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  • The Susceptibility to Salt Fog Degradation of Stone Cladding Materials: A Laboratory Case Study on Two Limestones from Portugal

    The article investigates the susceptibility of two Portuguese limestones, Moleanos (MO) and Semi-Rijo (SR), to salt fog degradation for enhancing stone selection methods in sustainable stone facades. Salt weathering is a significant factor in the deterioration of stonework, facades, and masonry. The study focused on analysing salt fog decay cycles to improve stone-cladding dimensioning practices. Results indicated that salt fog exposure caused weight loss, increased porosity, and mechanical decay in both limestones. Flexural strength notably decreased in MO and SR after exposure to salt fog. Microscopic analysis revealed that salt

    Policy Brief: Towards community-focused cultural heritage institutions in the digital realm

    This is a set of policy recommendations designed to assist cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) in fulfilling their public mission in the digital realm. Its goal is to further the democratic and community-focused digital transformation of CHIs, and to support access to, and the reusability of, digital cultural heritage. The brief was authored by inDICEs, a Horizon 2020 research project that aims to empower decision-makers in the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) to understand the social, economic and environmental impact of digitisation in their sectors and to address the need for

    Culture and Cultural Heritage: A key asset for sustainable development and transition in cities

    This briefing paper explores the pivotal role of culture and cultural heritage in driving sustainable urban development in Europe. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of culture, heritage, and sustainable development, highlighting the potential for cultural dimensions to shape ecological transition and foster mutual understanding. The report underscores the significance of including culture and heritage in just transition plans, promoting energy and resource efficiency in historic buildings, and supporting sustainable tourism approaches. It also advocates for the involvement of creative and craft actors, as well as the use of traditional building construction

    All Areas Access: A survey with D/deaf audience

    Three partners of the European project All Areas Access – Ausgang (IT), Acesso Cultura (PT) and Beit Company (BE) – carried out a survey among D/deaf people who attend concerts, either frequently or rarely. The survey aimed at understanding how they experience these events, what types of services would be useful to improve access for them and suggestions for future implementations and improvements. The majority of respondents were from Italy, with a significant portion from Portugal. Most respondents were in the 26-40 age group, and social media and specific channels

    All Areas Access: Um inquérito com públicos S/surdos

    Three partners of the European project All Areas Access – Ausgang (IT), Acesso Cultura (PT) and Beit Company (BE) – carried out a survey among D/deaf people who attend concerts, either frequently or rarely. The survey aimed at understanding how they experience these events, what types of services would be useful to improve access for them and suggestions for future implementations and improvements. The majority of respondents were from Italy, with a significant portion from Portugal. Most respondents were in the 26-40 age group, and social media and specific channels

    Manual para um Recrutamento Inclusivo

    This Performart publication is a working tool that presents in a very clear way the factors that lead to under-representation, discrimination or exclusion, and acts as a multi-step guide, from the creation of the recruitment advert, through the application and interview processes and the working environment. The document emphasises the critical need for promoting diversity and inclusion within the cultural sector, specifically focusing on the theatre industry. It underscores the importance of addressing discrimination based on factors such as race, gender, and disability to ensure equal opportunities for individuals from

    Cultura e Desenvolvimento Local: Maximizar o Impacto

    “Culture and local development: maximising the impact: A guide for local governments, communities and museums” discusses the crucial role of museums in local economic development and their impact on communities. It highlights the importance of museums in promoting social and economic benefits, emphasising their potential to contribute to local development strategies. The Museu de Lisboa was involved in the creation of the original version of the document, which serves as a guide for museums and authorities to redefine strategies and enhance collaboration. Frst published by OCDE and here translated to

    10+1 | Acesso, participação e democracia cultural: visões e experiências

    On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, Acesso Cultura interviewed ten cultural organisations and colleagues with whom it has collaborated in different ways and compiled them in this publication. Their work provides food for thought on access, participation and cultural democracy in Portugal. To these 10 interviews, Acesso Cultura added one conversation with Ben Evans, Director of Arts and Disability at the British Council, who brings us an international context for this reflection – and, above all, for action. This document highlights the efforts of Acesso Cultura in promoting clear

    DE-BIAS – Detecting and cur(at)ing harmful language in cultural heritage collections

    Cultural heritage institutions in Europe and beyond have been undertaking work to describe and catalogue the historical objects in their collections for decades. However, once created, catalogue data are rarely updated to reflect changes in language and society. As a result, many object and collection descriptions that once fit into popular social narratives now convey outdated views that not only ignore and therefore alienate a wide range of people, but in some cases use language that is offensive, inappropriate or even harmful. The DE-BIAS project aims to promote a more

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