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  • Uncovering stories: uniting communities

    This article explores the Collections of Ghent initiative, which aims to make cultural heritage more accessible and engaging. The initiative involves digitising personal and neighbourhood stories to enrich the city’s cultural heritage. It focuses on breaking down institutional silos and creating an open infrastructure to enable easy access to the city’s entire cultural heritage collection. The CoGhent Box, a high-tech travelling museum, plays a significant role in engaging residents in digitising, sharing, and contributing to cultural heritage. The project also stimulates creative reuse of its collection of data beyond the

    How Creative Europe aims to go green

    Embark on a transformative journey with insights into how the Creative Europe programme is taking bold steps to align with the European Union’s climate change goals. This ground-breaking study, commissioned by the European Commission in 2021, delves into the strategies and recommendations to enhance the sustainability of the Creative Europe Programme while fostering environmental awareness within the cultural and creative sectors. Cultural and creative activities emerge as potent agents for facilitating a transition to a green economy, prompting the programme’s commitment to achieving carbon-neutrality. The study, “Greening the Creative Europe

    Os museus da Rede Portuguesa de Museus em 2022

    This report proposes to analyse the evolution of the number of museums in the Rede Portuguesa de Museus (Portuguese Network of Museums) from 2001 to 2022, shedding light on the integrations and cancellations of museums within the network. The distribution of museums by tutelage is also explored, with a focus on those under public tutelage. Additionally, the document lists the names of some of the museums that are part of the RPM, providing a tangible representation of the network’s composition. Furthermore, the report discusses the creation of a group dedicated

    Livelihoods as everyday heritage: urban redevelopment, heritagediscourses and marketplace trade in Moore Street, Dublin

    This paper examines the global threat to traditional markets amid urban renewal efforts focused on specific forms of economic development. These efforts often use design-led placemaking and built heritage policy as tools for local, regional, and national development, leading to the economic instrumentalisation of urban heritage. The paper presents an alternate conceptualisation through a case study of Moore Street market in Dublin, Ireland. The study interprets heritage as a dynamic interplay of activity, place, and time, emphasizing traditional livelihood building through market trading as a form of ‘everyday heritage’ that

    La lista roja de Hispania Nostra

    Explore the vibrant realm of cultural heritage preservation through an engaging webinar orchestrated by Hispania Nostra, catering to professionals and enthusiasts in the field. This insightful session aims to introduce the Red List tool to a broader audience, highlighting its significance in safeguarding our shared cultural legacy. With a strong emphasis on civil engagement, the webinar fosters a community committed to preserving cultural heritage, advocating for collaboration with NGOs to amplify awareness and promote collective action. During the webinar, attendees delve into the intricacies of the Red List, alongside its

    Litteras arena conspergere. Uncovering blotting sands on the Portuguese Inquisition documents

    The article focuses on the analysis of blotting sands found in Portuguese Inquisition documents from the period of 1551-1800. Blotting sands were used to hasten the drying process of ink by increasing the liquid ink surface area. The study conducted by researchers M. Nunes, G.W. Martins, J. Sarraguça, F. Olival, and P. Moita utilised a combination of image analysis, SEM/EDS, and μ-Raman techniques, along with statistical and chemometric analyses, to characterise the blotting sands. The findings of the study revealed that the sands were predominantly medium-sized, well-rounded, and composed mainly

    El enoturismo como catalizador de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible: un análisis aplicado a la industria vinícola española

    Delve into the transformative potential of wine tourism as a key driver in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across European heritage regions. This comprehensive study underscores the pivotal role of wine tourism in fostering sustainable development, drawing on its ability to leverage experiential tourism, promote local gastronomy, preserve heritage, and stimulate economic growth within wine-producing areas. Through an in-depth analysis using the case method, the study showcases how wine tourism positively impacts various dimensions of the SDGs outlined by the United Nations. From enhancing health and promoting gender equality

    Democracia Cultural e Políticas Públicas: o papel do associativismo popular

    The issue of cultural democracy and the importance of grassroots associations and the public policies that could consolidate it are central challenges for the deepening of Portuguese society and democracy. Published in the journal Análise Associativa, this introductory article aims to open up research horizons on the relationship between what is enshrined in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic in relation to culture as a public good, owned by and for all, and the means for its effective realisation, namely through grassroots associations and appropriate public policies. Although the objectives

    Da Salvaguarda à Valorização: Os Monumentos Nacionais de Portugal e a Abertura ao Público em 2021

    The report presents the findings of the Portuguese Observatory of Cultural Activities’ fourth inquiry into National Monuments of Portugal, with data for 2021. It aims to update the series of statistics on public use and access, visitors and human resources at visitable National Monuments in Portugal and to characterise the situation of National Monuments in relation to World Heritage. The questionnaire was updated with regard to the possibility of the National Monument receiving visits and also with regard to its non-cultural use. The study revealed that the majority of National

    Para melhores condições remuneratórias no sector da conservação e restauro

    The document discusses the challenges faced by professionals in the conservation and restoration sector in Portugal, particularly regarding low remuneration levels. Surveys conducted by the Professional Association of Conservators-Restorers (ARP) in 2020 and 2022 highlighted the disparity between the skills possessed by professionals and their inadequate pay, leading to a high rate of professionals leaving the field. The surveys aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the sector’s dynamics, emphasising the need for improved remuneration to retain skilled workers. Efforts are being made to address this issue, with proposals for

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