσματα

    This publication includes the presentations from the webinar which was held by ELLINIKI ETAIREIA -Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage about the “Five Southern Aegean Islands” listed among the “7 Most Endangered” heritage sites in Europe for 2021. The islands are: Amorgos, Kimolos, Kithira, Sikinos and Tinos (four of which are part of the Cycladic complex). The webinar was structured in three parts/sessions:In the first session of the webinar, the importancen of preserving cultural and natural landscapes was highlighted. Τhe multi-layered landscape of the islands, admired by people from

    Five Southern Aegean Islands Listed among the 7 MOST ENDANGERED sites by Europa Nostra

    This publication includes the presentations from the webinar which was held by ELLINIKI ETAIREIA -Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage about the “Five Southern Aegean Islands” listed among the “7 Most Endangered” heritage sites in Europe for 2021. The islands are: Amorgos, Kimolos, Kithira, Sikinos and Tinos (four of which are part of the Cycladic complex). The webinar was structured in three parts/sessions:In the first session of the webinar, the importancen of preserving cultural and natural landscapes was highlighted. Τhe multi-layered landscape of the islands, admired by people from

    Sustainable urban regeneration: the role of cultural heritage in Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES)

    It is widely acknowledged that in the last few decades, culture has been playing an increasing role in urban regeneration. However, particularly in the realm of urban policy, the understanding of what culture is seems to be too narrow, often excluding vernacular culture. Why should vernacular culture be incorporated into urban policy and can it effectively contribute to the promotion of urban regeneration? This case study focuses on Marvila and Beato (in Lisbon, Portugal), two parishes that share an industrial past and that were neglected in recent decades, but that

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