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  • Libro Verde para la gestión sostenible del patrimonio cultural

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Green paper on the Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage

    This book explores the sustainable management of cultural heritage, focusing on the use of new technologies, the democratization of knowledge, and the challenges and strategies related to the preservation and promotion of Spanish and European heritage. It addresses the need to adapt communication methods to different target audiences, emphasizing the importance of effective dissemination and the accessibility of information, offering the norms and regulations that rule the legal framework in both the Spanish and European case. The report highlights the role of traditional practices and knowledge in contributing to environmental

    Cor e Técnica na Cerâmica de Revestimento Medieval: o Caso dos Ladrilhos Cistercienses do Mosteiro de Alcobaça

    The article discusses the analysis of glazed tiles from the Alcobaça Monastery in Portugal, showcasing innovative Islamic technology in Christian pavements. The study involved examining 28 glazed tile samples using microscopy and µ-PIXE, with SEM-EDS analysis on 11 samples to map elemental distribution. The findings revealed a color palette of blue, brown, and various shades of green achieved through a mix of tin oxide, copper oxide, and iron oxide in lead glazes. The green glazes specifically contained copper oxide and tin oxide for color variation. These tiles are believed to

    Abstinência alimentar: uma opção ou uma regra?: O que nos dizem as análises de isótopos estáveis sobre a dieta das clarissas do Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha de Coimbra

    The article “Abstinência alimentar: uma opção ou uma regra?” focuses on analysing stable isotopes in human skeletons from Santa Clara-a-Velha Monastery to investigate the diet of the clarisses from the 14th to 17th centuries. The study involved 28 skeletons, with isotopic values indicating a diet primarily based on terrestrial foods like C3 plants and terrestrial protein, with possible inclusion of marine or freshwater resources and some C4 plants. The community at the monastery had a diverse diet rich in animal protein, deviating from traditional food abstinence rules, likely due to

    Unveiling the Effectiveness of Innovative Commercial Coatings Used for the Preservation of Natural Stone—A Contribution

    The article focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of innovative commercial coatings for preserving natural stone. The study tested four different coatings on various lithotypes to assess their performance against UV radiation, water exposure, and microbial activity. The research aimed to address the challenges associated with stone deterioration and contribute to heritage preservation efforts. One of the key findings of the study was that coating 3, which consisted of an aqueous suspension of TiO2 in an acrylic polymer, demonstrated the best ability to maintain the original colour of the stones after

    Paint, Colour, and Style: The Contribution of Minerals to the Palette of the Descent from the Cross, Attributed to the Portuguese Painter Francisco João (act. 1558–1595)

    The article delves into an in-depth analysis of the materials and techniques utilised in a painting attributed to the Portuguese mannerist painter Francisco João. Through meticulous examination, a diverse palette of pigments was uncovered, including lead white, lead-tin yellow, minium, vermilion, ochres of various hues, and umber. The investigation involved the identification of vermilion by detecting mercury associated with sulfur, as well as the characterisation of red lake dyestuffs in organic pigments using HF 2M extraction and HPLC methods. Notably, smalt was identified as a blue pigment through elemental analysis,

    Heritage Conversations: Heritage and Society. The Experience of Central Europe

    Cultural heritage is not simply the collective stock of a given culture’s material assets. It also includes our memory and identity, making it vitally important for society. Heritage is people: its creators, interpreters, and users. Herein lies the key to discussing the dynamic process of creating and reinterpreting heritage, as well as of protecting and valorising it. People are the owners of cultural heritage and it is up to us, and not to a narrowly defined group of experts, to define its meaning and value. In this sense, as well

    Salvare il Passato – Delineare il Futuro: Dieci anni a servizio della tutela del patrimonio culturale europeo Programma “I sette più a rischio”, 2013-2023

    Discover the transformative impact of the 7 Most Endangered programme, a collaborative initiative between Europa Nostra and the European Investment Bank Institute, in preserving and revitalising Europe’s cultural heritage. Over the past decade, this programme has successfully identified and supported 56 endangered monuments and sites across 31 European countries. The selection process involves a comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment by heritage and technical experts, considering the potential for sustainable socio-economic development. The programme’s cohesive power has been instrumental in connecting European people and communities, contributing to economic growth, and enhancing resilience to

    Ratowanie Przeszłości – Kształtowanie Przyszłości: Dziesięciolecie działań na rzecz ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego Europy Program „7 Most Endangered”, 2013–2023

    Discover the transformative impact of the 7 Most Endangered programme, a collaborative initiative between Europa Nostra and the European Investment Bank Institute, in preserving and revitalising Europe’s cultural heritage. Over the past decade, this programme has successfully identified and supported 56 endangered monuments and sites across 31 European countries. The selection process involves a comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment by heritage and technical experts, considering the potential for sustainable socio-economic development. The programme’s cohesive power has been instrumental in connecting European people and communities, contributing to economic growth, and enhancing resilience to

    Preservar el Pasado – Forjar el Futuro: Diez años de protección del patrimonio cultural europeo Programa de los 7 lugares más amenazados, 2013-2023

    Discover the transformative impact of the 7 Most Endangered programme, a collaborative initiative between Europa Nostra and the European Investment Bank Institute, in preserving and revitalising Europe’s cultural heritage. Over the past decade, this programme has successfully identified and supported 56 endangered monuments and sites across 31 European countries. The selection process involves a comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment by heritage and technical experts, considering the potential for sustainable socio-economic development. The programme’s cohesive power has been instrumental in connecting European people and communities, contributing to economic growth, and enhancing resilience to

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