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  • Soft Power and Cultural Relations Approaches in International Heritage Protection

    This report analyses how, and to what extent, international heritage protection approaches can be understood from soft power and cultural relations perspectives. It compares the United Kingdom’s cultural heritage protection approaches globally to those of the United States, the Netherlands, and Norway. The quantitative analysis in the report demonstrates that although some aspects of cultural relations and soft power are mutually exclusive, there is also a significant overlap between the two approaches. The overlap between cultural relations and various forms of diplomacy can both strengthen and challenge foreign policy establishments

    Get inspired! Culture: a driver for health and wellbeing in the EU

    Explore the transformative power of culture in enhancing health and well-being across the European Union through a comprehensive examination of various initiatives and projects. Delve into the intersection of art, psychology, music, and care for Alzheimer’s patients, showcasing how these diverse fields converge to benefit citizens’ lives. Discover the profound impact of culture on mental health and the initiatives driving policy changes at EU, national, regional, and local levels. Uncover the insights from the CultureForHealth report, shedding light on the connections between culture and health, subjective well-being, community well-being, and

    Tuning in to the ancestral technology of listening

    In the third volume of the “Art and Community” notebooks series published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, journalist Vanessa Rodrigues compiles the reflections of the international conference “Building Capacities: rethinking the social value of culture”, hosted at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on 6 June 2022, in partnership with the European project Traction. Divided into seven chapters, the notebook summarises the ideas and practices discussed at the conference, reflects on experiences encountered, and emphasises “the social value of culture in building community capacities”, where discourse, action and civic participation shape policy

    Privilegiar a tecnologia ancestral da escuta

    In the third volume of the “Art and Community” notebooks series published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, journalist Vanessa Rodrigues compiles the reflections of the international conference “Building Capacities: rethinking the social value of culture”, hosted at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on 6 June 2022, in partnership with the European project Traction. Divided into seven chapters, the notebook summarises the ideas and practices discussed at the conference, reflects on experiences encountered, and emphasises “the social value of culture in building community capacities”, where discourse, action and civic participation shape policy

    New approaches for the study of faience using beads from Southern Portugal

    A collection of 30 faience beads recovered from the Iron Age necropolis of Vinha das Caliças 4 (Beja, Portugal) was analysed in order to identify their production technology and provide insights into their possible provenance. The multi-analytical approach employed, combining laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), variable pressure scanning electron microscope coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (VP-SEM-EDS) and micro-X-ray diffraction (μ-XRD), highlights the difficulties that arise from the analysis of weathered faience objects, and which are augmented by their intrinsic heterogeneous nature. VP-SEM-EDS analysis and LA-ICP-MS mapping

    O lugar da memória: Requalificação e musealização de locais simbólicos da ditadura portuguesa

    This thesis focuses on contemporary processes of requalification, musealization, or appropriation of a set of buildings associated with the Portuguese dictatorship, that lasted from 1926 to 1974. Based on ethnographic research conducted between 2016 and 2019, Joana Miguel Martins Santos de Almeida analyses the contemporary uses of the former Aljube prison and the subdelegation and prison of the political police in Porto, where the Aljube Museum Resistance and Freedom, and the Military Museum of Porto are currently located, as well as its national headquarters in Lisbon, requalified in democracy as

    ‘Beneath the storyline’: analysing the role and importance of filmin the preservation and development of Scottish heritage sites

    This article delves into the increasing integration of popular culture within the management of cultural heritage sites across Scotland. It explores how heritage professionals navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by a rising number of film and television productions seeking to use these sites as locations. Through in-depth interviews with fifteen professionals from diverse management levels and locations, the article identifies three primary approaches shaping the presentation and preservation of Scottish heritage. One approach highlighted is the utilitarian perspective, which underscores the economic benefits of accommodating filming at heritage sites.

    A conservação e restauro numa estratégia integrada de salvaguarda do património cultural – contexto atual e perspetivas de futuro

    This Keynote speech describes a paradigm shift in concepts and political action in the cultural heritage sector, particularly visible in the guidelines and recommendations issued by the European Commission or the Council of the European Union. It acknowledges that, even though the legal framework and decisions relating to the management of cultural heritage are a responsibility of each member state, these European guidelines and recommendations inspire, promote and call for changes in mentality, purpose and the revision of current legal frameworks, areas of action, including funding vectors. In addition, it

    Exploring and considering best practice for linking climate change remediation measures with cultural protection

    This research paper explores best practice in protecting heritage against the effects of climate change, with a particular focus on East Africa. A team of three researchers; June Taboroff, Pierre Couté and Peeyush Chaturvedi, reviewed publications and policies on heritage and climate change, conducted interviews with a range of experts including British Council staff in East Africa and researched some best practice work in heritage protection projects. The report highlights this very urgent issue of heritage at risk due to climate change, explores the existing discourse and actions and, focussing

    State of the field report on media literacy supported by AV collections

    The “State of the Field Report on Media Literacy Supported by AV Collections” offers an overview of the use of heritage audiovisual (AV) materials in education through the lens of media literacy. This report describes the barriers, opportunities and good practices for using archival AV material to support the development of media literacy. It is the intention of the report is to present the perspective of all interested parties – teachers, educators, students and owners of AV collections. The report is based on data gathered through various research methods: desk

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