ROCK Circle

ROCK stands for Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities. This European funded project focuses on historic city centres as extraordinary laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage can be a powerful engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth for the whole city.

ROCK believes that cultural heritage should not be static, a vestige of the past only to be preserved, but can be a driving force to bring a new creative energy to cities. Using the past can help build urban futures.

The project relies on a “circular model” as an integrated vision of urban regeneration. This circular model is based on 6 connected pillars: creative, cultural, regeneration, knowledge, security and green circles that interconnect to draw the future of cities.

The cultural model is a continuous effort to recognize the city and its transformations as a heritage and common good in which all the actors that interact with urban transformations are evolved with varying degrees of responsibility and awareness. A common cultural past unites communities and empowers people to imagine a shared future. A concrete goal emerges from ROCK’s central concept, the co-design of actions to create the city’s future in a collaborative way.

Heritage Preservation
ROCK Project, Comune di Bologna
Cultural Heritage, Circular Tourism, Energy Efficiency, Green Transition, Preservation, Sustainbale economic development, City promotion, community involvement
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