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  • The Legacy of Collective Memory in Digital Culture: Digitisation, Cultural Mapping and Co-Creation

    The article discusses the challenges and responsibilities of digital humanities, focusing on preserving memory, valuing heritage, and promoting knowledge dissemination. It emphasizes the importance of the “Memória para Todos” program, which aims to collect, share, and preserve memories while utilising digital tools for multidisciplinary research. The article highlights the need for open science practices to ensure responsible research conduct and enhance transparency in scientific endeavors. It also addresses the significance of proper infrastructure for organizing and sharing digital information effectively, advocating for universal accessibility to digital heritage. Overall, the article

    Declaració de Barcelona sobre la preservació i la promoció dels establiments comercials emblemàtics

    The Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of Emblematic Commercial Establishments in Europe, signed in Barcelona on March 7, 2023, highlights the collaborative efforts of cities to preserve and enhance iconic commercial sites. It emphasizes the need for a common roadmap supported by European and international institutions to address challenges and promote sustainability. The declaration urges advancing its objectives through an annual action plan to evaluate achievements in various measures. Recognizing the significance of UNESCO conventions and the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, the declaration aligns with sustainable development goals, emphasizing

    Paving the Way for Climate Neutral and Resilient Historic Districts

    This report, based on the results of the Horizon 2020 projects ARCH, HYPERION, and SHELTER, presents recommendations and strategies for enhancing the resilience of historic urban districts in Europe in the face of climate change and other challenges. Focused on the impact of climate change on urban areas, particularly historic districts, it highlights the vital role these areas play in fostering identity, social cohesion, innovation, and urban regeneration. As Europe’s population predominantly resides in cities, preserving the cultural heritage of historic districts becomes imperative for sustainable urban development and climate

    A cultural tranformation story in Wrocław

    If a city prioritises having a rich cultural scene is it also more sustainable? Are nature and culture a match made in heaven? This podcast features, Katarzyna Roj, a program manager curator, editor and author at a city-supported gallery in the Polish city of Wrocław, to find the answers. Katarzyna focuses on the dissemination of issues relating to socially responsible design, resiliency, and the use of design tools as a response to the climate crisis. She is also the curator of an educational space and gallery inspired by the tradition

    Climate-Responsive Opportunities and Challenges in Urban Vernacular Heritage

    In response to today’s contemporary challenge regarding how to tackle the effects of climate change in heritage environments, natural ventilation arises as a compatible, low-cost and environmentally friendly passive cooling strategy for the Mediterranean climate. However, an identified research gap concerns the lack of studies addressing data from both the urban and building scales. An innovative, multi-scale approach is introduced in this research, through the study of airflow on the neighbourhood, street canyon and building scales, which is then evaluated using field measurements. The effect of urban density and street-canyon

    Changements climatiques et patrimoine culturel en Suisse

    This document explores the impacts of climate change on Switzerland’s cultural heritage, focusing on both built and buried heritage. Switzerland is experiencing a significant rise in temperatures, which is already affecting its cultural sites. These changes, including increased temperatures, altered humidity, and more frequent extreme weather events, pose risks to the stability and conservation of historical buildings, archaeological sites, and materials used in construction. The document highlights specific impacts on various materials. For instance, porous inorganic materials like masonry and mortars are at risk of accelerated deterioration due to more

    Cultural Deal EU Statement: A Central Place for Culture in Europe’s Future

    This statement calls on the European Union to place culture at the heart of its political vision and ambition. Launched in 2020 by Culture Action Europe, European Cultural Foundation, Europa Nostra, the campaign puts forward specific suggestions for the European Union to mainstream culture in its key policies. Endorsed by thousands of organisations, individuals, and 110 European cultural networks, the Cultural Deal for Europe (CDEU) initiative became instrumental for setting the symbolic goal of 2% for culture in national recovery and resilience plans and, in turn, mobilising and securing an

    The role of conservation policies in local understandings of heritage in living heritage places: a Greek testimony

    This paper critically examines the often top-down, expert-driven, and state-centred approaches to heritage conservation, despite the recognised importance of local community involvement. By focusing on the lived heritage of traditional Greek settlements, it explores how these conservation policies impact local perceptions of heritage. The paper argues that without carefully balancing preservation priorities with the living aspects of heritage, conservation policies can negatively influence local notions of heritage. Through an analysis of the pragmatic effects of heritage conservation policies on local understandings, the research highlights the potential for these policies to

    Conservador-restaurador: perfil e competências

    The document outlines the responsibilities of Conservator-Restorers in Portugal, emphasising the need for proper qualifications and experience and serves as a benchmark for a future legislative process that could include the figure of the conservator-restorer as the professional responsible for interventions in cultural heritage. Conservator-Restorers are required to engage in preventive conservation, curative conservation, and restoration of cultural heritage. Their tasks include conducting diagnostic examinations, developing conservation plans, proposing restoration interventions, and documenting all processes. Preventive conservation aims to delay deterioration and prevent damage to cultural heritage by implementing actions

    Personal adornments in West-Central Africa—the case study of a talc bead from the Kongo Kingdom (Mbanza Kongo Angola)

    The article delves into the significant discovery of a mustard-gold-coloured talc bead in Lumbu, Angola, which suggests local production within the historical Kongo kingdom. This finding is particularly noteworthy as it sheds light on the craft specialisation for personal adornment that has been prevalent in central and southern Africa since prehistoric times. The talc bead’s unique characteristics, such as heavy rare earth element (REE) enrichment, negative Ce-anomalies, and positive La-anomalies, indicate specific geological origins and provide insights into the geological context of its formation. Furthermore, the study reveals that talc

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